bought whole bean coffee labeled as "georgia pecan" not realizing it was gonna taste like artificial vanilla and now i have 2 pounds of this bullshit to grind through.
i let my southern romanticisms get the better of me... i shoulda known better.
i let my southern romanticisms get the better of me... i shoulda known better.
Might make decent iced coffee, though. Coffee is too necessary to mess around with a hot beverage that you dislike.
i usually make 4 cups every day but im only drinking 2 at most of this. it's being wasted, but i absolutely have to rush through consumption so i can justify being fresh beans.
Jamaican coffee with an overpowering flavor.
Learned I could mix it 1/4 with regular beans for a decent tasting cup. Way too much otherwise.
Or a rum-spiked Rhode Island-style coffee milkshake that they call a cabinet for some reason.
i think i'll make one of those later today...
I'm sorry, man...
What about baking it into cookies with a stronger flavor to cover it up? I have a great recipe for espresso-peanut butter cookies, but I don’t bother with the espresso machine.
And what better flavor than that bitter, dark delight?
i was asking if theres ever been a good coffee thats had vanilla or nut or other flavor added
but i knew the answer already
i respect the other whole bean grinders in my life too much to ever gift them something i know theyll despise.
never give your friends & loved ones anything that would infuriate you yourself to receive.