Fun to see the muskrat discover what a thousand newspaper stories have proclaimed for at least eight years: the leaden density of the jello salad between the ears of the fearless leader. (Epstein said DJT's semi-illiterate.)
(But should I be caustic on this platform? Is that unbutterfly of me?)
(But should I be caustic on this platform? Is that unbutterfly of me?)
Reposted from
Taylor Lorenz
I’m sure this is just a misunderstanding and these two radicalized egomaniacs will continue to get along swimmingly forever
But now he knows what all us Twitter escapees know: listening to the inane ramblings of a barely sentient anal wart is VERY BORING
Any chance they could be yeeted to Mars?
I just love living in a world where satire is utterly indistinguishable from fact. 😜
Two months tops and it won’t even BE a joke.
I wouldn’t be a comedian for quids.