That is my biggest fear.
I remember how proud I was of the Russians who protested the war on Ukraine. It didn't end well for them and now they all hide in fear.
This is exactly what they are waiting for. He’s threatened/demanded to shoot peaceful protesters before and now he has minions who would actually do it.
I think he has minions that would *order* it. I don't know that there's many cops/ national guards / military who want to open fire on a crowd of people. Especially given that it's an illegal order.
There’s a shockingly large number of cops and guardsmen who are actually waiting for the opportunity to open fire on unarmed civilians. It’s truly alarming how much of their “every person is a potential threat” training has enabled this mindset
Yes. Exactly.
Personal story time: 2016 I was out for my evening run. I was attacked by 2 loose dogs, my right hand was mangled. I was rescued by neighbors who called 911, drove me home where the police & EMS met us. My husband was waiting. Our dogs were put up except for our Scottie Dog. 🧵/1
One cop treated everyone like criminals, refused to let EMS take me to the waiting ambulance until he “secured the scene,” pulled his gun & almost shot my Scottie Dog bc he barked from under the bed in another room. One of the neighbors called in for a supervisor bc I was so bleeding badly. /2
Oh, don't worry. We're painting our right wingers Trump Orange as much as possible. It was a given that they'd win the next election, but after seeing the last two weeks, it's not a sure thing anymore.
Police in Seattle had zero problems tear gassing and firing rubber bullets into crowds of peaceful protestors (including children) in 2020. They also blocked injured people from getting to medical care. So… 🤷♀️
They’re not talking about the police. They’re talking about his personal SS and SD that he created when he released the other convicted felons from jail. They’ll have fealty to him thanks to their twisted mindset.
It’s a large minority of very vocal, very violent repeat offenders. The one problem they have, is people are aware that they are there, and the vast majority are preparing to deal with them. I don’t see the entire military bowing down to orders that are unconstitutional.
His minions are itching more. The media are under reporting protests. Hardly a mention of peoples march in DC prior to inauguration, and none bt local press of the one I was in last Sunday. Local news has covered much smaller marches about local issues. A decree for press to not report protests?
Would like Meidas to have Brett or Jordy host Puppies Protest vids to document these efforts, where the general public can view protests and consider joining us in the streets. Why Meidas, they have the views. Not asking them to plan or seek protests but to document these as pics forwarded to them
Yes. They want to terrify us and make us desperate so we protest/march, then they will instigate violence. If he invokes the Insurrection Act, he can direct the U.S. military against civilians and seize control state of National Guard troops.
The United States is far too large for Martial Law to be executed properly. Our military is more diverse now than ever and MOST will not turn on citizens. I suggest yall look up Knitting Cult Lady and other former military content creators. It’ll put your mind at ease about it.
Yes. If we could get ppl to not buy gas for one full day, it would freak them out. Obviously it should be strategically planned hitting various different industries each day.
I like the idea of the strike, and How about adding a secession of some states? described that as one of the possible scenario on an article on substack on December 2024.
The intellectualist here yesterday
As someone in western Europe with some homesickness, we'd move to a Cali that's part of Canada in a NY minute. Sadly for the country, this might be needed. Selfishly, I would be thrilled if it happened.
This is my reasoning.
Trump/Musk are conducting a multilevel attack against the people of the USA (they need slaves, not citizens). The opposition is in total disarray & confusion.
We need to answer with everything we can do legally and in a non-violent way but at the same time. Like the attackers.
JFC so many comments saying 'don't protest because Trump will set the military on you!' Don't you realise how much harder any kind of resistance will be in a few months time? The time for massive public protest is now. Seriously: Now or never.
It is best to fight through economics first, which all of us our empowered to do (spend less or spend at those who continue to oppose his deranged policies).
Worker strikes, boycotts, hacking/digital sabotage, not paying taxes are more effective than street fights. People protested Hitler too, Nazis started fires and blamed Jews. Flood *their*
zone with shit - overwhelming calls and emails, fake threats, rumors to make them distrust each other, etc ...
I fear that protests could be upended with violence caused by ppl sneaking in with protesters
Saw it happen in Baltimore with Freddie Gray Uprising irl
Literally where black ppl gathering peacefully and a white guy would show up with bricks ppl would take video & tweet about it, but chaos is chaos
policy can turn a protest violent without firing: After hearing rumors about schoolkids planning trouble over Freddie Gray, BPD shut down buses from BCPS hub Mondawmin mall, trapping the city’s angry teens for hours
cops don’t have to obey overtly harmful orders for everything to go up in flames
I remember how proud I was of the Russians who protested the war on Ukraine. It didn't end well for them and now they all hide in fear.
Personal story time: 2016 I was out for my evening run. I was attacked by 2 loose dogs, my right hand was mangled. I was rescued by neighbors who called 911, drove me home where the police & EMS met us. My husband was waiting. Our dogs were put up except for our Scottie Dog. 🧵/1
Hopefully enough of your psychos will see how we suffer and snap out of their delusions about “Me First Nationalism”
(Vain hope, I know)
The Brownshirts were Nazi paramilitary.
I like the idea of the strike, and How about adding a secession of some states? described that as one of the possible scenario on an article on substack on December 2024.
The intellectualist here yesterday
Trump/Musk are conducting a multilevel attack against the people of the USA (they need slaves, not citizens). The opposition is in total disarray & confusion.
We need to answer with everything we can do legally and in a non-violent way but at the same time. Like the attackers.
It's what they want, so they can kill Americans.
Which is second part of the resistance plan - bronzer memes or "blue wave" emojis?
zone with shit - overwhelming calls and emails, fake threats, rumors to make them distrust each other, etc ...
Saw it happen in Baltimore with Freddie Gray Uprising irl
Literally where black ppl gathering peacefully and a white guy would show up with bricks ppl would take video & tweet about it, but chaos is chaos
cops don’t have to obey overtly harmful orders for everything to go up in flames
And we see how media is bowing down to Musk’s regime already!