This is amazing to see !
Your doctor? Most doctors don’t even have much nutrition
Author was given papers from a sugar lobbying insidider:
The influence on NIH research was awful.
Kearns, C. E. et al(2015). Sugar industry influence on the scientific agenda of the NIH Dental Research’s 1971 Nation PLoS medicine, 12(3), e1001798
This doesn't prevent people from being obese, yet it's their choice to be such. Food is important and parents can't expect UPFs to be healthy.
The fact that our fellow humans did this to our children must be addressed
If nothing else let’s appeal to the greed of the lawyers who could make a fortune taking these inhumane companies to court
Just stay away from windows eh
America is so unhealthy so many are obese even kids, life expectancy is low compared to other countries.
This has to stop!
Best breakfast meal ever is 1 cup of rolled oats, pinch of salt 2-3 cups of good quality fresh water, simmer, stir and serve in a bowl.
My sister had ADHD growing up. My desperate mother turned to the Fiengold diet, which prohibited UPFs and nitrates. Huge difference.
Paging RFK (Jr)
Paging RFK (Jr)
(Or Dr. Bombay)
The American diet is at the root of many chronic metabolic diseases: obesity, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's (also known as “type 3 diabetes”), etc.
Yet, started an alt rx program.
I have a knack of telling ppl....
Mark, why did you run for President????!!!
Go buy it and tell me
The more processed a food is, the more unhealthy it is because stuff has been added to compensate ingredients (i.e added sugar, oils, fats, chemicals) to make up the gap.
Funny, a heroin IV user for 14 years and he trusted his drug dealers and he never questioned the drug dealers,
Medical Science Expertise?
Vaccines come from Medical Science Experts and he doesn’t trust them? Moron!
#Vaccines #GotPolioShot
#InaugurationBlackOut #USDemocracy
Too bad those of us who had our lungs ruined by our smoker parents never sued the tobacco companies.
Lobby the govt to regulate these Corporations.
and so
no relevent law
only political science
Europe is way ahead of North America.
Food safety ?
Crash testing for Tesla ?
Not needed !
Everything goes, especially for trump supporting corporations !
Clean coal will be a thing again.
Let me clarify:
What would be the preferred result of suing his parents?
Would the food industry change anything if the boy loses/wins?
And while ignorance is no excuse (parents), the point here is lobbyism and obscuring the danger of their products (industry).
His suit against his parents would be more realistic.
I see you grew up in a different generation and while big food corp has always been evil, the way they lie and obscure nowadays (low sugar, low fat, etc) with support of the FDA should be punished.
High fructose corn syrup needs to be eliminated from the American diet
"Big city kids" are fed with crap early on, which is more obvious in low income communities. High quality food is expensive while mac & cheese takes 5min, is cheap and makes full.
I don't expect this boy to succeed but maybe shit will change
Poor Education, the Medical system is broken (CEO got greedy) & purchased to exploit the stupid; Food industry has zero standards (SAD) profiting & marketing poor communities of color.
Oil company drove some of the leading science of the era only to publicly dismiss global heating (1/12/23)
In schools … I had my son’s school lunch food in 5th grade nutritionally tested. He never ate a school lunch again. Full of added sugar (even vegetables) and chemicals. My son was no longer allowed to eat school lunches. Look at what’s in their vending machines.
Have you ever tried a European Twix? 🤗 so tasty! You'll never eat an American Twix again.
be killed when Lena Conn is gone 🫡.
All big corps mentioned there are selling poison and the moment u get diabetes or cancer UHC is gonna deny your claims...