I have a MAGA relative and it's insane how skewed their perspective is. They really have no clue. They think they are on the right side of history. Anytime I bring up anything, it's back to the tired Joe Biden and Hillary switcharoo.
Yep. My mom got into it with her sister a week ago, and it was all "what about..." Biden, Hillary, Obama. As soon as there are facts they can't ignore, it's right on to false equivalencies (often about stuff that didn't actually happen, but they believe it anyway).
And isn't it funny how they always demand a mile long list of sources and "valid non woke" news sites? Then turn it around when they can't show their homework. Bunch of whining lunatics.
Even crueler is anywhere at Tyson’s. Good luck figuring out where you are, where you might eat, and how you’re gonna escape that concrete-and-glass hellscape.
Perfect! Thank you from California. I did something similar to a MAGA in Big Sur. A weird place to see a MAGA hat and the only 1 I’ve seen. He asked how long to Carmel? I said I know how long but I’m sworn to secrecy.
What kind of utter gobshite would wear that red hat outside of the USA? Though it is considerate to
let restaurant staff know from afar whose coffee to spit in.
On vacation in Aruba with so many tourists from Europe and Canada and some Magat loudly criticizing Zelensky like people would just naturally agree with him. Everyone immediately distances themselves. These people are oblivious. 🙄
There is a secret code for international travellers who happen to hang out in the smoking lounge: it’s all fun and games and free wheeling intellectual discussion until the Marlboro man shows up. Thats when you talk about the weather.
This is why I like that they wear hats. Easily identifiable, easier to give them a wide berth. It's like carrying a sign saying they're toxic and should be avoided.
Please, please, please know that less that 50%of those who voted were maga. Sadly a small % threw their votes away to make a political point 🤯. The rest of us are capable of critical thinking, have a moral compass & are generally kind people.
You don’t think we are suffering steed? We are fucked because Elon cheated for a fat twat and yeah maga morons helped. But if judges weren’t paid (elon) to suppress votes we wouldn’t be in this fucking mess. Not to mention Elon buying votes for $200,000 and his starlink computer hack.
Yup but not all of us fucked around. A great deal of us have ethnics and morals and we are taking to the streets. Soon we will have do more and it won’t be pretty if someone in our government doesn’t step up.
Very true, America is a shameless hole right now but blaming everyone especially someone who doesn’t understand how we got here is bullshit. People are out there fighting, what are you doing about it? I certainly hope something because it’s looking like we are the only ones to get the “tar” off.
The best thing to do would have been to vote Harris and then protest hard. Giving up completely was exactly what the right wanted/pushed left people to do. I blame abstainers about half as much as Trump voters.
If anything, it just shows what a fucked up system you have, when the best that it comes up with is Trump or Biden/Harris. You were living in a plutocracy, not a democracy...and now a Kakistocracy. All because Dems were, well, being Dems. Look how they treated Al Green - the only Dem worth a damn!!
They certainly aren't perfect, but Harris is way better than Trump. The democracy needs a complete restructure as it's terrible. Two party system is a fail. Vote for least bad, and protest for better.
Well using that analogy, was Mussolini better than Hitler, given he didn't kill as many? Remember, a knife stuck 4 inches in you might be "better" than one 6 inches in you, but it's still a knife in you. Dems were trying to pander to the centre and moderates of the GOP - and that's why they failed
All the rest of the world sees is a lot of hand-wringing apologies from a country that has proved it will stab its allies and neighbours in the back for profit. It’s all as meaningless to us as the “thoughts and prayers” of the MAGA supporters.
I have a red hat JUST like the MAGAts' hats, that my dear dad brought back for me from his travels to USA. It is just a red 'Washington DC, USA' hat, but I would never wear it around here in Australia now. FAR too triggering!
I completely understand. I have a winter scarf and hat set with the American flag. I no longer wear it for fear that someone will mistake me for MAGA. It's a darn shame that they have hijacked our beloved American flag. 😪
I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing one at home & I’ve Definitely given wrong directions to those I see with hats or any Other rudely obvious apparel. Send the traitor Straight to the ocean. Specific directions to the nearest plank….sewage dump?
