If you're a member of AARP receiving Social Security I encourage you to call them and ask them to stand up to Trump and Musk when they come for the earned benefits of their members.
I'm a citizen of the United States and I'm asking you to create a bill that would return the SS funds back to SS and replace the IOU's that you and your colleagues have replaced the funds with.
I would say both. They definitely are not "give me liberty or give me death" heroes. They lack spine with T**mp AND they are getting death threats. I'm guessing that AOC gets death threats too, but she has more spine than all of the R's combined.
And UHC will be at the head of the pack when King Elon decides we should shove all seniors off Medicare and onto medicare advantage plans. Completely untrustworthy. And AARP sold their soul decades ago. Where you been, Ron?
AARP sent a message to their members today. I encourage everyone who received it to take action. Washington responds when seniors speak up, and now is the time to get loud.
So what you are saying is you don’t give a shit about senior citizens? This money came from all of us who paid into all our lives. How about you sit on some of your MAGA nails?
comms comms comms: 1 simple thing Dems can do to counter their highly networked (across many channels and mediums) flood of propaganda, is to create a State-to-National level editorial calendar where everyone agrees to at some interval (1-3x/month), speak on the same topic on their comms channels.
Dear Senator, today I try to lock in My SS website to get my 2014 I99 for my tax. And the website is temporary down. Will you please check WTF Elon and his team of psychopath had their hand to do with it.
I tried contacting AARP when DOUCHE first breached OPM's computers and had my PII. They are clueless. Perhaps if we all cancel our memberships they will act.
Wait. They're telling us to contact YOU to stand up to Trump and Musk. They're already standing up, now it's your turn. Wearing pink didn't work, you'll have to try something stronger.
I will call to encourage them to continue their work in order to stop bogus payments to dead people and illegal immigrants. Are you nervous that Musk will find Illegal payments are going to you?
I'm confused. I didn't get a message from AARP today, but I did check their website and they tell us to call YOU. Is that what you are suggesting now? I email almost every day, and I'm not feeling like that's working.
Don't trust them for a minute. They will be a huge benefactor when we seniors are shoved off medicare and onto medicare advantage plans. Talk about a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Democrat leadershit would rather argue lost causes to develop a victim narrative they plan to pass off as a platform, INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY DOING SOMETHING!!!
Exactly what I would like to know but we never seem to get an answer. I want to see my constituents fighting like hell, standing up for us & with us, obstructing and being bad asses like @algreen.house.gov
I would like you to begin impeachment of Trump and stand up and be loud and be heard. Like Al Green. This isn’t funny anymore.
Jeff Merkley can join you. Good Trouble!
Democrats literally sat for Trumps speech and 10 of you voted to censure the ONE of you that stood up and objected. I'm confident there aren't many spines anywhere in DC.
I didn’t authorize or consent to #DOGESHIT accessing my confidential financial information
I didn’t vote for him
He has no standing
Why aren’t you guys kicking him in the nuts?
They may think we’re old and feeble. Truth is we don’t have that much to lose. If they touch OUR SS, a lot of us will die. No reason for us not to go rogue. We’re old and have gained a lot of wisdom over the years—at least most of us have—and we will fight dirty.
"Washington has become Nero’s court, with an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers and a jester high on ketamine in charge of purging the civil service...We were at war with a dictator, we are now at war with a dictator backed by a traitor.” - Claude Malhuret https://youtu.be/tiRAgvqPr4w
How much does it cost the government to administer Social Security checks? I put money in my employer puts money in, the government doesn't put a dime in so how is social security such a big boondoggle? And what the fuck are they cutting to make billionaires whole? I want a God damn answer
That's because DOGE and Elon have saved them the trouble of doing the messing with Social Security themselves. They're not cowed by Elon - they're fully on board with him.
You're not helping anyone with kind of nonsense post. Social Security taxes were never supposed to be more than 6%. But now they are over 10% and will need to be raised to closer to 15% to stay solvent. You, Ron Wyden, didn't make this mess but you could help solve it. America is addicted...
...to spending and the politicians that came before you fucked the American people by spending the SSN money. Now all payouts are part of our deficit spending. You're there in Congress. Make a sensible suggestion to fix it. Stop complaining about DOGE and start fixing the problems. You're pandering.
so do the democrats we elected? Tyranny at this level is no longer a partisan issue. The brought paper signs to a self proclaimed kings royal decree. no of them have spines.
