Honestly kinda like that there are love interests where you just do not end up with them. Like, that’s actually healthy and good to depict in videogames with romance as an element.
*Less* happy about that part, yeah. Hell, I’m even fine with “You can’t save them” stories but it feels sour it being the trans woman.
Also in general was tepid on the trans rep. Tangent was nice (and her shit with her brother was good) but she’s the only one and her transition happens pre-story.
You can swap around your gender and presentation and that’s cool and good, but nobody’s egg cracks *during* the game and I feel like with a story about teens growing up in fantastical and stressful circumstances it’s a real missed opportunity.
okay Katie im finally succumbing to your propaganda campaign, it was on sale and i bought teenage exocolonist for my switch, this better be worth ten bucks
Gotta recreate that fit.
Also in general was tepid on the trans rep. Tangent was nice (and her shit with her brother was good) but she’s the only one and her transition happens pre-story.