Dems protest anything tonight@ the capital he will call it illegal & school funding is done.Mike Johnson offered his office to a podcast to stream live during that time? wrote yesterday a must read for everyone,although no surprise for some.
All hell's going to break loose.
Fantastic ideas. The republikkkcommunists already have the flags, left over from last time he was Putin office. But, the wall out, THAT would be fantastic. Don't worry about how they might spin it.
We all love this but as I’ve seen from some diehard Dems, they will act normal and not do anything because that’s what they’re supposed to do. Old school Dem reaction. Taking the high road again! Uugghhhh Infuriating. They still feel like it’s the right thing to do.
Agree 💯 myself. One “influencer” who I follow here and IG because of his common sense, has said that it’s best for the Dems in Congress to do nothing except watch him drown in his own mistakes. It’s an old term or philosophy “Do not interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.”
You are not going to get the Clinton Republicans to do anything to dismay the Clinton's and the big Corp, lobbyists that buy their seats. She is not one of them . Put down the blue maga koolaid and get on AOC's DSA side.
No cause that would still be "great television" for donny. He would love that. Ignoring him is what he hates. Give him no media time, no attention, and no air to his ego.
My daughter in law said that if they do that, it actually gives him more power because it can be seen as them “abandoning their job”
Don’t know how true it is.
Not sure where she got that from. A walkout is a form of protest which is (currently) protected by the First Amendment. Their job is literally the opposite of bending the knee to a tyrant.
Totally, it's a crazy time right now, and people are rightfully terrified. But disruption and non-compliance are key tools to combat fascism and authoritarianism and we need members of Congress to lead that charge.
I wouldn’t be passing out Russian flags. The Republicans already have their own that were given to them by the dick-tators in OUR Oval Office, Muskrat and his 1st Man, Trump-a-Dumb. I support 🇺🇦🇨🇦🏳️🌈
In reality the most effective form of protest for the SOU would be for ALL dems to attend the speech and simultaneously stand and turn their backs to the president and stand that way until he is done. No talking, no comments, just turn their backs. Then they can host town halls and live feeds.
No staying away. This is a chance to get on the world stage and protest live. Show the world that we have a resistance still. Remember good trouble? Sometimes that means getting removed or arrested for the greater good. Time for our representatives to start representing our disgust!
He will feel disrespected. They are being creative and causing their own chaos. I like it. Empty seats with attendees bein fired workers. Works for me. There were lots of options.
I worry that absence during a moment when millions who don't pay attention to politics daily will be watching will be the same as silence. In Philly, we boo. There's something to be said for booing.
ALL members of congress need to appear, especially the Dems. YOU need to show up for We The People, no excuses. When it speaks, YOU should protest by standing up and turn your backs to it. I want you to protest FOR me, please stop giving Dems ideas to not show up for us, sets a dangerous precedent.
Not attending is not the same thing as not paying attention. Social media, independent media, and legacy media will cover it and discuss it to the nth degree; no need to physically be there. The FelonInChief feeds on attention and crowd size; the fewer that attend, the better, in my view.
Agree to disagree. He's not worthy of her presence. The resistance and opposition to his madness has been quite clear from AOC and many others. There is more than one way to make the point.
She is showing up, with her live chats. Not on Trump’s terms. Anyone can choose which one to tune into. They’ll just as well interpret presence however they want to. Wouldn’t put it past him to try to arrest Dems for protesting.
Who will honestly be watching that isn't MAGA anyway. It's just gonna be another rally speech with a bunch of BS. He might as well be Nero playing the violin while Rome burns.
He feeds off audience and trolling the dems. This will be an echo chamber and the more who don’t attend the less ratings. The emperors wearing no clothes
And the news will have to focus on why they didn't show up. Which gives Democrats and everyone else another opportunity to point out every legal, and unconstitutional thing he's doing and how none of this is normal.
I agree, he’s a malignant narcissist the best thing you can do is to ignore him in that, don’t attend. If you attend you are validating him and the nonsense that will come out of his mouth.
Canadians booing at hockey games make headlines every day. Plenty of Trump supporters, and occasional voters and non-voters, hear them. I want to win Congress in 2026 if not before. Loudly booing tonight might reach potential voters in a visceral way not showing up might not.
I agree he does feed off the audience which is why the moment he steps up and gets people to sit... the dems should stand up and walk out. Then have a press conference after to let the American people know why they wont feed into his lies. He has tried to strong arm Congress.
