Please Americans, if you’re going to do something, you need to move fast! At the rate Musk and his little techno-nazis are moving, in another couple of months it’ll be too late.⏰
The intelligent civilized and sober side is trying in a very thoughtful way. Man I wish I had a violent gene in me. Might leave this place. I prefer to pay my taxes in a competent country.
Yep, they all keep parroting their talking points, Fraud, Waste and Abuse, without providing any specifics. The American people should DEMAND to know EXACTLY why their SS, Medicaid, Medicare etc. are being stripped away from them. Provide proof of Muskovite’s DOGE findings or stop the insanity!
They are assholes stuck between a rock and a hard place. They'll have to move though if they don't want to be crushed. For now, Trump scares them more than us, but it changes. Slowly, but surely.
You are not wrong~ Project 2025 was formulated as a working document in 2020 and trump is referred in it as President Trump throughout the entire document. The lies I have read in it about public lands are deplorable. It is all about mineral mining, oil and gas exploration.
Unfortunately that failed twice already in a Democratic majority Congress. Now, unless the Republicans wake up, there will be no one to impeach him or prosecute him. The Supreme Court, remember, gave him immunity and people voted for him anyway.
It is a terrible situation, but we can try and win those special elections, give democrats a bit more power. MAGA are finally starting to smell the stench. Republicans get an earful of angry protests in many cities. At some point, they'll have to heed their constituents demands. Let's not lose hope.
And we need an underground resistance movement army, with males and females all colors, LBGTQs, disabled, willing to fight for our Constitution and freedom!
I'm in! I'm white, heterosexual, old and as ordinary as they come, sick too, but ready to help in any resistance possible to save this democracy I love!
You are almost right in your remarks, but go back to history to understand that soon after he consolidated his power His Nazi Forces turned on the gullible idealists that thought he was making a better Germany.
Trump will turn on the evangelicals, and others
Special elections. National strike and protest, and, if push comes to shove, federal tax resistance. We have the power. We need organize, not agonize like Nancy says! It takes too long, I agree, but sadly, too many are just waking up. We'll have it done! We have no choice.
Impeach Dotard then
Heritage Hillbilly takes over,Project2025 gets a steroid injection.
Impeach Heritage Hillbilly then Mammonite Mike Johnson takes over and Gilead for our future.
Are we screwed enough,yet?
Exactly! Let's scare them! There are 340,110,988 (as of July 2024) of US, take out the asses who voted for him, minus those who have buyers' remorse, and you can see who truly has the power. They don't stand a chance if we act together.
They’re cowards. Screwing their day-to-day might scare them enough, as long as they know the people are united against them. They should have to wait an hour for a cup of coffee, get parking tickets every day, have appointments canceled last minute. The shouldn’t get a moment of peace. Paranoia x10.
Nothing would surprise me in this day and age, i HOPE we dont have to endure this man for 4 more years, I dont hold any confidence in anybody who could affect a speedier departure of The Traitor Trump
It takes 2/3 majority to convict in House... There isn't the will in the House with his Sycophants.
If (by a Miricle) you convict... The Senate Punishes... Der Furrer was Convicted (impeached) twice before and the Senate patted him on the back when they could have BANNED him from OFFICE.
If musk rat was looking for fraud, he would have brought ACCOUNTANTS. Not programmers. The anti immigrant cult is backing a poly pharmaceutical junkie IMMIGRANT whacko Andrew tate wannabe with hair plugs and that glue is seeping into what brain he has left. Shows their intelligence and integrity.
This is not correct. Musk doesn't care about theocracy and doesn't really pretend to. Musk doesn't have enough money to start a colony on Mars and he's using the alliance he has with theocrats to make that money available.
I know. He's batshit crazy and addicted to so many drugs that I expect anything from him. I only hope he dies soon, because that's our only way out of his crap.
Right, because that's some that will make a realistic difference. Because Trump and the GOP famously have the utmost respect for due process, and not the full support of the Republican controlled House, Senate, SCOTUS, and DOJ and the Dems stopped every appointment.
Of course they don't. Many are true fascists, but many others are cowards afraid of Trump. What if they start being afraid of US? There is a real raw anger everywhere. We must not lose hope. What choice do we have?
Just sitting here drinking
my coffee and hoping for
AIRFORCE ONE to fall out
of the sky due to technical
gliches caused by brain
dead idiotic budget cuts.
We are tired of the programming in our own echo chamber. What are you trying to do update programming?
We type
You type
People still ain't getting it....
Your democracy has failed you.
Move on to the next response.
A lot of the #Project2025 & Federalist Society (incl SCOTUS) are Opus Dei or other extremist Catholics.
The day will likely come when those two religions don’t get along anymore, but right now they’re in cahoots.
The only solution before it is too late is to take them down
One by one
Trump will turn on the evangelicals, and others
It IS a coup.
And fElon is at the heart of it.
Heritage Hillbilly takes over,Project2025 gets a steroid injection.
Impeach Heritage Hillbilly then Mammonite Mike Johnson takes over and Gilead for our future.
Are we screwed enough,yet?
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That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
Government personnel:
Interesting users: - I
More interesting users: - II
If (by a Miricle) you convict... The Senate Punishes... Der Furrer was Convicted (impeached) twice before and the Senate patted him on the back when they could have BANNED him from OFFICE.
my coffee and hoping for
AIRFORCE ONE to fall out
of the sky due to technical
gliches caused by brain
dead idiotic budget cuts.