Anybody who thinks Bluesky is an “echo chamber” hasn’t done something edgy like suggest maybe there is a chance the Democrats, including me, made mistakes and we should figure that out soon.
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I’m an old, straight, whyte, working class guy and I was super-excited about Harris. I thought Walz was a great pick. I heard the message; her priorities were my priorities. I honestly don’t know what she was supposed to say or do differently.
Yes we should have a discussion on what we need to do better but I don’t think we should underestimate the effect of disinformation spread by Trump, Musk and Putin. I read that Fox now has 70% of the viewers. We need to fix the disinformation and propaganda flow too.
Dems fail to—
• frame/control narratives
• act as a monolith
• go low
• use power to their advantage
• stand up to corruption
• implement popular policies disliked by corporate 🇺🇸
• stop running right (makes MAGA more loony alt right & pushes progressive/green allies away)
• learn from mistakes
And my own (probably very unpopular) opinion: Dems need to ditch Clinton. We can’t be outraged about adulterous/rapist/pedophile/SAers on the other team while embracing the one accused of the same on ours. And sorry, by extension that means, HRC, too. Every time they enter the narrative, we lose. ☹️
Democrats unfortunately believe that people are essentially good at heart, no, they are not, the greedy self-serving, totally only care about themselves.
Democrats are sleep again America is about to become an oligarchy, already is.
Not understanding that Trump is a Mafia Illuminati figure who is going to turn America into his and his friends money printing machine.
And rid himself of any oversight people who could stop him.
The mistake made is thinking the founding fathers wanted a democracy, they didn't.
We The People was "We The Body Politic" democracy was a dirty word.
The Forever War written by Nick Bryant.
Wake up America!
Well I can tell you the mistake is that we had a candidate that didn't seem to listen to what voters wanted, like not bombing children, improving healthcare, making things cheaper. Granted the Repubs make that difficult to do but at least TRY and don't just mildly pander to voters, like come on Dems
The people who didn't vote will have friends and family members deported, and will experience inflation from tariffs, and will see the level of sympathy Trump has for Gaza.
No doubt. Not sure why people need constant affirmation of what they say. We should also all read posts twice before posting and before commenting on someone else’s post. It is so easy to misinterpret what someone writes. Not worth jumping all over someone when they don’t agree with you on 100%.
We let the GOP control the messaging and mainstream media just helped them along. Kamala was right to go on Fox. She should have gone on Rogan. Every Democrat should be knocking down the doors of conservative outlets. We aren’t platforming what already has a platform.
Democrats need to get between the voter and the source of their propaganda. Not just one or two democrats, all of us. We need to leave no quarter for MAGA
I agree, but I think Bluesky is an opportunity to regroup and get our footing. For so long, other sites have blocked us from connecting with each other. Maybe that was part of the problem?
I am one of the small & HEAVILY targeted US minorities. I have & will vote Dem because others want me dead. No democrat leaders ask me what I need or want or defend me against attack ads. I think Dems need to build relationships not just messaging. Talk to people NOW! Black, Hispanic, Asian...
People are afraid of the word socialism, but not of socialist policies like social security, Medicare, ACA, unions. We need to use the word more to describe the policies the benefit from
The party was too much they happy, happy stuff, and not enough focus on the things that people were thinking about, economics, immigration and their petty selfish butts.
I am 64 and have been watching this stupid cycle of Republicans trashing the country and Democrats fixing the mess. It has to stop and I have little hope in the people after this outcome. They have forgotten the obligation of the Constitution.
Yes. Our mistakes are being insufficiently racist and fascist for an American public that has come to love racism and fascism because their propaganda channels promote it all day long. Those are our major mistakes.
And, yet, Trump gained voters from communities of color and many women continue to vote for him, including women of color in lower numbers. They may dislike his rhetoric, but they abhor Dems more. We might ask why.
What is the difference between being racist and approving of racism? Ignoring racism? Isn't that racism? To me it's the same. In other words, if you can "sort of ignore" racism it's because you're racist.
