Just what does he have to do for ordinary people to realise he doesn't care about them in the slightest. They're probably buying his grifting crypto whilst he removes their ability to afford life saving drugs. The no. unqualified billionaires in his Cabinet should give them a clue who he works for
A dear friend who has many health issues was about to see a monthly stay-alive prescription go to $4. Now it will be over $300 (cost to the company is pennies). Staying alive is 30% of her income.
If you're biggest worry is that you can't find the constitution (a document that is exceedingly simple to find the text for) on the white house webpage, you're worried about the wrong things. Trump is doing a whole lot worse than rewriting the White house website
See, that is far more worrying that the constitution missing... I fully expect the constitution to return, but reproductive rights are not returning to a government website anytime in the next 4 years... Not that there will be many rights left by then
Give it a few days, I'm sure it will be back as they rewrite the entire website to look like flashy and eye grabbing trash websites instead of professional, as a government website should be.
They're trying to rewrite history, but a slick propaganda website will only fool most Americans
It’s what Vlad told him to do. The sole mission of this administration is to destroy our democracy pure and simple. Anyone thinking that MAGA will understand this is fooling themselves. They are illiterate and full of hate.
Me too. I have lost my understanding of what is America. Laws used to be important and could apply to everyone but it’s been proven that is no longer true.
F#@ken Trump! What the hell?! Why isn’t the propaganda news airing this? Airing how great it is to have the barbed wire going back into the Texas Rio Grande. AND, Fox-loving MAGA bro-in-law’s frothing at the TV, yelling, “That’s right, moth#er f#@kers, Trump is back- your ass needs to stay out!"
"While Trump's reversal of Biden's order did not immediately change any existing laws and regulations on prescription #drug pricing for $Medicare and #Medicaid, it did create uncertainty about the federal government's approach to addressing prescription drug costs."
"Biden’s bigger #healthcare initiatives, such as a $35/mo cap on insulin, a $2,000 annual out-of-pocket cap on #prescription drugs and #Medicare’s negotiating #drugpricing provision weren’t affected by #Trump’s executive actions Monday."
"When administrations change over, many of them want to undo some of the actions of other presidents, even when those are more symbolic,” Dusetzina said."
Bullshit! If it's "symbolic", then why do it? #TheAjudicatedRapistFelon is paying back #pharma.
No sympathy for the drooling MAGAts that voted for this. We knew exactly what was coming, tried to warn them, and they were too fucking stupid to listen. Now they're getting everything they voted for, and sadly, the rest of us are also getting what they voted for.
Fact is they had no fooking clue. Fox never brought it up. But if those dumbfooking imbeciles changed TV channels for once in their life,they would have had a heads up. At this point, I don't really give a fuck. America, cherish what you sowed. You earned it all by your own doing.
Yet another reminder: there are tens of millions of us. "We" did not vote for the Nazi. In fact, fewer than 50% of voters voted for him. So please fuck off with the "you all deserve it" bullshit.
Same here. While I know we all suffer, I'll take some solace in that all the Magaholes that voted for this stupidity will find out just how dumb they are with $7.00 eggs, $5.00 gasoline, and prescriptions that simply won't be able to afford.
No sympathy, no empathy. I'll laugh at them crying.
It will be like when my company downsized and I got laid off but so did that dick who was always a dick to me for no reason at all. I was unemployed but so was he and boy, was he super pissed about it!
I hope the MAGATs don't think they can come up to Canada to get their drugs. If I lived anywhere near the border, I'd be cutting a few valve stems on FSA vehicles, especially once the orange shit stain slaps his tariffs on us.
As far as drugs going south from the northern border, I’ve rarely heard of illegal drugs going that way, but heard, read and watched (TV) any number of stories about US citizens going north to bring back prescription medications. Now that TFG’s canceled the meds caps, there will be more trying it.
100%. I read a quote from a man who didn't realize the ACA was the same as Obama care and why he voted for him. Them he got pissed when he found out he planned to do away with the ACA. Wtf 😳I just can't anymore with their stupidity & ignorance.
Lots of reasons to detest Trump, but this isn't one of them. Biden’s bigger health care initiatives, such as a $35 monthly cap on insulin, a $2,000 annual out-of-pocket cap on prescription drugs and Medicare’s negotiating drug pricing provision weren’t affected by Trump’s executive actions Monday.
for Medicaid and Medicare. But I think we’ve always known that the poor, special needs population, and elderly are expendable. When I think about people like Trump and his cronies, I’m convinced there has to be a hell.