THIS shit is the reason Canadians get upset about Americans wearing our flag when they travel. We get associated with stupid, arrogant Americans like that doofus.
What I hate is when US Americans go abroad and pretend they are Canadian. It’s just galling to me that they would usurp another countries identity like that. So disrespectful. I really hope they don’t tarnish our 🇨🇦reputation.
I was quite young when my mother took me to London. On the train towards home we met an American lady taking the train to Buckingham. To see the palace.
I saw one person with a MAGA hat at a motorway services during Trump’s first term while visiting the UK. I was thinking to correct the little shit - but before I had a chance someone accosted him with a “wear that hat at your own risk, you tosser”
If the British weren't so polite, they would have done what they felt like doing to MAGA. I know what I feel like doing when I see that hat. Punch a bum in the face, to see if he wakes up any smarter.
It’s stupid to do it in any city in this country, they really think they can wear it outside 🙄
It’s like the Canadian Border Patrol searching their cars because they don’t seem to understand that 2A is not a thing in Canada.. they get jail time for bringing guns in.
I live in prime magat territory in Texas and even I don’t see that many of the red hats anymore. I think only the most hardcore magat dumbasses really wear that shit in public unless they’re surrounded by even more hardcore magat dumbasses. To wear it in another country is a special kind of stupid.
No. Not one. I’m not anywhere close to the border. Not that it matters. I may not be in the right places to see them either. I don’t know. I did see way fewer signs for shitler and the couch molester this election year. People obviously still support him here but he’s not making ut easy for them now
That’s because Americans and their leaders have made it clear that they don’t care how the rest of the world feels. Happily throwing insults at its former allies and friends. How dare you. “Some random countries”? “Not fought a war for 40 years”? You think we are going to forget this?
They're called red hats, much like those brown shirts and red coats. They get 0 respect in US also, if it is any consolation. Traitors or brainwashed, either way we Americans detest every last one.
It's worrying to observe from within. 50% of us are distraught. Cannot sleep, anxious. I have lost friends and relatives. This man is vile. He is a very bad guy to be severely afraid of. I am sick physically and emotionally...
Admittedly, some of my Brett relatives thought that Trump was a good idea until they didn’t. Now they know that he’s a crazy ass piece of shit and they are glad they are not stuck with him.
Redhats should stay home in USA and enjoy their national parks for the short amount of time they're still around.
The world doesn't want MAGA chuds coming to visit. Any American tourist is bad enough. The only good thing is the hat makes them easy to spot.
I've been in some pubs in the UK where I felt I needed to move on because I'm an American, and a lot of the patrons seemed to be itching for a fight; any fight.
I'd imagine wearing a MAGA hat in those places, you might wind up in the hospital.
I should clarify that 99% of the time I've gone to British pubs, people are nothing but sweet, warm and welcoming, and I never felt personally threatened.
MAGATS are so unaware. Tip: don’t wear your dumb fucking caps outside your own state. Certainly not outside of America. Safe havens do include, however, Russia, North Korea and China. UK = a big no no.
That lady spoke truth to idiocy. She didn't even have to think about it. And our Congress people are seated in their cushy chairs and holding up little pre-printed paddles for no reason I could discern, and voting to censure the one warrior who did stand up for the people and against fascism. Shame.
In all seriousness, Trump's inability to have, make, much less keep/hold onto friends on a personal level is manifesting itself in America's clever new ways of ruining our relationships with other nations. https://trueman-triola.stories.email/
He’s not a demon because that would be a way of trying to excuse him. Yes he’s senile but that also does not excuse him. He is a spoilt, entitled bully that has never been told “no” as a child. He’s used to getting his own way and tantrums when anyone argues. This was all obvious years ago.
Depends on what you call and define as a good friend. All Trumps "friendships" were and are transactional--do you think Trump was getting anything from Ep? I suspect he was getting quite a lot!
Oh 100% friendships are transactional with the donald. That’s why I am waiting for musky to be pushed away when he oversteps his boundaries. These types of personalities eventually implode on one another.