It’s a war on seniors. Messing with checks, cutting staff to make it harder to access the benefits they have earned, tanking the stock market and wiping out billions in wealth that seniors are counting on, driving inflation higher, making groceries more expensive. It’s a multi front war on seniors!
You are supposed to be honest with those you represent, stop lying. DOGE is NOT messing with one single Social Security Check and you know it.
F*cking liar.
Spines!! If our representatives in DC don’t grow a collective spine, we the people are all sunk. The devastation will be at a scale that we cannot envision.
If our elected leaders allow SS to be touched and there are delays there will be millions of dead disabled and seniors in weeks. Many by suicide. The scene that is playing out at Gene Hackman's will be eerily similar in houses across the country. That will be your legacy. Go big or go home
I’m in dire straits already and I live way below the poverty line because I worked in social services back in the day you made less than teachers. DOGE has no business in American’s records- they’re a squad of terrorist thugs playing boogeyman.
Because doge is an extremely convenient and useful scapegoat for them.
If they just sit back and let doge do it, they can pretend that they we’re not complicit because they didn’t do it.
Voting have consequences. We fuck by MAGA. And no thanks to Nancy Pelosi and her democrats leaders push Biden out. We lost McCann white voters. Lost the swing states. Get it.
Ron, you’ve been ok, but most of your team are acting like chickens without a head. It’s embarrassing. We expected more, and are not giving you any money. None, until you show your fight, and not just hold signs like an auction house. Pay attention to where your constituents are. You’re losing us.
Who the Fuck is Elon?? An on the $pectrum Klown Billionaire, White Supremacist! As was his Father, a nepobaby . . . Seems times have changed & we take orders from Fascists
but the old fogies voted for it - most of them vote for republicans and watch fox news, so here we are. they are defunding themselves. sure, plenty didn't. but not enough. so let's just watch it happen until they wake the fuck up and vote differently.
I’m less than 20 years away from retirement, and the fact that they are threatening all the money I put into a system to help me when I retire is beyond pissing me off. I want ALL my money back. #classaction?
The fear of standing up to Musk's purging will be the down fall of the Republican Party! When the destruction of government agencies ends the Democratic Party will have to rebuild the government agencies!
He is illegally interfering with the lawful operation of SS.
All of it. ALL OF IT is not authorized by any law or any clause in the constitution.
This is not leadership. Not in any way, it is the equivalent of putting a suggestion in a suggestion box and pretending you changed the world. There is no Democratic leadership whining is not resistance a child can kick and complain but an adult takes action. Grow up.
We have been filling out and sending petions provided by AARP for months now. They then send them on to Chuckles Grassley with ZERO effect. That is all they will do for us. You are in Washington, you do something besides quake in fear over a mean tweet or a flaccid death "threat".
How many people did Trump say were getting SS over 100?? Wasn't it 30K+ and you sat there for how many years just letting it happen As well as all the other fraud!! Sit down and shut up, You have no standing in credibility!!!
When is this going to end? A creep high on ketamine who takes orders from a President who can't speak adult English clearly, and these two are allowed to eliminate a total population and take their money? Once they have all the money, their Republican benefactors are next.
A BOLD FACE LIE!! supposing to know what republicans think and what Elon Musk has done. No payments have been disrupted, and you know it. Musk has only looked at read only data and found fraud and waste in a program that I and others worked for and depend on. What are you hiding?
Senator, I fully agree, and I'm glad you're bringing it to people's attention. But what are YOU doing about it? Fight like hell! Get in their faces, physically bar them from entering the building! DO SOMETHING!
If they kill Social Security I'm hoping the reaction is the largest class-action lawsuit in the history of class actions happens. I've been working all my damn life for SS, and I expect my damn money when I'm prepared to pull from it.
Please use sources other than Bezos WAPO… I know it used to be good for DC/ntl news, but it isn’t anymore. There is an Amazon boycott starting tomorrow, for good reason.
Oops, my youth mercenaries broke the federal SSI system. Sorry! Hey, let's just put it all on my brand new X Money platform, we have all your data siphoned off anyway! Yes, that X Money that was being investigated by CFPB (RIP) Want your granny's check? Sign granny up! What could go wrong?
Republicans are letting Social
Security become messed up by DOGE so that cutting and scrapping it all together is more appealing than letting DOGE keep the mess going. It’s part of the same goal: to get rid of it. Something broken is easier to throw away.
