Unpublished docs for review of mutual obligations / targeted compliance framework that form spine of employment services reveals the govt cannot be sure the system is legal or working. Review won't report until after election. ACOSS refers to Ombudsman. https://www.thesaturdaypaper.com.au/news/law-crime/2024/12/07/exclusive-jobseeker-payment-system-errors-prompt-review
Base UBI set at tax free threshold with tax free additions for disability / special needs etc.
The actual $ savings would be huge !
Top notch work, Rick!
The failure to punish #Robodebt crooks has given the go ahead to continue with this illegal practice .
“A study of the impacts of mutual obligation on 6,253 unemployed people showed that people who were not subjected to mutual obligations found work more quickly.”
A glass of red and a bottle of Belhven Ale will put it into perspective tonight 👌
I suggested that as you have done the review for him, that he should pay you accordingly.
MO and the TCF is cruel and a waste of everyone's time and money, imo.
For next time, typical Big4 consultancy spec =
30mins googling: $1000
30mins writing: $1000
6 months stalling so govt 'cant comment while inquiry ongoing': $498k
submit report to govt that already knows: free
10 years of STFU: $500k