I hear you. I think there are degrees, though. For some people, it’s not on their radar, and while that doesn’t make them anti-racist or good allies, it doesn’t make them as racist as, say, the KKK.
And, beyond that, they feel the Dem Party is out of touch, talks down to them, and is obsessed with issues that don’t affect their everyday lives and what matters.
I had those same thoughts! But then I started asking around and having one on one convos with Trump voters and it really is a wide range of issues, but inflation, immigration, and identity politics were all big ones for them.
The biggest mistake--as in 2016--is staying in the bubble and not paying attention to how they were defining us. They were telling voters that Kamala was going to give illegal immigrants sex change operations and force Catholic doctors to do abortions.
IMO, elected Dems need to have people scour the interwebs for GOP propaganda in order to effectively combat the GOP lies that result in the Dems/liberals as being branded as something they are not.
On twitter, they are targeting Sec Pete, Gov Newsom & Gov Healey a LOT😳The stuff people believe is🥜
Trump took a page from the Kissinger playbook “Harris is a Com**nst”- amplified over evangelical & Spanish-speaking media. Since the 50s any candidate to the left in Latin America has this label, propaganda paid by US taxpayers’ $ (Search National Endowment for Democracy).
There has been a huge amount of what went wrong with the campaign gnashing of teeth. For me there was nothing wrong. We are at a moment in history where right wing populism is winning and will do so until it fucks everything up. Hopefully without a ton of war.
I think right wing populism is on the rise because of wealth inequality and high prices of goods. Neither of which Biden caused. But unrest related to inequality leads to extremes.
I'm not looking to stir up trouble, but two highly qualified women were beaten by a felon who was judged to be a sex offender and has declared bankruptcy numerous times. Unfortunately, I think there is a large subsection of American men who will not vote for a woman.
Well, Fred, I see what you’re saying but if I even point out certain truths that aren’t popular among Democrats I will be swarmed by people and told that I’m some kind of traitor.
Imo, owning our opinions + not stating them like they're the only correct or valid opinion can be helpful in that respect. I've found people don't become as defensive or angry. (I'm referring to non-magas. Magas r angry about everything.)
I look around + stating opinion as fact has become normalized. Tucky Carlsbad, for ex., uses intentional verbiage to make what he says accepted as fact to his audience. It's a 🦊 manipulation thing.
Introspection is hard. I am learning this, even on Nlue Sky, every time I try to focus people away from demonizing MAGA/Trump and towards solutions that will lead to future victories.
First, I've had great debates and discussions with people here as a classical liberal/center-right independent. But there are disagreements. Second, I agree with you, but I think that the implication of changing the party's values/platform has made it a very sensitive subject for most Democrats.
Democrats did make mistakes, but they also did a lot right as well. That feeling of hope and joy and possibility from the convention and the rallies must bolster us to fight for better days. I don’t think you can fight the cult of personality, but I do think you can chip away at it.
Same old messaging problem. Not taking credit. Biden’s programs were too long and involved for even a Dem like me to remember. They should have been hammered all day and evening on tv and radio. Did the news cover them enough?
I still have lead in my water like lots of public schools also still do. I think states not implementing his programs to help individuals was part of the problem too. As you said they were too long and too involved for me to notice bridges/highways would be fixed first.
Plenty of mistakes. For one, I think the Harris/Walz campaign made major error is not vigorously disputing the idea that we were better off 4 years ago in ads.
I'm a little account with big ideas. I think the Democrats would benefit from talking to someone like me. I lived under "Christian" authoritarianism for 22 years. They don't understand what's coming. (Hint: Bible-backed, unnecessary cruelty.)
Most of us have done, and will probably continue to do for some time, analyze quietly what went wrong. The media is doing the megaphone version so we don't need to add to the noise. We come here for solace.
I read somewhere that Elon’s Starlink got the election results 4 hours b/f it was called. It said many of the ballots were straight Dem ballot except they voted for Trump as President. I have no idea if it’s true but Elon was never alone prior to the election. Donald kept him close to his side.