Yes, though I’m sure people are still waiting for the promised lower prices. Reminds me of one of my grandmother’s sayings, “Never buy a pig in a poke.” Origin is medieval Britain: farmers apparently would offer piglets for sale in bags (pokes), but the buyer would find something else in it later.
I’m unable to verify any stats. Biden reduced prescription INSURANCE cost caps (and all med ins increased costs), 250 drugs went up before freeze in prices. Where in the world does the number 4500 come from; link VERY appreciated (is insulin still $35/month?).
tump did not touch the Inflation Reduction Act. Those prescription caps are still in place. Not sure what was in that executive order but the Act is still in place. Thank goodness.
Does maga understand that cheap gas and eggs (that may or may not happen) won’t cancel out the high cost of the higher prescription prices that are coming? Never mind.
As pissed as I am, there will be some joy watching these people get what they voted for. It’s just a shame we all have to suffer. But I will find delight in the confusion of those who voted for this. The tiger wasn’t supposed to eat my face! Petty is my middle name now.
I wish this wasn’t me, I wish I was a better person… but yeah, bring on the petty. I’m going to laugh and laugh at the assholes so I don’t spend all day crying for the other folks.
I wish I was a better person too. I am a better person except where 🟠 is concerned. The next 4 years I will either laugh or worse, show indifference. Am I sorry you are getting what you voted for? No.
In Colombia, diabetics get their supplies for free. That's what universal healthcare does, help everyone take care of their health and not billionaires' bank accounts.
The real work begins when they install the drainage system, fill the hole, and lay the sod down. The drainage system will prevent the site from becoming a bog from the daily line of people waiting to piss on his grave.
My hopes are the Repugs feel it in their pocketbooks and deep in their souls. Those fucking eggs were so damn important. I have nothing but contempt for them. No care for their issues.
But, but, the right wing folks I know are all anti Big Pharma. Think they’ll ever figure out that Trump is just funneling more money to his buddies? His buddies in Big Pharma?
Traitor cuts RX price caps in another brilliant move. Prices up and people dead, traitor has another win. From this win in particular, people will be so sick of winning they will literally die.
Maga you sure know how to do stupid well.
Even if his base suffers from diabetes and the lack of insulin, they still won’t put two and two together and point the finger at him. They will find a dozen other people to blame before they blame him. No lessons learned.
basically there will be 1-2 months of lower prices (people have seen this by now), then it will rocket back up. everyone will obviously notice this! but will they then blame biden? I hope no, but my guess is yes, that is what will happen.
No, that is true.
However it does mean the Government is significantly controlling the cost.
About 55% is tax in UK. It has been higher but with "fuel duty" now being flat rated it has been reduced.
US does not tax fuel in same way. The Federal tax is a flat amount, whereas each State tax varies.
EGGS ARE EXPENSIVE BECAUSE OF THE AVIAN FLU! Guess what else is more expensive now? beef!! Why??? Because of avian flu and the lack of regulations to curb this because of TRUMP cutting back regulations 🤦🏻♀️ yes I’m shouting…
you know those people we talk about that can't focus on more than one thing at a time? Money is all they focus on and I don't add power because obviously money IS power.
American people need to suffer hard as they seem to be prepared to vote for monsters if it means Mexicans and Muslims won’t be ahead of them in a queue.
Indicative of the real welfare queens and terrorists you need to worry about, not someone from another country, they're right in your backyard, running multi-billion dollar corporations, and holding office.
Your oppression is their profession
Fine by me, most of trumps followers are on prescription drugs of some kind including the opioids. Suits me right into the ground to watch them choose between poverty and withdrawal 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. All of this shit they caused us gonna affect them tenfold everyone else and it’s worth it almost.
A statue? 🙄
And yeah the constitution or he’s trying anyway. He’s already got lawsuits for the mass deportation and the abortion ban. I just hope someone gets a set and fights him back
No it is not for a monarchy it is for a fascist authoritarian dictatorship like Hitler and Putin, with an oligarchy mixed in.
His shit for brains CULT Members will regret their decisions when MAGA starts really taking away everything of value.
I get it. I’ve been around people like him (although not quite this evil) all my life. So, no it doesn’t shock me. I expect it. He’s petty and this is what petty people do.
