France has added a 1.6 GW reactor to its grid after 17 yrs building. It will be taken off line shortly for repairs as discussed in the thread. In that time, the US added 191.8 GW of solar. After accounting for capacity factor (~25%) that's still 30x the capacity added. 🧪🔌💡☀️💨🔋
Reposted from
Kees van der Leun
France's new nuclear power plant at Flamanville connected to the grid, 17 years after start of construction. The announced construction time back in 2007 was 4.5 years.
(I was pronuke 15 years ago. Nowadays? That`s just econopolitical Onlyfans.)
And yes they will have extra works to replace the reactor cover, which might only make this outage slightly longer, that’s all!
We’ll build em Cleaner,Quicker & Cheaper says the baker & we have NO Nuclear Industry at all.
I think the Hallucinations from his “SPECIAL”Cookies have kicked in🤪🤪🤪