We should all participate in the debriefs at all levels. Ego free After Action Review and the resulting Lessons Learned are the way to improve. Recriminations and blame avoidance get us nowhere. So do rushed, assumption based “postmortems. We have to get better.
The number one mistake Democrats made regarding the 2024 election was not making Trump appear for court on January 21st 2020. Their slow walking prosecutions, to avoid looking partisan, really screwed the entire world.
Instead of being outraged and offended at what the Republicans do, how about going on the offense and beating them at their own game, but without losing our inherent empathy and decency in the process.
This!!! The Democratic Party must understand that black women are disengaging b/c of the broken promises made by other constituencies during this election cycle. Black women are the most reliable voting bloc for the dems. We need to have hard conversations NOW about what happened & how to fix it.
I know lots and lots and lots of white people that voted Harris and sadly I know younger black men who voted for Trump. Respectfully, I think your answer is too simplistic.
Sadly, is it because those White people feel the non-whites “get too much” at their expense. Perhaps they don’t care about the Treason, Fraud, Rape, Racism, Corruption, Coercion and Blatant Stupidity as long as they feel somebody else suffers more.
Yes, I agree. They ignore the facts that actually Whites benefit the most from social programs throughout the country.
This is why I believe White Dems NEED to talk to their friends and family OFTEN. Not avoid politics to be “polite”. We (ppl of color) are not generally in their circles.
I agree. Just trying understand what it is they actually like about Trump and his cohort is a useful window. Keep moving in your circles; they sound much healthier.
Alot of the white vote from far right trumpers wont be talked to or convinced of anything ever, to them it was about anti black anti women. Alot of conversation online by black men was suspicion of Harris because of her stance as attorney gen in CA- refusal to lower sentences for drug convictions.
yes, they liked Biden and not Harris and alot of them made their decisions by listening to black men, because they realized that black men would know best, just my experience though, mabye it wasnt nationally.
If you're contention is that its just white voters being racist trump lovers who gave trump the election that doesnt explain how those same white voters gave Biden the election when he ran against Trump in 2020.
This is precisely the question! Why did the White Biden voters (not foaming at the mouth Trumpers) back the felon over the qualified woman? This is who we need to win back to our side. White Dems must have these conversations with their ppl bc we (ppl of color) are not generally in their circles.
Look. I come from a very red part of the country. Including my father. I know them, like them, and in the case of my them. But what it comes down to for them is: But the gays. And those shiftless minorities the believe are freeloading welfare.
It is the ultimate success of the Southern Strategy combined with the MSM always looking in the diners for those folks. Rs are great at repeating all the talking points in lockstep and MSM laps it up. That is a "tough row to hoe" as would be said in the Ozarks for the Dems to overcome.
We didn’t provide specific enough reasons why they have skin in the game on a smaller conceptual scale. “Saving Democracy” is a bad pitch in a nation where very few are familiar with the Constitution and remember little from their high school Civics class.
Well, I think there will be many millions who "find out" what #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy meant...and it will be a lesson learned too late. I know 9 female teachers who voted for Trump, and think the DOE needs to go! Shocked, stunned and in disbelief are words that describe me the past 3 weeks...
I cannot even wrap my head around that. Are they xenophobes, racists, or religious nuts?
They actually think the DOE needs to go? That's crazy af thinking.
I understand and appreciate that. What I hear from quite a few millennial friends is that there wasn't more of a primary. In more than a few it was a bit of racism and sexism. They didn't like Trump..but not happy about Harris. Also more than a few big Elon fans. He had a huge impact.
Do you think Biden holding on so long, and then endorsing his own "heir-apparent" pissed-off many Dems, including leadership, who wanted a primary? TBH, it DID appear that Harris had more "national" Rs supporting her effort than Ds. I loved Harris-and no one in the original primary other than Biden.
