Disagree. I do not think it is because they are morons. Sadly, some of them are highly intelligent. I think this is evidence of wanton disregard for any rules or laws and they think they can simply do anything they want without repercussion. And why wouldn’t they, Trump was re-elected in spite of J6
They're either genuinely incompetent, or it was yet another example of Trump using leaks, which he has always done. Even if it was intentional, it doesn't make it any less stupid. They're up to so much evil and destruction so fast that it could have been an intentional distraction.
Maybe we need to focus less on their incompetence and more on the really horrific things they are doing in plain sight. I hope everyone comes out to protest on April 5th. Find a protest near you or a way to support them from wherever you are @indivisible.org
Anyone who has been in the military or handled PM material in any capacity, will have seen this cavalier attitude from supposed leaders who think they know better.
Intelligence is often telling you exactly how many M&M’s are in the jar, yet being unable to get the lid off.
Oh I could not disagree more. I think it is absolutely moronic to say stupidity.
You should be afraid and demanding to know how deep the hole goes. We should be asking about more chats, we should be demanding more.
These people skirted the Preservation Act. What else are they hiding?
Exactly. They operate like they’re untouchable, making backroom deals and hiding behind secrecy. The fact that they deliberately avoid leaving a paper trail tells you everything—you don’t hide what you’re proud of.
It's worse than that. Adding the reporter, and thinking they'd not get caught - that's moronic.
But they didn't just use Signal out of stupidity. It was a very deliberate effort to circumvent FOIA. They didn't want there to be any record of what was said, by whom, to whom, or who is involved.
This!!! Calling it stupid completely undermines the nefarious nature of it all! They are conducting significant government business on essentially a burner app. Think of what else is going on there. When this is all over, there will be no evidence to gather a case against them.
I agree with everything you said, but this wasn’t a plan that was illegal or even remotely controversial. American public would fully support the bombing of terrorists.
This thing wasn’t like Reagan’s trading arms for hostages, & if it were I could see why they would use Signal. This was stupidity!
The problem isn't the plan. Not many people would object to the bombing of Houthi terrorists and pirates.
The problem is disseminating specific battle plans, including force information and launch and attack times and locations - because it very much endangers your own servicemen.
It's an overall strategy - to avoid anything being used for evidence later, or having to answer for it, or having it used against you in the public arena...
They do bad things and frequently tell lies and want to avoid being caught red handed.
Hey, sorry, I was referring to their use of the app, instead of the usual secure government lines of communication - seemingly to keep things out of archive - and suggesting that this, in it self, is nefarious. I wasn’t saying this particular conversation indicated anything nefarious in content.
Stupid and evil are not mutually exclusive. Somebody smarter convinced them to use it, wet need to figure out who and convince the stupid they can no longer trust them.
Dishonorable people. Every one is cos-playing. Not following security protocols, going on tv calling journalists losers. Calling dems nasty names. It's insane.
Very stupid however the people behind the curtain picked Signal for a reason. The dumb ones just botched it. Don't just pay attention to the circus act watch the ringmasters.
Exactly. The real power isn’t with the clowns in the spotlight—it’s with the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes. The incompetence is a distraction; the real players know exactly what they’re doing.
Yes painfully obvious that your life my life our lives are all exposed to the biggest threats from China and Russia. The Mantra #FireThemAll must be driven & fulfilled for the sake of the Republic.
They’re high schoolers doing cosplay.
Their talent is texting, spewing word salads, trying to be influencers, and drinking. The texts were so revealing. Scary to know that our historically incompetent president has an equally shaky Nat sec team.
These are the guys that were always incompetent and no one wanted them, and now they finally have their day in the sun thinking they'll show everyone how really good they are - and are failing spectacularly because they really are incompetent.
and in the same vein, sd the 'stupid can't tell they're stupid' .... they all collectively dissed Europe, as being incompetent? And unable to properly defend themselves?
WOW. What timing for this comedy troup! They could NOT have made better faux pas!!!
They are basically spoiled entitled trust fund cos playing bro boys (think teenagers) sitting around playing Call of Duty on their Xbox and talking trash in the group chat putting actual military pilots at risk because Daddy will get them a job in the family business or through the old boy network.
that, and they are talking about things on signal that will disappear and it won't be part of government record because they are doing other illegal things
I’d love for people who went to middle or high school with these morons start sharing stories of when they were younger. I’m sure we’ll learn, they didn’t become idiots overnight. I’m sure they’ve always been the bottom of the barrel.
What are their excuses going to be the next time?
And then when it happens again after that?
Who are they going to blame, Biden?
Probably, yeah, they'll blame Biden.
