OK, but seriously? Yeah, kids should be taught early about gambling - how it works, how it pulls people in, and how to spot it in whatever spaces they will frequent in the future. I keep telling my kid no when she wants something from a gacha type machine, and she knows exactly why.
We used to have jackpot machines everywhere. I worked at a café which tried to be classy, but also made most of its profit from the jackpot standing right behind the door.
Since then, they've been relegated to closed, designated locales, but coin drop machines are still out in the open in malls.
My friend's dad introduced us to gambling-based card games in like 2nd grade using blocks or something as chips/money and proceeded to beat our brakes off so badly none of us ever wanted to go through that with REAL money lmao it worked well
Next you’re going to condemn microtransactions without even taking a second to consider that very small transactions are how the poorest among us get money to live.
5 am and they're in the gas station gambling! By 10 they're stealing mowers and by 12 someone's cats cut.
And my fuckin property taxes went up!
Since then, they've been relegated to closed, designated locales, but coin drop machines are still out in the open in malls.
That person us fucking retarded.
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