Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that a united NATO, bolstered by strong U.S. leadership, is essential to counter Putin's ambitions and safeguard Ukraine's sovereignty, according to Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
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Despite the great achievements Merkel has in her list, she is now an obsolete leader. NATO is no longer the unique solution with US rage looming on EU.
EU itself has to become a viable diplomatic entity.
Ukraine should promise to rename towns after Trump, erect some gold Trump statues, and plan Trump resorts. Tell him he's strong, tougher than Putin, a genius, women love him and you'll buy some Trump watches and bibles. That's the only way he'll help Ukraine.
One might say, Merkal and Scholz including Macron have all tried to cozy up to Putin.
On the other hand, Biden for all his faults over Gaza and Starmer Along with Poland plus the Baltic states Including Finland have no such illusions over Russia’s bully boy behaviour.
We know that these are off-the-cuff statements but without depth. We also know how close Merkel remains to Putin.
So I remain very pessimistic about Trump's handling of the situation in Ukraine, which cannot obscure the strange Trump/Putin relationship
The SPD introduced and managed most of the gas deals, Merkel mostly managed the status quo and kept industry happy. German chemical giants such as BASF wanted cheap Russian gas.
It is always easy to point fingers at leaders, but Germans wanted to quit nuclear (me included) and liked her (me not included). I think we should ask more how we will understand better how to govern ourselves beyond existing institutions.
Being anti nuclear is admirable but making your entire economy dependent on imported gas and oil was insane. Shroder, Merkel and Obama are responsible for Putin. They could have stopped him years ago but were either actively complicit or stupid
Coming on-side after the horse has bolted looks a bit suspect, particularly when Merkel's action don't really support her assertion when she was in power; could it be a case of wishing to polish the #legacy lily a bit too hard?
This woman should be blamed for what happpened in a big part. She literally worked for the Russian oil company. She was employed there and received a big salary.
Sagte die Verkäuferin der deutschen Wirtschaft und Sicherheit, Angela Merkel. Sagte die Verweigerin der Natomitgliedschaft für die Ukraine, Angela Merkel.
If I understand it she lived her childhood in under Russian oppression and that apparently was a significant influence on her in her dealings with Putin. She may not have a full grasp of what freedom really is and tends towards dependency to survive. Her lack of grit put Germany at risk.
She fked up so unbelievably hard that she should be investigated for making the whole Europe so depended to ruzzian gas. She should be charged with high treason
I don’t think Angela is the best person to give advice on this topic. In her time in office she could have provided protection to Ukraine by supporting a NATO membership. Instead she made Putin rich by buying Russian oil and gas.
This is what German industry wanted. Merkel was a good power broker, but no visionary and true leader. The German and European industrial model has to change, not just former leaders being blamed.
EU itself has to become a viable diplomatic entity.
An EU that can lobby (or not) within NATO.
On the other hand, Biden for all his faults over Gaza and Starmer Along with Poland plus the Baltic states Including Finland have no such illusions over Russia’s bully boy behaviour.
So I remain very pessimistic about Trump's handling of the situation in Ukraine, which cannot obscure the strange Trump/Putin relationship
Why is she still speaking?
UNPREDICTABLE Trump doing everything at his whims, without much thought process.
In the next 4 years it is best to form a strong Europe-led NATO leadership as it is Europe which is vulnerable to Russian threats.