In the 80s they tried to make this a thing but we're blasted because they threw out the results that proved them wrong and ever since they've stuck their fingers in their ears screaming when anybody points out that the results can be found equally in cis and trans women.
That old chestnut? Even after homosexual fetishism was dropped from the dsm, they keep trying to hold onto the transvestic bullshit. The tv fetishism is so gutted that it's only self reporting, and even this "symptom" of tv disorder isn't much of anything but self reported distress.
It's when you feel good about yourself because you personally think you're pretty. It's ok for cis women to have and feel but allegedly very scary if a trans woman feels it.
No fucking way, it’s not even sexual, it’s just feeling good about how you look? And somebody made up a word that, like it’s a fucking medical condition?? Jfc why are men like this?
"If trans women are sexually motivated to transition then why do the majority of them take medications that usually reduce libido and happily remain on them?"
The answers I get range between clueless and completely bizarre, it's quite funny.
There's soo much wrong with Blanchard's stuff that I could write an essay on it, but I find that simple question is often enough to shut up the sillies recycling old homophobia.
I imagine there’s a few that simply insist that trans women simply lie about taking them or something, since they supposedly do not alter our appearance in any way according to them
Actually, quite shockingly no! The most common response was to deny that testosterone suppression doesn't drop libido, which is hilarious given that many of the T suppressants are used in 'chemical castration'. One person had read some ?Anne Lawrence silliness and (paraphased) stated that the
sexual attraction turned into romantic love (of one's mental image of oneself 🤡). One person tried to argue that 'fetish' (which Blanchard changed his mind on anyway) was not associated with libido, which is just incorrect...that guy just wouldn't accept the mountain of research I was showing him.
This is so funny when they call bi trans people AGP. It clearly shows they never really read Blanchard‘s utter BS paper and are just parroting some trash website.
Ahh, the self-hating Blanchardians always crawl out like termites to yap and police your sexuality when your transition isn’t solely based around appealing to men.
Congratulations on this important milestone! 🎉😆 Haven't been called autogynephile yet, but when I got my first hate comment everyone thought me weird because I got happy and celebrated, but in a way it all felt more real then. And I noticed that I could easily handle them, which was good to know
Source? Last I saw this was widely debunked and not an actual concern. Considering the memes posted back to back, I'm going to assume you are just a terf and the facts don't matter to you.
Tout de suite des jugements hors sol type " vous n'êtes qu'un terf". Moi, cela m'intéresse qu'en France les chirurgies de transition de genre et de réassignation sexuelle sont considérées comme des ALD et donc remboursées à 100% alors que les dentistes ne le sont pas !
Neat. Didn't know dentist's were not covered under Frances health care. Seems like a whole separate issue. I noticed there was no evidence of children here, just changing the subject to money spent. Yeah, I stand by calling you a terf.
Pffff ! Oui, la CPAM ne rembourse pas à 100% les frais de dentiste. Merci de ne pas tutoyer ceux qui vous sont inconnus : c'est une bonne base pour discuter sereinement, sans a priori et de façon constructive.
my research indicates that you need linebacker calves to be an autogynephile, can you like sprint through a brick wall because I think you could monetize this in today's economy
They do. Really all football players have to be bulked up to some extent. It’s really only kickers, punters, and quarterbacks who might be on the more skinny side, but even they will have very strong calves
The condition, as another trans woman described it whenever it is diagnosed in cis women, is known as “feeling sexy”. Funny how that isn’t considered a pathology, unless …
It is sooo cute how people with zero personal or professional experience in a niche medical condition, or likely any medical experience at, learn to be such esteemed experts that they can give unsolicited advice to people on the intertubes.
If I had a magic wand, every time someone did that, a tattoo saying Dunning-Kruger would instantly appear on their forehead. It would remain for increasingly long periods before becoming permanent. Joanne would look awesome with such a mark.
Can't wait when they find out some people transition for reasons unrelated to getting off and do so just because it just works for them to function in a stable manner for one reason or another.
Afaik, it literally means a trans woman who sexually enjoys being herself.