Hah! He and Bolton are not buds. I'm guessing Trump wants Bolton somewhere else. Fun fact: Trump mostly hires from Fox News (greatest decision maker in the world and all) and knew who Bolton was. He came highly recommended, but Trump resisted initially because he didn't like Bolton's mustache.
All I’m saying is expect bs from trump. It’s upsetting but he doesn’t care n he will continue to be an ass bc he can. We know how he is. He’s petty. And he doesn’t play by the rules. Just like he’s pushing, we need to push back too.
Read Paradise Papers
Panama papers
I think he's going after Panama because that was his best money laundering scam. Revenge. Let's show him what that is.
We need to sit back and let them suffer. We need to figure out what to do to help the other folks, but Magots needs to suffer. In every fucking red state trailer park across the country with their sorry sick asses, let them suffer.
Like Hitler, I think trump's strategy is to eradicate everyone who supported him and get rid of the "deficients" so he and his ilk can start to bilk the next level... great move MAGAts and Repubes!
Day one and nothing but cruelty and pettiness. He called it the beginning of the "Golden Age". Maybe for himself and the billionaires, but definitely NOT for the rest of us. More like the "Dark Ages". People will suffer and he knows it and gets sadistic joy from it. Damn them all.
This isn’t accurate as the majority of increases are due to insurance companies raising co-pays and recording profits. $ is made by pharmacy, benefit managers, insurance companies, distributors, and pharmacies. DT will ruin the country but the statement is not factual sorry.
It honestly seems like he has no understanding of economics. If you bankrupt/kill off everyone who is in need of medication, they’re not going to buy other things you want them to. It’s not just evil, it’s stupid
Things like that cause people to die.
That's no different from what the healthcare CEO did who got visited by Luigi.
When will people start calling actions like that murder?
It might take a while but maybe MAGA will feel the strangle hold now - unless he tells them Joe did it and he can’t reverse anything… they might just believe him
JBLO. I don’t know where you live geographically. I have a friend who lives in Houston Texas and he drives down to Mexico every two months and purchases these inhalers for five dollars a pop.
Oh I dont forget, just disgusted and heartbroken that this is the world we live in... And very grateful I live in Scotland. I require weekly injections, daily painkillers and meds to support immune system thankfully all provided for me. The NHS is a lifesaver even with its challenges x
The pharmaceutical company execs who, after paying bazillions to lobby for unregulated drug costs, and are benefiting from this, need to be visited by the ghosts of healthcare past and future.
This will result in the deaths of people who can no longer afford their medications. A special FU to the "Christians" who voted for #PresidentFelon because you said that he is #ProLife.
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free”
And I will exploit them to fund my greed.
And then I will deport them.
Lady Liberty will be weeping tonight.
Pisses me off. I was counting on that. It was one of the few things being done that would’ve actually helped me personally. I spend pretty close to $700 a month out of pocket on prescriptions. Might not seem like a big deal to some, but I’m retired. Can’t wait to rub my ex-husband’s face 1/2
If this is true, it will impact so many people. And I must say to trump: Eat shit and die a long slow death. Very painful. Without access to drugs that could make it all go away.
He is such an asshole.
Sickened, too...And, this is just Day 2. We have to get ready for the fight of our lives with this sick bastard. He's not going to do this country in as he is planning, nope, no , NO!!!!
I keep thinking of the people who are diabetic and had to ration their insulin because of the price before Biden negotiated with the CEO sociopaths in the Drug Industry!
So fuckin' true. The only demographic that sustained their anti-Trump numbers, were people 65 and older in the last election and ALL of us are on some Rx or another.
Magas are special kind of stupid.Guess no senior MAGAs take medications on list.To bad we all have to suffer bc of their stupidity. Another reason why I won’t help any maga.
It won’t just be Medicare and all. Higher prices from tariffs and retaliatory tariffs, no one to pick the crops nor process the food in plants normally staffed by undocumented workers, all sorts of increases await us and we’ll have no income with which to pay.
Yes, the SC has a conservative majority & skews toward extreme rightwing, christian nationalism, but CONGRESS makes the laws; Presidents sign or vetoes them. I'm not suggesting it won't happen, I'm saying it won't happen overnight. If the U.S. Constitution is overturned there is no USA.
