Be careful and deliberate about the sources you amplify. Right now, almost all available details are coming from Paxton or law enforcement, meaning early media coverage will overwhelmingly reflect the state’s framing. So pause before sharing.
Also remember that the media gets abortion stories wrong all the time and that misogyny, racism, and classism all play a role in the way these cases are talked about and covered.
Who gets targeted in these cases is no accident: The Texas Tribune reports that the midwife's clinics “provided health care to a primarily Spanish-speaking, low-income community.”
Pretty sure, not certain, they are. It’s a woman who’s helped many women! Didn’t say she’s killed anyone so gonna be hard to paint her as a murderer🤨.
I know the far right will but in situations like this their opinions don’t carry a thimble of weight
🎯🎯🎯 that one where the mother allegedly flushed the baby, really pissed me off. They focused on that. Biomedical waste is chucked into a red bag at the hospital and sent to a landfill or incinerated. So how is that different???
She was probably terrified and didn’t know what to do.
Midwifes were the women burned as witches. Weak men have always been threatened by strong intelligent women. Will they burn her as men like Trump have done in the past?
I can't believe we r back here! The Handmaids Tale was written by Atwood during Reagan's first term! She based it on the same catholic cult Amy Coney Barret belongs 2 for a reason! B/C thez same Bircher fuks who put Reagan into office in 80s ie: Hans W. Vogel of N. Tustin live to subjugate women!
So let's see here! How did we get men like Hans W. Vogel of N. Tustin in the first place? How did the man who was a WW2 codebreaker & integration officer & guy who helped START the CIA come to be such powerful a arbiter of women's bodies? Ohh people..u don't know the 1/2 of it! Let me enlighten you!
First let me say that Hans W. Vogel is dead! He died in 2015! But not before he teamed up with men like Robert Mercer & James Simons & Adm. John Poindexter & to create a network of men who are now destroying everyone's rights to autonomy.. bodily & otherwise faster than u can say Bob's your uncle!
Ok.. son of a.. just read me! Eventually I'll be able to get the entire story posted! It may be in pieces but it's the closest thing to an insider's scoop as you'll find! I survived thez men! I honestly don't know how but I did! & I live to tell this honking nightmare of a story! But it's in peices!
Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early, come to work, but perform no duties, coordinate with your employers if you’re able. 24 hrs beginning 12am-3/19 to 12am-3/20. I’m right there with you. Good luck. ✊✊✊
Really appreciate your warning about not trusting anything out of Paxton’s office or law enforcement. We all need that reminder, especially in Texas. Everything is so skewed.
A lot of women are bound by court orders to remain in Texas in order to retain custody of their children. I’m one of them. It’s part of child custody orders issued by Texas courts. I moved 5 minutes from the border in case it comes to an emergency but moving isn’t an option for a lot of us.
I’m aware, I live in Texas. But it’s hard to get to other parts of the U.S. without going through Texas. And as I stated some of us are stuck here in order to retain custody of our children. If I left Texas I would forfeit custody of my children.
Trust me, it keeps me up every single night and if it comes to that I have a plan. Many of us face this in Texas. I even have friends up north on standby to take us in.
The Christian Nazis have no natural religion, not even fear of G-d. They legislate oppression and enforce justice without compassion. These are things the Lord hates.
I feel sorry for every woman myself included although I can no longer have children but I’m sure my hysterectomy would sent me straight to the gallows.
Paxton is suing my son’s school district for explaining to parents and community members how Abbott’s school vouchers would impact public school funding. Nothing Texas elected officials do is shocking. They lie, cheat and steal.
If it means anything to you, I’ve been hearing a lot of republicans and conservatives in Texas also being very angry about this and changing their minds on Abbott.
How long before the corrupt regime outlaws abortion completely? The Reich Wing has already stolen women’s rights & seems to see them only as “vessels” to be used for their pleasure, carry their children, clean their homes, cook their meals & keep them “happy”.Sounds like the Stepford Wives movie.
Republican abortion laws are killing and endangering Texas women. Make no mistake where responsibility lies. Maternal and infant mortality rates are so horrific, Texas leadership refuses to release them to the public. Don’t look away!
