But the WHO has noted a 20% jump in measles cases worldwide in the last 2 years, due to people not getting vaccinated.
If that's worldwide, how is that the fault of RFK?
RKF Jr and his "non-profit" are partially responsible for the deaths of over 80 Samoan people in 2019.
Brain worm Jr went to the island nation in 2018 to capitalize on the deaths of two children given a wrongly-mixed vaccine. and push his vaccines are death nonsense.
Cannot take you or anything you say seriously after you literally said Ben Carson would be qualified. That man lost all credibility when he backed Trump in the 1st place. He blew up any remaining credibility when he doubled down and accepted the nomination for Sec of Housing and Urban Development
This statement I do agree with.
I just have a problem with the conspiracy part.
Too many people are making it sound like there was a meeting somewhere and people planned what they were gonna say.
But, TBH, I have never been a big believer in conspiracy theories.
I know this isn’t the point, but has he run any sort of administration or business ? I mean this is a heavy paperwork / boring job. He might get bored and eat worms. 🪱
It kills me that he sullies the name of his father and namesake, Robert Kennedy- a great American ,cut down in his prime. Too bad they can’t trade places.
Man I hate this guy! He’s going to get us all killed. I hope the vaccine manufacturers are cranking up their output and getting it distributed to the underground.
If that's worldwide, how is that the fault of RFK?
Brain worm Jr went to the island nation in 2018 to capitalize on the deaths of two children given a wrongly-mixed vaccine. and push his vaccines are death nonsense.
I think Dr Ben Carson is the best choice to lead HHS.
I just have a problem with the conspiracy part.
Too many people are making it sound like there was a meeting somewhere and people planned what they were gonna say.
But, TBH, I have never been a big believer in conspiracy theories.
he's extremely concerned about what we put in our bodies.