Some people believe the truth when they hear it and act accordingly; others have to be smacked in the head with truth and by then it’s too late to recover.
I called myself "Jeremiah" and my wife "Cassandra" because we warned people in our neighborhood of what the future held and they DIDN'T FUCKING LISTEN.
Those that voted for Trump should have first read The Hunger Games. As with many dystopian works, the elite controls the masses by impoversing and brutalizing them. Punishing people by putting essential drugs beyond their financial reach is just one example of brutalization.
Search for the Constitution. It used to be on a page called "How our Government Works".
Also the .gov reproductive rights page is gone.
They're trying to rewrite history, but a slick propaganda website will only fool most Americans
Biden's $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket expenses and $35 insulin prices are not effected.
Trump falsely took credit for lowering insulin prices he had nothing to do with.
Trump rescinded a study into ways of lowering other prescription prices that weren't in effect yet.
Yeah, we'll see.🙄
😡Hey, @nbcnews.com... not to people on #Medicare and #Medicaid!!!
"Biden’s bigger #healthcare initiatives, such as a $35/mo cap on insulin, a $2,000 annual out-of-pocket cap on #prescription drugs and #Medicare’s negotiating #drugpricing provision weren’t affected by #Trump’s executive actions Monday."
#Medicare #Medicaid
"When administrations change over, many of them want to undo some of the actions of other presidents, even when those are more symbolic,” Dusetzina said."
Bullshit! If it's "symbolic", then why do it? #TheAjudicatedRapistFelon is paying back #pharma.
Signed 🇨🇦
No sympathy, no empathy. I'll laugh at them crying.
Hopefully a future Chief Justice rules that the FEC has a duty to protect us from this.
The man isn't human. If this was the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe, I'd say Hair Drumpf is a demon who escaped Hell.
7G consensus, y’all. Unite.
Did he do that so that he would put the cap back himself in a few weeks and get credit for it?
I would not put it past Trump.
HIV pre- and post-infection medications.
Immunotherapy for many disease states.
Hepatitis medications.
Targeted cancer therapy.
Psychiatric medications.
How many of our family members have been helped?
This is insane and shows just how low dtrumpf’s GOP are willing to go and let our seniors.
Violently ill..
Shame on all of them!
So there’s always that
Oh and gas went up 10 cents today 🤷
Maga you sure know how to do stupid well.
Ridiculously cheap in a global context.
Try £1.53 per litre.
Need to focus on more important things.
However it does mean the Government is significantly controlling the cost.
About 55% is tax in UK. It has been higher but with "fuel duty" now being flat rated it has been reduced.
US does not tax fuel in same way. The Federal tax is a flat amount, whereas each State tax varies.
Non-white government workers will lose their jobs!
Grocery prices will stay high and medications will skyrocket!
Trump supporters are finding out now!
Musk isn’t having much success with his rockets. Can’t even get them to the moon
WTH? He also dropped WHO membership.
This seems to fit in with his pandemic denial. He really wants to see Americans weak and unhealthy. WTF is wrong with him?
Also, the easier it is to take our other assets. Like real estate. If we all die, it leaves more for him and his vultures to feast on.
That's the right for you.
Your oppression is their profession
He is undoing the Constitution itself, the great legacy of our Founders, in favor of some tacky monarchy!
Some of his rabid supporters are demanding statues of him to be placed in every city and town across the US!
And yeah the constitution or he’s trying anyway. He’s already got lawsuits for the mass deportation and the abortion ban. I just hope someone gets a set and fights him back
I'll take one for the team. In Colorado you don't go to jail for misdemeanors 🤣
His shit for brains CULT Members will regret their decisions when MAGA starts really taking away everything of value.
Panama papers
I think he's going after Panama because that was his best money laundering scam. Revenge. Let's show him what that is.
We might as well get use to the FASCIST/MAGA are not going to do anything good for the children, elderly and working Americans.
I’m mad as HELL for the stupidity of the people that voted for the Convicted Felon that sold out America in his 1st term.
He really hates Americans.
That's no different from what the healthcare CEO did who got visited by Luigi.
When will people start calling actions like that murder?
not even going to
mention Trump
trying to actively
murder anyone
what needs insulin?
Socialism works.
- Martin Shkreli (possible follower to RFK?)
And I will exploit them to fund my greed.
And then I will deport them.
Lady Liberty will be weeping tonight.
He is such an asshole.