Lets take abortion off the table and say they did a paracentesis. There was an NP who did not work with a physician, someone not licensed in the US to practice medicine, and the midwife was practicing out of her scope AND misleading patients.
No Man, Religion or State has any right to curtail or prevent a Woman's Human Rights to have a safe ideally publicly funded abortion, if she feels it's the right decision for her. It's her body and one else's.
Being a woman is nowadays dangerous in Trump’s America. Men don’t have any right to forbid women from having an abortion. It’s a medical procedure that saves life, it’s not an easy thing to go through and women do not do it without thinking about it thoroughly. Enough with the hypocrisy.
The longer we normalize helplessness, the worse our situation as a people. The Constitution not to mention the Age of Enlightenment is at peril from disappearing.
I'm reading a history of the French Revolution, and just finished the chapter on the Enlightenment as a precursor. As I was reading, it was felt eerie that the goals of the enlightenment are under very real threat right now.
Thank YOU - we had been abandoned before; but YOUR vote made it LEGAL and PERMANENT!
You #Judas - obey Matt 27:5, May you rot in HADES or Sheol forever!!
These are the kind of things that make others call the United States a third world country. Not only should abortion services be fully available and free in the country, but it's so fucking ridiculous that A sentence this long is given for such an action. The American empire is failing and falling
🖕My life never did I ever feel so defeated over women's rights all the marching in 72 all the rallys and signed petitions. Would I see all this CHAOS in America and Women Suffering and being burnt at the Stake like 1600 during the witches trials 😫😡😫😡😭
While we can be certain there are great people in Texas, the majority who vote are fucking assholes. It's simple math. And those who don't, well, they're assholes, too.
EVERYTHING awful Abbott and pedophile Paxton says are ALL vile lies! These 2 demons have suckers in TX conned and would rather kill all others not like them; including Caucasian women!
All the white, suburban, affluent women that couldn't vote for Harris can explain it to their daughters. I'm sure that will make them feel better about being relegated to second class citizens.
This breaks my heart that these insecure pathetic excuses for the Y chromosome, stupid cruel women hating effete knuckle-draggers can put every woman’s life at risk and will try to make an example of this brave nurse practitioner just doing her job, trying to save lives and ease suffering,Evil men
They’re not just fighting a legal battle here, but a PR one: They're going to paint this midwife as a villain, regardless of the truth.
In other words: Republicans are strategically targeting people they think the public won’t rally behind. Let’s make sure to prove them wrong.
I know the far right will but in situations like this their opinions don’t carry a thimble of weight
She was probably terrified and didn’t know what to do.
our mission is to eject the entire GOP into space
whos w me
Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early, come to work, but perform no duties, coordinate with your employers if you’re able. 24 hrs beginning 12am-3/19 to 12am-3/20. I’m right there with you. Good luck. ✊✊✊
people who do this weren't well brought up by their parents
jailing a midwife, that is the lowest of the low
Republicans love rapists.
Red states face a dire healthcare crisis, especially in their rural areas where physicians will simply be unavailable almost everywhere.
It’s also not just Texas. Republicans are actively penalizing and oppressing all Democrat voters.
She will go to jail because she killed a no-human fuck !!!
OK. That's silly, of course The Middle Ages didn't call.
They sent a messenger with a parchment...
If youre a minority or a woman, GTFO.
“putting the ‘life’ in pro-life”
$10k/10-year no interest loan
joint checking
maternal counseling
financial literacy counseling
job training
housing assistance
i have never heard back
This isn't about politics. This is bigger than that. This is about healthcare, bodily autonomy, and making sure women don't get those things.
(Er, I'll come in again!)
[email protected] gov
Texas... so, so dumb.
I hear a Texas accent and all I can think is, wow, this is what stupid actually sounds like.
So dumb.
So, so dumb.
help me expose them…
General Strike:
You #Judas - obey Matt 27:5, May you rot in HADES or Sheol forever!!
.take me back to 2024 and before
.2025 is hell
2. It is wayyyyy too early to know if that is true or not.
Shit it’s getting real right now.
Some shadow government or military needs to step in or something. We all saw this coming.
Is it possible to surround the jail to prevent anyone from entering or leaving the facility ?
It will be the women of Texas who can't leave that will suffer.
They hate women so much!!!