You’re reminding me that a saw a low polygon fascistmobile with a *QR CODE* on its front driver door. I can only imagine what site that asshole was advertising.
Katie dont spit they find it arousing, throw ham slices or something else oily because it permanently damages the glass or frame if it isn't cleaned off carefully.
i figured u were being safe! there's a real sixth sense of when u can get away w stuff. i dont mean to be a downer lol I'd just hate to see u hurt, drivers are insane sometimes
I'm a tesla (non cybertruck & we're studying options) driver and if someone did that I'd be annoyed but I'd get it, I mean how could you not with that ahole who we willingly gave money to.
We empowered a truly fucking evil person who wants to harm people, spit washes off
They found a huge correlation with the use of stickers and road rage. Turns out people who do more than put a single bumper sticker on psychologically perceive the outside of the car as personal space. Their anger at stuff comes from believing they have had their personal space invaded!
I got to flip off a cybertruck I was crossing the street in front of while walking to work today, and, let me tell you, it felt like the most important thing I accomplished all day
It was like I flipped off my poor old granny! Usually it's just middle age white dorks in shades and feels amazing, except they don't look up from their phones to see it.
We empowered a truly fucking evil person who wants to harm people, spit washes off
But you could. Imagine riding along with your superhero cape flapping in the wind behind you.