ABSOLUTELY disgusting.
ABSOLUTELY disgusting.
Reposted from
The Transfeminine Review
Here it is. This is abominable.
The American government is systematically destroying the lives of so many people.
To be a trans child right now is to be in a war zone. I can’t even begin to imagine experiencing what they are right now.
Just know that I am here. I am fighting for my life every single day.
I am also watching and listening. Do the right thing. Speak out.
Let’s all step up and support one another because this shit isn’t about to stop soon.
But instead people turn to me for answers, help, and support.
I don’t see myself as someone with the spoons to help others right now. I am so so afraid. I only wish it were easier for us all to get the support we need.
Take care of yourself first & foremost. We're all going to need to support one-another with all this nonsense going on.