Not the intention of the word of course. But sometimes I think that asshat did a real number on himself with it.
I had to find out what that was, and wholly hell that was weird. "Mens propensity to masturbate in womens clothing" really gives away the authors kinks
I have no problem with those that do (no kinkshame), but I assume most cis-men are like me and does not find that sexy
I don't remember who said it, but I've thought a lot about the quote "they want to hate us during daylight, and fuck us after dark", and whenever I have to deal with transphobes, I make a point that they're the perverts who only see trans people in a sexual way, and internalize self hatred and shame
I think the thing that happened is that the commenters thought they could educate a young trans woman about the word she clearly already knew how to use, and several people thought for a moment about how to react to that and finally just decided to give them an ironic like.
The amusing thing is that the transphobes who invoke Blanchard forget that even he, for all his bullshit, respects pronouns and supports prescription of hormones, at least most of the time.
One thing I don’t get about the AGP bs. Well many things, but one that I keep coming back to is… the auto part. Meaning self. Meaning it’s someone applying something to themselves.
So it’s still nobody else’s gd business what someone thinks, feels, or does to themselves. So wtf?
But that means a man who gets aroused from wearing women's clothing, right? Which would suggest transgender women are transgender so they can feel aroused all the time? Which makes no sense as many do not get aroused from that. So this darkweb person claims to know what makes you aroused?
Your friend should probably google the term before making a diagnosis. The term refers to sexual arousal which is a short term fix. What you are doing is permanent since your birth gender is not you. Good luck 🙏
That’s what most anti-trans people think of us as some perverse fetish cosplay that goes away the minute we’re satisfied. So uninformed and deliberately misleading.
No. There’s proof that not being labeled leads to mental health problems later on.
Example: Autistic folk who DON’T get diagnosed until adulthood. They have problems as a result and assume they’re just freaks who don’t deserve to be here.
Ray Blanchard coined the term to pathologize something many cis women experience—sexual arousal at their own femininity. But according to Blanchard, if a trans woman experiences it, she’s mentally ill?
Because people think trans women are pedo men and they must feel manly again by murdering kids and r*ping those kids once they’re dead and kicking dogs
For real! People who come at me sideways for being trans only view trans people through PornHub. I’m not inherently sexual, so stop sexualizing me ya rightwing creeps!
Oh it does, and their heads eventually explode, but i would recommend being in a fighting mood before using it. I know we are not supposed to "feed the trolls" but agressivepy forcefeeding them makes them run out of material and give up, being able to push back feels empowering.
Patriarchy! Sex and motherhood are the only two powers given to women under patriarchy. Trans women can't give birth, therefore the only reason they'd abandon the privilege of masculinity is for sex.
Also, a good chunk of cishets think queer people aren't real anyways, so it's got to be a sex thing
I feel like, in America at least, it's because we don't have real discourse about sex, sexuality, gender, and how they are all different. I have only recently started dividing sex from sexuality. To me, sex is how one contributes to the gene pool, and is binary, while sexuality is how you have sex.
Or more accurately, sexuality is who you have sex with. It also isn't tied to gender. You may have sex with more members of a specific gender-identity, but ultimately I think sexuality is a case-by-case basis. Sexual attraction is between individuals, not groups.
But our puritan roots make any kind of discussion on the topic innately uncomfortable to the lay person. It's why my memories of sexual education were basically giggling at the mention of genitals. I learned how to masturbate from porn, for example.
Further hindered by the fact that most people's sexual awakenings, ie the time when they need to start understanding these things, occur at a time that society says should not be associated with sex, the early-mid teens. So adults are uncomfortable broaching the topic with people who need to know.
they weaponise sex & fetish because they think it's so bad lmao I pity the poor idiots, they must be so frightened being paranoid that THE SEX could be behind any corner waiting to turn them into a FILTHY SLUT.
They're afraid of THE SEX because they're actually way more into than anyone else and they attempt to compensate for this by being massive prudes on the outside and telling everyone THE SEX is bad and a horrible temptation.