They actually would be going against their orange god! That's their concern! They think the idiot likes musty!
They're not sure what the boi toy is doing! They heed the alt right media lies!! They've been told he's auditing & they think it's a good thing. Lots of folks can't handle the truth! 🤬
I was told there might be an interruption to our social security checks due to Elon's messing around in the system. The suggestion is to start saving something now. This reminds me of Gene Wilder who was asked by his shrink, "What is your personal worth?" Gene answered, "I owe $300".
One of the greatest tricks that Donald Trump and Elon Musk ever pulled is to convince millions of people that DOGE is about government efficiency. It's about narcissistic, resentful destruction: The Death of Government Expertise.
Oh here's another great idea, Since these corporate assholes have decided that they just want to tear down all our safety nets I have a great proposal take the corporate tax rate up to 40%
Also Elon Musk companies have gotten way too big like Monopoly big They need to be broken up
Thank you for telling us about it now what are you going to do about it?
You know if you can't do anything about it right now I think you and other Democrats need to start talking about what to do if you're the majority again that would probably be a good idea
It’s truly scary to see how many spineless people there are in both parties. That being said, the only one I remember standing up to Trump was Mitt Romney.
I have paid into this my whole life. I think I speak for a lot of people here when I say that if they screw me out of tens of thousands of dollars Every. Single. Person. Involved. Will be held responsible — and fighting through the jacked up courts is NOT how it will get resolved.
With all due respect @wyden.senate.gov. How about instead of stating the obvious and reminding us about how fucked we are, you, a person in power, offers a solution? That's why we elected you....
Republicans are the worst kind of opportunists that can possibly exist. They don't believe in anything beyond what is financially and politically expedient for them at a particular moment.
no offense, senator, but what are you doing about it? what are any of you Democrats doing about anything? other than occasionally going to the courts and constantly whining on TV, I don't think I've seen any meaningful, measurable opposition.
Please use your massive influence to summon the masses to Washington on 3.14. We the People have the power to stop Trump's illegal coup, and if we seize it in numbers too huge to ignore, we will. Join and support the movement at https://nowmarch.org
I’m more interested in the action plan you guys should be coming up with. This finger pointing nonsense is the same card the republicans play. Be better.
Demfucks like their multi-generational Ponzi scheme. They expect young people to be slaves to promises of dead politicians. Demfucks plunder society for their perverted view of the common good, while Reptards plunder society for their vile vision of national greatness. Statists!
I think you underestimate just how much wealthy repuglicans want this. For some reason they aren’t worried about losing the next election and we really need to figure out exactly why that is🤔
Mistakes like firing the people that maintain our nuclear arsenal? Or firing the people at the FDA that keep our food safe? Or is it a mistakes like listing a CIA black site for sale? Nothing that serious right?
These people are pathetic! The entire Democratic Party is full of cowards and morons who are sitting around watching our country descendent to fascism and doing nothing
And it's our duty to get rid of them prematurely. They won't listen to us, so we should force them out since they work for us. We are their boss's and we have the right & power to fire them!
They are letting someone else take the fall for something they have advocated for a long time. They don’t want to answer to their constituents, so letting Elon absorb all the heat is easy. He doesn’t have to run for office, so he is not held accountable to voters.
Seriously, fuck off! Democrats are pillow fighting us into a domestic terrorist coup. Your words are hollow when TEN Dems vote to censure one of their own for attempting to defend us. Stop trying to play this like it’s a normal administration! DO SOMETHING!
Bro, shut the fuck up… you voted against keeping men out of women sports and girls locker rooms. how the fuck is that protecting women’s rights? Keep losing it’s obvious…
Logically, there isn't a way to whiz through these complex agencies in 2-3 weeks' time without fallback. I believe the Congress/Senate needs to challenge the process. Elon, as a vested vendor in US, should NOT be in charge as conflict of interest.
2nd issue -Congress budgeted these agencies & should be active in this audit There should have been a snapshot of each agency before making cuts; i.e., budgeted operating revenue, costs, functions, positions, etc. & a final snapshot after cuts showing changes to each of before categories.
There should be detailed account of fraud,, waste tying to governmental reporting. Does Musk have a govt accounting degree? The items on his site seem cherry-picked to inflame public to support the effort. It is NOT the same as having an independent audit which ties EVERYTHING down to the penny.
A review of this complexity should be performed carefully by an INDEPENDENT auditor who can state information as accurate or name the issues which are problems. Auditors are also experts in documenting processes and controls.
