To be fair you were rendering a 9-fingered melting will smith eating spaghetti wrong next to a fat orange cat getting cheated on by his cat wife, so it was kind of a reasonable assumption :T
I had a similar moment where my family wanted to see my drawings and one of them asking "Did you use AI?" despite I told them I used a drawing tablet...
i once got asked to sell my laptop in public for ai generation and the guy offered me 100 and 150 for a 2000 dollar laptop and got mad when i told him to raise it to more than the laptop and MAYBE we could talk, called me a slur in a pizzeria and left lol
i was drawing a hand in scribbleio and someone says: "that kind of reminds me of AI"
me: "cus it looks like crap?"
them: "no cus it looks amazing!"
i had no clue how to feel/react to that.
My response would probably be: "If you mean AI as in Actually Illustrate it then sure. Cause you are actively watching me draw this piece in public." If I could actually come up with an actual response on the fly. XD
I sent a portrait to a family member to ask, "does this portrait I drew look like the guy I was drawing?" and he said, "it looks a little off. Did you use AI?" So on one hand, my drawing was wonky enough to be called AI, AND I was accused of using AI.
So you’re calling because you need bail I guess ..?
Point me to the direction of who said that.
me: "cus it looks like crap?"
them: "no cus it looks amazing!"
i had no clue how to feel/react to that.
For me, it's Ironside