Reposted from
Hes legit the post below me in this thread lmao
Get the Dems a shot at the house, and there'll be actual leverage to reign in the excesses.
Trump would have his billionaire who thinks he’s cool so he wouldn’t need Elon. Trump would be taking orders from President Cuban 😂🗣️💙🔊
Even the most greedy and self interested should be able to see this.
Thats just stealing.
Maybe the Democrat socialists of the House and Senate may push the idea but it’s not going to happen.
Demographics are changing, and the conservative patriarchy is trying to hang onto power.
At the expense of everyone else.
You don't buy ads, you don't do anything other than give lip give service.
Too little too late.
No such thing as an ethical billionaire.
Me neither
But that is when the budget was balanced and then a Republican came in and wiped that out
If you stole every penny from billionaires in the USA it would be approximately 3 trillion shy of the money spent under Biden 2021 - 2024..
What’s the amount before you suggest that the government seize their assets?
They are so poor they need welfare from working people that are barely getting by
I dont understand the insane greed that doesn't take into account, no change of lifestyle for themselves, plus being helpful to a fellow humans.
Of course they may pay state taxes or general taxes EG: to Gas up the car etc but thing is they always put their vehicle & vessel expenses through either a company or a trust, so in fact don't even pay for the vehicle purchase!
You end up paying your taxes to them
Can we tax your entire network at 100%?
If there is ever another election
Warren Buffett is a man of honor and integrity!
GOPs....why not listen to a very SUCCESSFUL Businessman and stop degrading yourselves and truly HELP America instead of robbing it!
I'm not even going to waste my time looking for a new therapist since I'm on medicaid which is going to be flushed any day now.
I've had a few doctors who let me know that they really don't read with comprehension
When a therapist can't spot narcissistic abuse from a mile away --
When a therapist overlooks the suffering of millions of people --
That dude/dudette needs their license revoked. That's BAD.
Because he is a rich man who knows what his tax dollars mean to America. He does his duty as a citizen.
for real bro???? you were doing the NFT grift??? and you come here to do what, slum with the poors???
really bro, really... NFTs, we truly are at the end stage.
homey is selling monkey cartoons for fat stacks...
oh wait... you WERE until..
you have the balls for that?
or are you just gonna snipe off some sweet memes sitting on your yacht.
but that will NEVER happen.
prove me wrong
this whole system is sick and your ilk are the root cause.
how much are YOU worth? you and ALL your buddies in wealth should be giving back all the wealth you stole by exploiting workers, every last cent, it would help the people.
Based on facts presented, we are now experiencing the dystopian dysfunction in steroids,but in the opposite side of the spectrum, bc in big part attorneys in DC are not used to hold Gov off accountable.
Just another great op ! 🥲
Got nice letter back from Republican Congressperson. They think they have mandate to run wild with DOGE - no apologies.
Should all continue to annoy them.