I'm not sure tbh. I thought Biden did a great job as president. I didn't like the way he was forced out. But, not sure he would have won. Maybe he should not have run for re-election. Again, I think the media focus on his age, etc. was detrimental. Think a lot of folks want the reality show.
I don't think it's a mistake for the Ds and like minded folks to continue to embrace what those other folks consider "the other.". And the backwards looking thought that Ds should push folks away or disavow them is far more wrong. So I think fancy Ds should stop this nonsense and be more creative.
Any discussion must revolve around the fact that many people have moved away from the ideology of voting for the "lesser of 2 evils" and could not live with themselves if they voted for a person who would be complicit to genocide, ethnic cleansing, and other human rights abuses. We need a new party.
Dems seem to think that hovering around the middle and shifting right because they might pull in a few extra voters works(it won’t) Reps will ALWAYS see the Dems as lefties(they are not). But the Dems should become what the Rep have always hated them for. Move left and the populi will follow.
IDK. The propagation from the right about “leftists” seems to work. People still use the scariness of communism as if it is leftist, when in reality, it is right/totalitarian.
I advocate for "Libertarian Socialism," that is, a "right-sizing" of a central government, with far more power given to localities to democratically decide how to run their community. With human rights respected, of course?
I think the people should democratically decide things, not myself, though.
Well your term is easier to understand than the previous post, but Libertarianism is difficult for me to understand than any other form of government/ theory, for some reason.
The Democrats need to coalesce around a few strong leaders so the party, notwithstanding the old "rainbow" image, seems more and more like a juggernaut of one mind. This could attract some of the assholes who voted red, once the see what trump's policies are doing to them
Congress should have ground to a halt immediately after Trump uttered this damning, seditious plea in July of 2016. Additionally, the media should have been reporting on this every single day, until Trump was neutered.
Anybody who suggests Bluesky is an echo chamber doesn't understand Democrats, or how even among ourselves can have widely differing views. Not that they have any desire to get to know us. It's easier to dehumanize what you don't know or understand.
If Democrats aren't looking inward after losing an election to one of the most hateful, incompetent and divisive candidates we've ever had, we have an uphill battle to reclaim the House, Senate or Presidency in upcoming elections.
Exactly! The country was focused on food prices, the border, and affordable housing not far left issues. It was then easy for the Trump campaign to scoop up the voters Democrats needed.
Dump all the damn labels. Labels are used to DIVIDE people. Focus on issues that matter to everyday folks. NEVER demean those issues. For example: trivializing folks being upset - over not being able to afford groceries to feed their families - by acting like it's just about 'the price of eggs'.🙄
I can not stress strongly enough how 'not helpful' that is - to those of us working hard - to 'get out the vote'.
This isn't a football game. That whole 'red' vs 'blue' yada yada needs to stop.
Talk about each state individually and speak respectfully.
Recognize their contributions to our country.
In response? Talk of 'programs' to assist 'low-incomes' in paying (these artificially inflated) housing costs.🙄
Focusing on 'that' rather than the CAUSE (corporate consolidation) misses the point.
Everyday citizens are being sucked dry and the 'disconnect' is politicians blind to the CAUSE of that.
Due to the mind-numbing disconnect that exists. Using catchy slogans and sound bites to address our ability to survive. Ex: Unaffordable Housing Crisis. Caused by private equity firms buying up the majority of residential housing in our country with RealPage coordinating rent hikes nationally.
Ex. of a Mistake: Referring to 'red states' AS 'red states' 24/7 - with nonstop remarks about the ignorance of 'those' folks - adding in worn-out tedious, stereotyped 'jokes' (incest etc) - even DURING active campaigns - THEN wrapping all THAT up with a cheery "and don't forget to vote for us". 🙄
Whenever I suggest mistakes Dems made (like BBB was too much and amplified, not triggered, inflation) normy NPR Dems rip my head off. Not just here, on X, FB, and especially Threads.
