"Importantly, “Deus Vult” has never been interpreted as a call for spiritual combat—for reflection and prayer. It has always been understood as a call for violent action, for blood. This interpretation remains consistent in its widespread adoption by the Christian far right around the world...."
Fuck this guy I hope the crosses get infected and he has to have surgery or die. I am a Nationalist Catholic Neo-Pagan and I take issue with fake christians; Christ was Progressive. Know Thyself before Thy Wrecks Thyself. 💚🥶🦅❤️🔥🌟🦁✝️🧡🗺️🌺🤠🗽🧲
Now I get why Trump kept saying really strong men cried on his shoulders everywhere he went: Trump thinks everyone that isn't an amorphous blob like himself is a "strong man".
Yeah, it is infuriating that we are deporting brown people based solely on their tattoos, without the ability to question them and get the full story, while this guy got a pass and the mere suggestion of asking about his tattoos was seen as out of hand.
He is definitely strung out, That's why Trump picked him .
Trump being Orban type will try the create his own court that he controls. like Orban. Trump has already threatened to imprison political opponents. A dif or when an uprising occurs, Trump will rely on a strung out racist defense secretary
To try to use the military against constitutional citizens.
I think we are seeing a type of Russian deep state / siloviki. Trump picked it up from. Business and oligarch friends.
Quite obvious that an alpha Gruppenfuher such as this will soon be call you out seeking to avenge the life changing slight regarding his manhood.
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I agree completely with her
Now I get why Trump kept saying really strong men cried on his shoulders everywhere he went: Trump thinks everyone that isn't an amorphous blob like himself is a "strong man".
Trump being Orban type will try the create his own court that he controls. like Orban. Trump has already threatened to imprison political opponents. A dif or when an uprising occurs, Trump will rely on a strung out racist defense secretary
I think we are seeing a type of Russian deep state / siloviki. Trump picked it up from. Business and oligarch friends.
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