That bothered me too, until I decided they reconfigured the warhead to the minimum damage setting ("dud") before launch. It must have been part of the fire control system since we have seen Worf swiftly reconfigure warheads on the Defiant to carry trilithium resin ("For The Uniform").
Being a general contractor type as my job I have always said that O’Brien is my hero and spirit animal/person….I totally get why he’s so annoyed all the time lol
I love that episode, Ship in a Bottle, isn't it? I read that the writers, showrunners and execs were very critical of it at the time, feeling the premise was "too silly" and "not scientific enough" but I'm really glad they made it anyway, it's so fun
It's so fun and goofy but I also cannot contain the pedant within me.
A bottle episode is an episode that is produced on a tight budget with a limited scope. The effects to shrink the runabout, the whole cast and crew makeup, and unique score for the episode make it anything but a bottle episode!
As soon as i posted I anticipated someone with pedantic urges would be compelled to say this but In the spirit of Bluesky i can only say okay, yes, you are correct and that’s true. I will endeavor to do better!
And it opens with Kira laughing her ass off in a way that’s arguably out of character, just as a deliberate signal to the audience that this is supposed to be a fun goofy one.
it actually made me think about the compressibility of molecules when miniaturizing things. Although the 1970s Dr Who electronics were a little cringeworthy
Then I realized that every series went wacky at some point and I was there for it.
Something like "that's a matter-antimatter weapon they just nuked a guy in the chest he should be decorating the walls!"
I miss being a teenaged nerd now.
Ship In A Bottle is the second Moriarty episode.
That took...
A little trip
A bottle episode is an episode that is produced on a tight budget with a limited scope. The effects to shrink the runabout, the whole cast and crew makeup, and unique score for the episode make it anything but a bottle episode!
I love Worf's poem at the end. That guy has such a great sense of humour.
I’m currently rewatching TNG and it’s just so wholesome