And I don't criticize for the sake of finger wagging. We seriously need to throw the deadweight off this Democratic Party Balloon before it crashes. Focus solely on the poor and the working poor. "Oh, but we can't do anything if we don't win Congress". Well, we're not going to win that back this way
As a Canadian who watches Americans because everything you do affects the world - of course they made mistakes. Having said that, nothing they did was so detrimental to make Trump winning "make sense". The American education system failed you. There a LOT of people who just don't comprehend.
Ain't much to figure out, nobody DOES anything, all talk. For Christ sake, the Constitution spells out in real easy to understand words that he cannot serve! All someone needs to do is grab him by the collar and throw his ass out in the street. Fuck the Supreme court! We can read it for ourselves!
If Kamala were Kameron Harris - he’d be president-elect.
We’re an inherently sexist country—men are the worst- especially white men - but too many black and brown men couldn’t stomach it either. and white women over 50 … UG.
I don't know about you, but I do feel that the Democratic Party needs overhauling. They have lost contact with the man and woman on the street, their messaging is abominable, and their spines are made of spaghetti. They could take a clue from the Repugs. No matter what, they circle the wagons.
Sure. It’s a standard thing that I do when people complain about Bluesky being an echo chamber. I go into my feed and pick a random post that is definitely not political. I look for posts where people are living their lives, like you’re doing.
I didn’t mean any harm by it, if that’s what you’re wondering. I’m not trying to troll you. I’m trying to show how Bluesky is very different from X—because a post like yours would either get lost in the noise or the MAGA trolls would threaten your life over olives, FFS.
Look. I know olives can be a touchy food for people. But it’s certainly not a white-hot button issue that demands that folks like you fend off death threats and violent, virulent, vicious trolling from trolls that clearly don’t know how to live nor have ever had a delicious olive before.
Yes, there’s difference of opinion in Bluesky. I’ve found that out for myself already. The difference is that when people disagree with you here, they’re civil about it and opposite ideas actually get discussed, not jammed down someone’s throat
The truth is colder and less intractable. As a country we are too misogynistic and bigoted to elect a black woman over even the absolute worst of white men. There's a large component of ignorance too.
Biden barely beat Trump during a pandemic and a crashed economy. BARELY.
Biden was going to lose by massive numbers if he stayed in the race. It's remarkable and to her credit that Harris made this a close race.
I've been looking at the race angle and these facts about Harris 2024 vs Biden 2020 are disturbing:
Harris was -500K in Chicago (?!?!)
-55K in Boston & down in lots of cities. Philly, Milwaukee: that's why she lost.
What city did she slightly improve in? Atlanta. Up 2K in a city that is 47% black.
I think an overlooked issue for small farmers & land owners is they cant take a piss without a permit, cant use their own pond water, cant build structures without permits and Trump promised to remove that. Trump will make it worse but there was no budging by dems so people got fed up
being unbending so long made the GOP become unyielding and overbearing also I think.
'just end late term abortions' NO
'be trans but wait till kids grow up 4 surgery/drugs' NO
"please just no porn in school libraries' NO
refusal to compromise by BOTH parties got us a fascist dictator, imo.
• frame/control narratives
• act as a monolith
• go low
• use power to their advantage
• stand up to corruption
• implement popular policies disliked by corporate 🇺🇸
• stop running right (makes MAGA more loony alt right & pushes progressive/green allies away)
• learn from mistakes
Democrats are sleep again America is about to become an oligarchy, already is.
And rid himself of any oversight people who could stop him.
We The People was "We The Body Politic" democracy was a dirty word.
The Forever War written by Nick Bryant.
Wake up America!
I expect words wouldn't work.
I hope consequences do.
Again consequences.
Concentration camps, where millions are gathered before being deported.
Tariffs, that raise prices, reduce production, cause unemployment and recession.
Perhaps Ukraine losing, and Russia invades the Baltics.
What we need to do is to get the people who did not vote.
It was not 49% of America who voted for Trump, it was less than 25%...
Half of the US stayed at home.
