Starship Troopers.
War of the Worlds.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
3 movies my Dad would ALWAYS stop to watch whenever he was channel surfing. Good choice! 😊
And of you yourself want to feel like a starship trooper, you should sign up to become a helldiver. It's basically the same but you love liberty and managed democracy!
It’s genuinely so fantastic. The only fault it has is something not its fault, that being that fascists can’t understand you’re mocking them if you beat them over the head with it
It’s not a bad movie, but fits a TERRIBLE adaptation of the novel. I’ve always wished the director and producers had simply written an original story instead of murdering the book and using a few scraps of its carcass.
You’re certainly welcome to that opinion. I happen to disagree. I think the book is very well written and, like a lot of classic science fiction, delves into questions rather than simply firing lasers and blowing up spaceships.
The author of the movie went through WW2 in Europe and hates fascism. While the author of the book essentially glorifies fascism... So the differences are expected :)
I don’t think Heinlein was glorifying fascism. I think he chose to set a story in a fascistic society because it let him tell the story he wanted to tell, the way he wanted to tell it.
And keep in mind that Heinlein served in the navy during the interwar years, and worked on a number of things during WWII that were designed to further the Allied war effort. He was no friend of fascism.
I don't think Americans have any kind of similar collective memory of how terrible fascism is as European elderly people have. Americans did not hesitate to support different fascistic regimes across the world after that. And as far as I remember Heinlein he did glorify fascism.
I can’t agree that Heinlein glorified fascism. It’s worth noting that our interpretation of ST’s setting as fascist is just that—an interpretation—and that Heinlein never called it such. Additionally, the story is missing several of the major markers of fascism including racism and totalitarianism.
I remember the book to vaguely to argue, but in my comment above I tried to convey the position of the director of the movie as far as I understand it. Feel free to fact check me on this.
I can’t fact check or refute anything you say about the director because I’m not an expert in his work, history, or beliefs. It’s Heinlein that I know a lot more about.
Would you say that Heinlein glorified a militaristic anti-liberal (like limited voting rights) society with high focus on in-group out-group dynamics (like humans against inhumane bugs), "patriotic" feelings and all of that?
Just if we remove satire from the movie then it becomes pretty fascistic.
Honestly the book and film are so different it’s hard to really compare them. Veerhoven famously didn’t even read the book beyond the first or second chapter.
Definitely read the book, but I wouldn’t say that it’s “better” just because the story and characters in it are completely different.
Now you need to read, Blood Makes the Green Grass Grow. New recruit post-9/11 changes his name to Johnny Rico when he enlists in war on terror. Unique read about the complexity of war. It’s intense but thought provoking.
Agreed. I don’t think I’ve seen it but read the Wikipedia for it and was not interested. Third one had meta commentary reflecting the rise of fundamental religious militia groups.
It's so funny how like nobody in America really understood it as satire when, at the end of the movie, Doogie Hauser dressed like an SS officer comes out and announces the giant alien is afraid, and then we all cheer. Just TOO SUBTLE.
We have the Ships.
We need Soldiers.
They'll Keep Fighting...AND THEY'LL WIN.
War of the Worlds.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
3 movies my Dad would ALWAYS stop to watch whenever he was channel surfing. Good choice! 😊
so good that it holds up so well
Satirising it was the better move.
Just if we remove satire from the movie then it becomes pretty fascistic.
Definitely read the book, but I wouldn’t say that it’s “better” just because the story and characters in it are completely different.
Please don't skip and help my daughter feel warm and safe 🥺🥺
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