Many made poor decisions to get disappointed by their overhyping of sex.
It’s projection coming from perverted weirdos who think that because *they* see women and femininity as innately sexualized that trans women must be sexualizing our womanhood. They see us transition and all they can think of is sex and fetishes because that’s the only way they think about women.
"Are they playing with their boobs all the time? Are they looking at naked ladies in change rooms? Well, I'm all out of ideas as to why else they would do that." - millions of guys, probably.
To me it was mostly about belonging... being in middle school hanging out with girl groups... but never being a girl... and being shunned for it... and not being involved...
Now it's so very very hard to meet and befriend someone in my area that's like me.. it's very saddening.. so I just got people over bluesky etc to talk to... 😔
I'm 99% sure it's because they don't know, don't care to learn, and are really just trying to justify their hate/fear of people who are different than they are.
they hate femininity and can't imagine why anyone would want it. they merely tolerate it in women. their general lack of concern for trans men isn't erasure; it's "of course women would want to be men, they just aren't strong enough for it"
in that mindset, "men's" desire for femininity is suspect.
It's got some serious clout coming from a Doctor Darkweb Treasures. Met him in med school we called him DeeDub and he was a fucking animal on a kegstand
There’s nothing inherently sexual about being trans and transitioning. Transphobes are the only ones saying that sh*t. Why is it always on their minds? 🤔🤔
It's actually and old one mirroring why mags bastions pornhub search history puts trans people on top and highly influenced by the scammer Freud and his sexual obsession towards his own parents
The answers I get range between clueless and completely bizarre, it's quite funny.
There's soo much wrong with Blanchard's stuff that I could write an essay on it, but I find that simple question is often enough to shut up the sillies recycling old homophobia.
All it boils down to:
You aren't hurting anyone else, it's your body and life, do what makes you happy.
Those assholes like to make happy people feel bad about themselves.
The most they get is a haircut, clothes, pronouns, and name change
But usually, they just get stabbed in the back LITERALLY
Blanchard has faced absolutely zero real consequences for his actions. Bailey a vague few.
Not the intention of the word of course. But sometimes I think that asshat did a real number on himself with it.
I have no problem with those that do (no kinkshame), but I assume most cis-men are like me and does not find that sexy
My kung-fu is just cooler than yours
So it’s still nobody else’s gd business what someone thinks, feels, or does to themselves. So wtf?
But yeah, this Darkweb person is an idiot.
smh ween...
bitch phonics are for second graders maybe try not being a fucking useless woman hater it might get you somewhere
“okay google what are phonics” -that guy probably
Example: Autistic folk who DON’T get diagnosed until adulthood. They have problems as a result and assume they’re just freaks who don’t deserve to be here.
An authentic self is who you are… in all aspects, given and chosen.
Congrats on being validated.
Some people just can't fathom that maybe, just maybe, people are transitioning because that is who they are, authentically.
Some people need to learn some empathy. And some people need to just stfu.
Also, a good chunk of cishets think queer people aren't real anyways, so it's got to be a sex thing
But it tracks. Ever since transitioning, the only compliments I've received from men are about my body.
I think, secretly or subconsciously, men also want it to be a sex thing because they find some trans women attractive.
Thanks for the reply!
Many made poor decisions to get disappointed by their overhyping of sex.
To them, women are sex servants from birth to 18 (cuz many men think that’s when they’re attractive)
So to think a trans woman is a woman, they assume she’s actually a man just really into other women and kids and has to be a woman
It was so painful... it was so damn painful..
But I'm happy to have this Bluesky community! Nice to meet you!
Don't know how it was for anyone else but I was informed multiple times by different doctors that HRT could lead to decreased/no libido and ED.
If this was all a sex thing, why would any of us go through with it?
in that mindset, "men's" desire for femininity is suspect.
Seeing that word reminded me of why I avoid Twitter these days. It used to be fun to tilt with the bigots, but I'm too tired now.
It’s your fault they are having those thoughts.
#MAGA are bigoted morons, backed by techno-robber barons.