Democrats, in my opinion, should not act like a bottom-tier presidential win, 4th or 5th weakest since 1960, voids the Constitution.
They should, in my opinion, say we're done voting for anything until Trump remembers that the people run this government through Congress. And he must follow the law.
They should, in my opinion, say we're done voting for anything until Trump remembers that the people run this government through Congress. And he must follow the law.
Most of them have shown to be good at doing nothing. Just more need to work on the loophole stuff
Where are our leaders?
We may have elections, but there's no way they won't be blatantly rigged.
"bipartisanship," the principle they are so openly devoted to, is just code for "preemptive surrender"
Democrats are a center right party.
The left is a graveyard
no debt ceiling help
no budget help
GOP has majorities-it’s all on them
Senators could really start obstructing — thread below has a start—like point of order everything