I like the maga grifter crap. I work in people's homes. I have to move the stuff in closets out of my way. I work in their laundry rooms and garages. I see the signs that aren't at the street anymore, the hats they bought but don't wear in public, and the picts on the fridge. These are all tells.
I'm going to assume you know UK history. Don't be fooled into thinking that the UK isn't great. You are. Sure you have problems just like Canada, and the rest of the developed world right now. Aside from internal, you can blame rhe rest directly to the 🍊💩stain.
Wow, if the situation was reversed & it was someone asking a New Yorker on the subway, he would have gotten the exact WRONG stop, best case. Worst case he would be escorted out of the train at the next stop & whether or not that would go down gently would be a crapshoot of who happened to be there.
Yep! My ex-in-laws are in that club—affects me because it affects my 2 young adults kiddos. And I’m pretty sure my brother (or brothers) watch it—we haven’t communicated since November when one told me how thrilled he was with the election results and I had pretty spicy reply! Very sad. 🖕🏼 💩47💩!!!
it is. focks is the single dominant cause of why we are here in this nightmare today. but they've really just been carefully farming a tiny seed that's present. the seed of resentment to "others" that has been used throughout history to gain power, and will be no doubt used again. we never learn.
Well, and MAGA has to set up the next scapegoat to explain the upcoming disaster that will be fire season (cuz they fired all the people that prevent and fight forest fires). They already did a bunch of other groups. So, I guess Asians are next?
Don’t be fooled, we have our fair share of bigots. The leader of the Conservative Party being one of them. We’re lucky though that Trump and Putin aren’t worshipped here like they are in the US.
Ah! but are they voting for Rupert Lowe or Farage? Give it a couple of days and Lee Anderson will join in. Reform have even more splitters than the Judean National Front.
True but the reform lot are very patriotic especially support for current soldiers & those that have died. Any ignorance on this does NOT go down well. JD Vance “some random country” Trump saying nato countries wouldn’t fight with US if they asked has gone down like a bucket of cold sick.
THEY DON'T CARE. they figure they have the right to flaunt maga-ism any way and anywhere they want. again, actions and words have consequences. they are finding out.
Then Mi5 and Special Branch showed up and started arresting people for posting Memes about Muslims that had just killed people. How does it feel to suddenly find out you're a toe rag.
I’m shocked on a few counts- magas think murcah is so great, why go anywhere else? Also, tone deafness is overwhelming- must be deeply comatose to think that ugly a$$ hat plays well in other countries? Just bewildering
As an American I can confirm. They wear that stupid ass hat anywhere just to cause a commotion so they have bragging rights amongst other MAGAs that they "owned the libs." It's the childlike mentality of getting any reaction, even if it's negative.
Weird, isn’t it? For such a group of super Christians and super patriots, they really hate a lot of their fellow citizens. Not just the hat, but gotta wonder about open -carry gangs. I think that is also a statement.
It's the very minimally educated, poverty stricken, "white trailer park" people. The Republican GQP Fox News folks have fed them so much this information that it was easy to take advantage of their double digit IQ. Think of it as a political tithing, if the church can do it so can the politicians.
Not sure that poverty thing is going to get any better any time soon. I don’t think usa has ever been about making life better for citizens. It’s a corporatocracy that now looks more like cannibalocracy. Hate to see it. 💔
I have a red cap given to me years ago that was from a French aviation company but the red is very similar. I stopped wearing it because it could be mistaken for a MAGA one.
A moron. He is too dumb, duped, despicable and deplorable. He has "Swallowed the Kool-Aid," and put the "MAGA" Hat on, to showing his loyalty and fealty to the "Orange Dictator."
The ignorance and stupidity to wear a MAGA cap outside the USA is totaly amazing and is beyond words.
Do they even know that Trump and his arseholes better not shows theirs faces abroad?
(Except of course for Russia. So please go there on your holidays.)
Bearing in mind on Wednesday, I saw a bloke anywhere between 60 and 100 come out of a pub in a full Flash costume for no good reason, in Sunderland, and some madder things I've seen here, especially in London, this wouldn't surprise me at all. We blokes pedalling pianos around our cities
This is one of the problems with Americans, they don’t have enough mental capacity to understand that in a country of 60 million people there is a good chance not all of them will behave in exactly the same way.
