It's too bad that so-called "Evangelical Christians", haven't learned this. Satan doesn't walk around with a sign "I'm Satan". If there is a Satan, he's in the body of the First Felon.
Of course religious figures in the Bible are not real,but Lilith and Lucifer are my favorite story characters.One won't bow to a man, the other just fancies freedom to be oneself.Both,strong, smart,charismatic.The ones who wrote the book,identified them as evil.Men wrote that book. Hmmm.
Ich bin Deutschamerikaner. Mein Großonkel kämpfte im Ersten Weltkrieg gegen Deutschland. Mein Vater und meine Onkel kämpften im Zweiten Weltkrieg gegen Deutschland. Meine Vorfahren verließen Preußen nach den Napoleonischen Kriegen.
Almost all of the Maga movement, who I’ve started to call white nationalists, are fake Christians and don’t understand anything about the teachings of Christ. They operate on blood, lust and hatred..
Not sure what this means Trump Hater Dan. To me it sounds like every child sexually assaulting evangelical Trump voting preacher and his flock of sheep. Maybe I am just reading to much into it.
Comments would not be hard to convince me that the Devil infiltrated the church and warped it to his own infernal ends.
Just in my life, seeing what churches in America have turned into is astounding.