They are morons…with the keys to the most powerful military in the history of the world. I hope this incident helps more people understand just how dangerous they are, and how important it is to pressure Congress and the courts to remove them by any legal means necessary. They are unfit.
The real takeaway here is that the ones in charge aren’t as clueless as they seem—they just use the idiots as cover. The corruption runs deep, and the real power players stay hidden while the public focuses on the circus.
I have my doubts. Hegseth himself said he made no mistake. There was a Trump cabinet member in Moscow on the call, which wouldn't have been possible going through proper channels. The even more simple explanation is that they're both stupid and Russian operatives.
With a Russian email address and a Russian burner phone connected to a proton email account, I think it's willful ignorance and incompetence to aid and abet the enemy...
The most obvious to me is that none of them adhere to rule of law, understand the need for policy & procedure, respect the safety of our military members. These people are worse than clowns.
That’s been my view for years with this lot. Every word they speak reinforces their obvious ignorance and stupidity, especially when you know in their head they think they’re saying something clever. Embarrassing for USA that they were elected at all.
They simply do not care. Trumpists will never held accountable. You might even riot and loot in the capitol and kill a police officer and be pardoned afterwards.
Genuinely stupid and malevolent. Using Signal which is hackable also clearly indicates a practice of secrecy and violation of Public Records Act. They know this and don’t care.
It’s a harsh reality. They’ve built systems around a belief of superiority, but in the end, it’s their own arrogance and ignorance that exposes them. The hypocrisy and entitlement are glaring. It’s the kind of "superiority" that crumbles under the weight of its own flaws.
It’s almost laughable—using Signal for "secure" conversations like it’s a secret bunker, but instead, it’s just a bunch of careless texts getting spilled everywhere. It’s like they didn’t even think about the consequences.
We could ask the pilots, tasked with this job of bombing, if they were put in danger due to the sharing of the information. Second, the people killed, do they think they could still be alive if they were on this signal call? Just a suggestion to all those who are confused.
They’re incompetent but corrupt. There are other threads pointing out that there’s Project 2025 training videos re: avoiding federal records procedures so that the FOIA cannot be used & they can avoid congressional subpoenas. Nothing to trace. This time they got caught.
Frankly, if I were in the military or have family members actively serving, I would not feel safe working and taking orders under their leadership. Obviously it should be concerning to all of us as it will lead to less national security but more directly it affects the military serving right now.
They are not properly trained before office, no experience in governing, just everyday joes who love Trump as only qualification. I hope they have well trained secretaries who can do what they don't understand. What did they think was going to happen when it was clear they had not experience
Civil war is the end goal for the fascists. That would provide an excuse to actually throw out the constitution and replace it with one more to their liking.
This regime of Spaceballs cosplayers is only in place to help push us there. They don't even realize that they are just bait.
Experience & qualifications aside, almost any average Joe taken off the street would have handled the recent security snafu better--based on common sense.
ALSO it easily could have tipped off the Houthis about an imminent attack- details & the "classification" of info does not matter-this could have tipped them off...because of reckless, moronic buffoons-yes.
If it’s true that they were obliged to install Signal on their phones and to use it for work, then that’s because someone (Putin?) wants to be able to access top secret information. Snopes et al., can you help?
When 2 competing hypotheses with *equal explanatory power*, choose the simpler. Malfeasance is as simple as incompetence & more explanatory because it includes the notable traitorous Russian agent angle of people like Witkoff & Hegseth & Proj’25 directive to evade gov’t comms oversight w Signal.
Their motivation to do illegal, unjustified and unconstitutional acts makes them worry more about hiding their tracks than protecting our national security.
The destructive capability of ‘The Stupid’ is terrifying on its own, but to know that level of stupid is a world power is cosmic horror levels of terrifying.
(Yes, I just used the word “conspiracy” understanding that it has all kinds of secondary, popular implications. But if the word’s actual definition works, then why not use it?)
Exactly! Real criminal masterminds and evil geniuses are NOT obvious. Despite all the click-bait-y posts about how the dark evil conspiracy or whatever, the fact is, we're just dealing with a bunch of dumbasses who happened to fall ass-backwards into the one line of work where a dumbass can thrive.
Exactly. Using Signal wasn’t just random—it was intentional because they knew they had something to hide. That’s not just incompetence; that’s calculated corruption.
Yeah, and the worst part is that even when it's exposed, there’s often little to no accountability. They just fumble their way through scandals, and somehow, the system lets them keep going.
Nope,tend to believe they KNEW EXACTLY WHAT THEY WERE DOING AS THEY HAVE ZERO Fucks to give they did anything WRONG.
They do not see America as the leader they are listening to.Their leader is PUTIN
You know Hanson’s Razor - “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence.” Tempting to think it applies here but these people are malicious AND incompetent.
