Next week the awesome team of Luke Molloy
& Jackson Rees are assembling to determine the Strictly best 11th Doctor story. What are your thoughts on the era/the Doctor/Matt Smith and we will read them out on the night ❤️
& Jackson Rees are assembling to determine the Strictly best 11th Doctor story. What are your thoughts on the era/the Doctor/Matt Smith and we will read them out on the night ❤️
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Wonderful stories such as the Eleventh Hour, Vincent and The Girl Who Waited rub shoulders with dross like A Good Man Goes to Sleep, Shitemare in Silver and that horrendous widow & the wardrobe nonsense
He does a fantastic job at playing the silly clown, with plans within plans and secrets wrapped up in lies.
Time of Angels
Amy's Choice
Vincent & the Dr
Pandorica/Big Bang
Christmas Carol
God Complex
Wedding of River Song
Crimson Horror
Name of the Doctor