I brought up the general disposition of the British population to emphasize my disbelief, not justify it. I wouldn't believe this happened regardless of setting.
But I love the irony of complaining about lumping 60MM Brits together while lumping together 330MM Americans.
It’s not the ‘general disposition’ of the British population it’s a 50year old trope. It’s a bit like saying Americans are all ‘bring me your tired, your hungry, your poor,’ and we all know that’s slightly inaccurate 🙄
Was in Edinburgh castle 2 weeks ago there was young lad with Trump hat with his family. We discussed his rudeness loudly. If it happened after Zelensky I wouldn’t have been able to help myself. & I’ve seen footage of English people seeing a person wearing one acting like they were seeing zoo animal
Your President and VP insulted and denigrated our troops and their sacrifices. I don't think you Americans understand just how pissed off we are about that.
It’s not a trope that 99% of Londoners on a tube, 99% of the time, act like there isn’t any human beings around them. Self-enforced non-interaction.
On those few occasions that others do interact and in concert, it’s such a juxtaposition that it’s noteworthy and heartwarming
One Friday evening, a few lads started singing “Always look on the bright side of life”. Spontaneously, others joined in with whistling. By the second chorus, a large amount of the train carriage were whistling.
Memorable and fun, given people usually try really hard to avoid even eye contact
Once, on the tube, a couple of girls were listening to their music really loud on a phone. Angry glares from other passengers, but no one commented. One lady stood up and burst out in song, opera. Incredible voice, totally drowning out the tinny phone. We clapped.
The fellow who delivered my groceries from Safeway here in beautiful Vancouver BC was wearing a maga hat - I call Safeway to advise them I would never shop there again! They stated not us a contracted driver - too bad no second chance! Never maga #NeverThe51st
Why do people in other countries wear those hats? During the first admin, I saw a guy on a cruise to the Bahamas wearing one and he seemed sad and alone.
Are you aware that Trader Joe's owners are trying to get the NLRB abolished?
I just found out that the red capped MAGA guy that shops at Trader Joe’s is a pedophile. He had to to register with the town and let ppl in the area know.
Now Trump is "looking at deporting all Ukrainians"!!!!
That is a total Putin move! If Trump gets mad enough that Canadians I can see him deporting all the Canadians back to Canada and seizing their property. This folks is communism! This is who Trump is! He's had ties to Russia since 1984!
Thank you.
Well done.
let restaurant staff know from afar whose coffee to spit in.
The best thing to do would have been to vote Harris and then protest hard. Giving up completely was exactly what the right wanted/pushed left people to do. I blame abstainers about half as much as Trump voters.
“I wouldn’t be caught in America.”
Forget the hat lol
He took it right off
To that woman:
So English, polite & deadly.
🤬 F* off back to MAGA land.
It’s like the Canadian Border Patrol searching their cars because they don’t seem to understand that 2A is not a thing in Canada.. they get jail time for bringing guns in.
The world doesn't want MAGA chuds coming to visit. Any American tourist is bad enough. The only good thing is the hat makes them easy to spot.
I'd imagine wearing a MAGA hat in those places, you might wind up in the hospital.
Its just that some are rougher than others.
"20% Treasonous MF Surcharge- __________
All Surcharges will be Donated Directly to Ukraine"
"I think I'll go to another country, wear my maga hat, and expect to be treated with respect."
Absolute fantasists. 🙄
"And then the guy in the MAGA hat, put a noose around her neck and..."
Do they even know that Trump and his arseholes better not shows theirs faces abroad?
(Except of course for Russia. So please go there on your holidays.)
But I love the irony of complaining about lumping 60MM Brits together while lumping together 330MM Americans.
Still say it didn't happen.
On those few occasions that others do interact and in concert, it’s such a juxtaposition that it’s noteworthy and heartwarming
Memorable and fun, given people usually try really hard to avoid even eye contact
Kinda like Whack a Mole
That is a total Putin move! If Trump gets mad enough that Canadians I can see him deporting all the Canadians back to Canada and seizing their property. This folks is communism! This is who Trump is! He's had ties to Russia since 1984!