I am deeply worried about current service members. There is no way I would allow any of my children to serve under this administration. Incompetence on full display.
The Signal app? Deliberate: no tracks for future historians to follow. Adding everyone? Small Hegseth feels bigger by having Secrets, so that's why Wiles/Miller/Bessent were included. Adding Witkoff to the chat while he was in Russia? Keeps Trump's ally in the loop.
The incompetence explains the journalist lad invited by mistake. However, the use of self-destructing messages is a deliberate ploy to hide their wrongdoings.
The worst thing about libertarians is not that they think they’re smarter than everybody else, it’s because, more times than not, they’re the dumbest fucks in the room.
Yes, they are stupid, but almost teh ruling DNA of MAGA is “I can do whatever I want, don’t tell me what to do”.
Don’t tell me what to say, what offends, how to evolve, what rules to follow or what laws apply to me.
Its why they are all such ASSHOLES
Posted earlier and often:
MAGA appointees to cabinet and agency posts and as ambassador, as well as WH Staff under illegitimate convicted felon 47, are required to be ignorant, unqualified, inexperienced, corrupt, criminal, and completely loyal. It helps if you're liars, family, or a billionaire.
Trump administration staples.
Intelligence is often telling you exactly how many M&M’s are in the jar, yet being unable to get the lid off.
no, they are genuinely stupid, incompetent, EVIL people
You should be afraid and demanding to know how deep the hole goes. We should be asking about more chats, we should be demanding more.
These people skirted the Preservation Act. What else are they hiding?
But they didn't just use Signal out of stupidity. It was a very deliberate effort to circumvent FOIA. They didn't want there to be any record of what was said, by whom, to whom, or who is involved.
A definite threat/ unacceptable risk to our service women and men!
This thing wasn’t like Reagan’s trading arms for hostages, & if it were I could see why they would use Signal. This was stupidity!
The problem is disseminating specific battle plans, including force information and launch and attack times and locations - because it very much endangers your own servicemen.
No point in being secretive to avoid FOIA because there was nothing nefarious about the mission
Were they just plain lazy (didn’t want to drive to secure area) or was this habit because of other shady stuff they do?
They do bad things and frequently tell lies and want to avoid being caught red handed.
1. Do as Trump/Musk say and kiss the ring.
2. Make their assigned department inoperable to justify privatization.
Donnie is a good student of Putin's ru$$ia.
Their talent is texting, spewing word salads, trying to be influencers, and drinking. The texts were so revealing. Scary to know that our historically incompetent president has an equally shaky Nat sec team.
Unfortunately, it’s not just that they’re morons or stunningly inept…
They are vicious in their lies, deflections, personal attacks and propaganda.
WOW. What timing for this comedy troup! They could NOT have made better faux pas!!!
Also a part of their stupidity.
And then when it happens again after that?
Who are they going to blame, Biden?
Probably, yeah, they'll blame Biden.
In their excitement to do evil, they are making mistakes. They're not incompetent. Stop saying that.
Donnie & the dummies
– Some Unqualified Moron
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Nation wide protest April 5th https://www.fiftyfifty.one
This regime of Spaceballs cosplayers is only in place to help push us there. They don't even realize that they are just bait.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
The Trump Team doesn't have that either.
1) uncaring, unthinking elitists who don’t think it matters how they talk because they are above the laws
2) stupid, lazy elitists who went the easiest way possible because the other ways take work and aren’t as “high quality”
3) they fired the good IT
They were circumventing FOIA and accountability.
They really are trying to divorce NATO and swing to Russia.
“Get me the newest and best quality {phone/laptop/video wall} now!”
Total disregard for all the protocols the lower level workers would have to go through.
U.S. voting is BUSTED.
Districts are GERRYMANDERED.
MONEY wins elections.
Fix it, and this shit ends … FOREVER.
Trump knows this, hence his EO to permanently break it.
THIS is in Project 2025.
They do not see America as the leader they are listening to.Their leader is PUTIN
It's the new normal.
The world should act accordingly.
And Waltz is just a moron.
...not the largest crisis we're facing this week.
I discuss the findings here: https://matthewkalmanmezey.substack.com/i/158200843/with-a-second-trump-presidency-the-search-for-a-first-competent-president-of-the-early-st-century-becomes-even-more-urgent
Don’t tell me what to say, what offends, how to evolve, what rules to follow or what laws apply to me.
Its why they are all such ASSHOLES
MAGA appointees to cabinet and agency posts and as ambassador, as well as WH Staff under illegitimate convicted felon 47, are required to be ignorant, unqualified, inexperienced, corrupt, criminal, and completely loyal. It helps if you're liars, family, or a billionaire.