Bill, Bill, Bill... You are simply a master of the Japanese aesthetic called "wabi-sabi"--the deliberate introduction of a flaw in a work of art in order to show the beauty of imperfection.
Yeah, real crummy spot for us lifetime Chiefs fans to be in. I mean, I was real ready for them to lose anyway--kept hoping they'd stop winning the close ones and not even make it to the playoffs this year for some humbling. This experience DEFINITELY ought to be humbling, too. But the fact
that, somehow, Trump got wrapped up in all of this and ended up on my side, REALLY grated, so I'm even more happy that they lost. Everything Trump touches turns to shite, example number 50,000.
Dirty... disgusting... filthy... lice-ridden boids. You used to be able to sit out on the stoop like a person. Not anymore! No, sir! Boids!... You get my drift?
perfect post RUINED
Has Birdemic 4 been unleashed?
I only saw the score but gj Eagles