Just so you know..I hate democrats..the party is fully useless...If we have another vote I can promise you it won't be for a democrat. That censure was bullshit
Anyone who gets to a podium and says fuck dems and Republicans will have my vote or I won't vote...I'm not doing it again...I'm not tossing away votes on dems anymore
Cool, so what are YOU doing about it? Why aren't Dems doing town halls all over the place? Why aren't you doing lots of podcasts? What are you doing to protect your voters against the coup?
WTH??!!! Are the Dems turning on us too? Those that voted against Al Green for being the only one to stand up to the orange traitor, are now traitors in my eyes. No one is doing anything!!! Each day things keep getting worse! It’s time to stop being nice! I’m with AL!! Get drastic, it’s TIME!!!
I responded to you because I like you and I'm stuck in SC and nobody's answering me here. Lindsey Graham is a hypocrite in Tim Scott is in lala land and my congressional representative is completely not answering anybody.
What are we going to do? I'm a senior I got to have my social security check. I have disabilities now I can't go back to work. I mean I could probably check receipts at Sam's Club or something like that for a couple hours a day but that's not enough to live on.
These are your Moms and Dads and Grandmothers and Grandfathers!!! Wow, thank you half of America!!! Thank you so much for destroying America. I never knew America was only for the rich!!! You people can rot in Hell!
No, Republicans would rather let Elon take the blame than take it themselves. They don't care about saving it, they just don't want the voters to know that.
Senator, put me where MAGA nails are. I'll do the rest.
MAGA would rather let DOGE mess with your hard-earned Social Security checks than grow a spine and stand up to Elon
MAGA would rather let DOGE take your Social Security benefits than grow a pair to stand up and kick Elon's teeth in
Jeff Merkley can join you. Good Trouble!
I didn’t vote for him
He has no standing
Why aren’t you guys kicking him in the nuts?
Stop playing fucking nice
It doesn’t get us anywhere with fascists
Why aren't you fighting for us? 🤣🤣
F*cking liar.
people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Mr Musks email. Please don't contact him...
If they just sit back and let doge do it, they can pretend that they we’re not complicit because they didn’t do it.
Do your job.
When market crashes stock price goes down that's when you do your buying.
Then announces no tariffs which then the market goes back up which is when you sell.
Crash market intentionally
G.O.P. now stands for GUT, OBSTRUCT & PRIVATIZE!
THEY STAND AGAINST most everything
WE THE PEOPLE are standing for!
Now that's AN ACT OF WAR!!
Elon's government Email, according to The Intercept. Send him your thoughts (or sign him up for important newsletters 😇)
Maybe they're fucking stupid
Maybe they don't have a master plan
Maybe they won't know what to do if we organize
He is illegally interfering with the lawful operation of SS.
All of it. ALL OF IT is not authorized by any law or any clause in the constitution.
Elon's government Email, according to The Intercept. Send him your thoughts (or sign him up for important newsletters 😇)
They like being able to have the cuts and be able to have plausible deniability.
ALL Dems got is trying to scare Grandma
Do more.
Fight harder.
Stop the traitors.
Checks not arriving to disabled people who can't pay rent and are suddenly homeless
No biggie
Security become messed up by DOGE so that cutting and scrapping it all together is more appealing than letting DOGE keep the mess going. It’s part of the same goal: to get rid of it. Something broken is easier to throw away.
They're not sure what the boi toy is doing! They heed the alt right media lies!! They've been told he's auditing & they think it's a good thing. Lots of folks can't handle the truth! 🤬
Its not a mistake, ITS THE PLAN. Its called PROJECT2025.
‘Republicans are working with Elon Musk to steal your Social Security.’
Also Elon Musk companies have gotten way too big like Monopoly big They need to be broken up
You know if you can't do anything about it right now I think you and other Democrats need to start talking about what to do if you're the majority again that would probably be a good idea
Appreciate the update on what is already apparent but would love to hear how you with fellow senators plan to stop all the chaos
Do YOU??
Or is singing and wearing pink what you think a spine is?
People need to share that and ask people to call if they are their Reps.
Musk & his tech bros are criminals engaged in data theft, fraud, and illegal sabotage of government agencies
Until they are given authority by Congress people should refuse any and every order given by them
Seriously? 🙄
they're representing their constituents
you're representing your bitch ass interests and trying to blame them for your perpetual bitchness
fuck off and do better
Third Party?