Reaching out to the right has historicaly failed. Yet we keep doing it.
If you are Trump actually goes full steam ahead with the tariffs, they might notice though.
Ultimately thought without better media management democrats may squander the screw ups of Trump.
everyone else just blocks anyone who disagrees
that is an echo chamber
EC changed due to relatively small groups of swing state voters who were micro-targeted and stuffed by unlimited dark money.
We have lots of room to bounce back and win.
Or they really didn’t take the time to research & or …I don’t know…care???!!!
On twitter, they are targeting Sec Pete, Gov Newsom & Gov Healey a LOT😳The stuff people believe is🥜
A micro influencer account
so you need to be pounding on Trump not on the people you supposed to support
No wonder why so many Democrats voted against Harris
It's a information war atm
I look around + stating opinion as fact has become normalized. Tucky Carlsbad, for ex., uses intentional verbiage to make what he says accepted as fact to his audience. It's a 🦊 manipulation thing.
There were actually people who voted for Plump, because they thought HE had Kamala's housing plan instead of her!
Learned that lesson once or twice myself 😅
Uphill battle.
at the debate,
would have been a clearer
picture of priorities & momentum
Why can't we hold them accountable, now in hindsight ?
& they did everything to win us over, so we didn't expect their plans
was lied to by a former President when,
at the debate he claimed
he had no plan
Meanwhile, he & his team had a published manual
& were already building
the concentration ca-
"prisons" for the "invaders"
& had hired people with
a signed NDA to keep hush
1 guy leaked
It’s just extremely imperative that we acknowledge, the majority of ppl of color voted Harris. The majority of White men and women abandoned us.
You HAVE to talk to your friends and family.
The rest make up about 28% of the electorate. The majority of that 28% voted for Harris.
White people must talk to their friends and family about why they preferred a treasonous felon. It really is that simple.
This is why I believe White Dems NEED to talk to their friends and family OFTEN. Not avoid politics to be “polite”. We (ppl of color) are not generally in their circles.
Aside from the “cult” trumpers, we lost the White ppl that had previously voted for Biden.
They actually think the DOE needs to go? That's crazy af thinking.
Any fixed, unaccountable hierarchy is bad.
Actual communism has never been achieved.
I think the people should democratically decide things, not myself, though.
ALLliteratePersons MUST consider ALLAngles w/Humility &LearnALL2BLearned💙24/7-356 orLoseOpp2LEARNEvDay🙅♂️
But Wrong DXcan't FIX LIE🐍Problems:MistakesByDemsCantB calculated wOut/CitizensUnited💰Musk💰dumbPodsRogan
Congress should have ground to a halt immediately after Trump uttered this damning, seditious plea in July of 2016. Additionally, the media should have been reporting on this every single day, until Trump was neutered.
We failed.
This isn't a football game. That whole 'red' vs 'blue' yada yada needs to stop.
Talk about each state individually and speak respectfully.
Recognize their contributions to our country.
Focusing on 'that' rather than the CAUSE (corporate consolidation) misses the point.
Everyday citizens are being sucked dry and the 'disconnect' is politicians blind to the CAUSE of that.
This is absolutely essential if we want to be remotely competitive very soon.
We’re an inherently sexist country—men are the worst- especially white men - but too many black and brown men couldn’t stomach it either. and white women over 50 … UG.
My humble opinion is that’s basically it.
Do folks just not know how to live anymore? Is that it?
Biden was going to lose by massive numbers if he stayed in the race. It's remarkable and to her credit that Harris made this a close race.
Harris was -500K in Chicago (?!?!)
-55K in Boston & down in lots of cities. Philly, Milwaukee: that's why she lost.
What city did she slightly improve in? Atlanta. Up 2K in a city that is 47% black.
'just end late term abortions' NO
'be trans but wait till kids grow up 4 surgery/drugs' NO
"please just no porn in school libraries' NO
refusal to compromise by BOTH parties got us a fascist dictator, imo.