You should watch Jay Dahl’s THERE ARE MONSTERS (2013), in which some graduate students making a film discover a quiet, insidious apocalypse happening all around them. Invasion Of The Body Snatchers by way of Unedited Footage Of A Bear / This House Has People In It. Feels evil.
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I saw it on YouTube and the bad quality added to the scare
Actually became the impetus for me to finally pick up a region-free Blu Ray player just so I could justify buying the DVD on Amazon.
addendum: Shelley Thomson knocked it out of the park with her brief role
Really fun tention building!
And that guy's eyebrow is gonna be outside of earth's orbit if he keeps it raised so high for so long like that.
And just like that, you sold me.
.....are there jumpscares i should be worried about
We need more jumpscare-free horror.