Mindy, are you going to check our genitals at the door? How is that to be enforced? You show a serious lack of critical thinking and practical application. Go work on that.
I have. Many times. I've also been in the women's room more than once when a man came in, apologetically, carrying an infant needing a diaper change and there isn't a changing table in the men's room. Have at it, buddy. I've also been in women's restroom in England where men were in there cleaning.
Have many times. I’m not getting cozy with strangers in either place. What do you guys need this precious space to do exactly? There are stales do extra private stuff in there. I a cis woman doesn’t want to see your private business either.
I worked at a job with 26 other women and 3 men. We learned fast to disregard the gender sign on the 2 bathrooms that were each just a private half bath with toilet and sink
At my old theater job we routinely allowed women to use the men's room when the lines to the ladies' room got too long, and even directed them to it for the shorter line. Nobody complained, ever. Everyone was just trying to use the bathroom before Act II began. It was fine.
Just because we put up with it doesn’t mean we’re happy about it. We’re just being polite and realise it’s an abnormal situation. Some guys struggle to, ah, perform in public because they’re self-conscious. No one I know, of course. Do what you want with that regarding women’s toilets.
Same. Couple of toilets were out of order and the line was too long, so I just popped into the men's. They gave me a weird look, I shrugged and said I couldn't wait, and that was that.
I was ignored, I ignored them and went into a stall, zero fucks given. Trans people in the bathroom, same deal.
But try not to count the number of men exiting who don’t wash their hands (yes many men are gross).
I’ll gladly share my space with trans women. They’d be attacked in the men’s room. Because the root of the problem is cis men.
I was ignored, I ignored them and went into a stall, zero fucks given. Trans people in the bathroom, same deal.
Let people pee in peace, for goodness sake.