I can't hold in my disgust much these days. They call it trump derangement syndrome but it's my heart hurting for everyone he is selling out, my children's national parks, their clean air, the way the world looks at us, life slipping like sand from our fingers so we can enrich a few greedy parasites
Would be a shame if something triggered non stop tornado sirens all around the Capitol during the entire event. Who did that? Sorry must have been DOGE
Drown him out. But also turn him off. Give him the worst TV ratings ever. It will kill him to hit such low numbers. It would kill any narcissist really.
I & another 10 million of U.S. would love💙 to see each & every Democratic Congressperson & Senator slowly rise to
their feet,TURN their backs from that mendacious🍊 demagogue,& slowly, & with great dignity WALK OUT-all at different times,when each member has heard ENOUGH, which shouldn’t take long!
BlueTX understands that they ONLY understand-- in your F face.
This isn't right, it's not. I really admire AOC- but they need to stand up for the world &THE CULT to witness.
Bring the receipts & a voice.
They go loud- get F LOUDER.
I get she's probably worn out, but that's their game plan.
Funny !!! The story doesn’t include the North of Ireland used bin lids, pots, pans to alert the neighbourhood of the British soldiers entering ☘️☘️☘️☘️
Thats not how it works. You just want uneducated masses. Be smarter. We should watch and we should discuss with out non-political friends. We need a revolution.
Tell me how listening to lies and rubbish for a long time makes us smarter? Just makes us madder and not worth a damn. We protest as many of us already know the playbook project 2025 and it’s time to stand up not watch!
I definitely understand the sentiment, and I admire AOC more than almost any elected in the US. Just as I strategy for winning future elections, I'm not sure a boycott is best.
Unfortunately I think they'll be so busy patting themselves on the back, they won't even miss the Dems absence. They will be able to spew their lies without any objections or opposition.
My only hope is that, since the event gets so much attention, the Dems not even being there would get talked about on the news all over the place and regular people who don't pay attention might finally ask "hey, what's going on?"
If they're going to do it then they should leave when he announces the US is leaving NATO. That's what he's going to be doing and that would at least make it symbolic instead of leaving at some random point.
Rep. Boyle was on IHIP News and said that the Dems should go (and they are bringing people that were impacted by DOGE and executive orders) so that Johnson doesn't fill the seats with Trump dick suckers (which he is allowed to do).
Yes, let's appeal to the non-existent sympathy of the Republican party. Those people are already going through hell getting fired, why take them to the most evil place in the country and force them to listen to a nazi fairy-tale lie for 2 hours?
Why take them to protest the evil that is befalling them? Look, if the only people watching are 100% Trump X3 voters, you're right. But if anyone who doesn't follow politics much (esp in non-presidential years) is watching, I think making noise is better.
These people want us to see it and react. They will be forced to just listen lmao. Maybe some will be enlightened. I hope they all have the days they deserve tho
the sooner you people realize we are not going to live post our way out of the crisis of democracy we are in, the more chance we have of surviving it. it's virtue signaling performative behavior to an audience that already agrees with you.
demanding real action is not being a hater. grow up.
Oh, I WANT ACTION but repubs have both houses and the executive and while I cannot watch him, I want to know just how unhinged he is as of today. i think our reps should hold town halls everywhere and block legislation where they can but AOC explaining may help people or give them talking points
No...this is doing nothing and playing into the GOP hands...they love this....enough playing nice and let them have it...doing stupid stuff like this is why we are in this position now
We shouldn't wait for the perfect? No, I agree, we should DEMAND it. Far too long we've gone with Mr/Ms Right Now not Mr/Ms Right. And well, dems need to step up like AOC is doing.
Nah, just don't show up. Doing what AOC is doing, being able to immediately refute bad talking points is the answer. Shows he lacks your respect enough to show up while you directly work with your base. No more showy acts that do nothing.
Her refuting bad talking points is her saying what we, her audience already knows. The opposition needs to be in front of MAGA. In front of the world. If nothing happens tonight I can just hear the commentaries later . . . .
Nobody is going to broadcast AOC immediately refuting anything though. She'll be portrayed as some radical outlier. You know how these things go. Being in there in front of the cameras is critical in my opinion.
I'm just saying that the national news isn't going to show shit. They've all capitulated. Whatever the opposition does needs to be live on the main channels. Just my opinion I guess.
We cannot be the party of performative acts and no action. The perception of the party needs to change. Dems shouldn't show up, and should be actively working their base and any who stop by streams or shows they can get on to directly refute and call out bs.
Doing a performance during a speech is performative nonsense. It serves no real purpose, and doesn't actually look like doing anything. If they really wanted to grind things to a halt, frequent quotum calls in the house and senate to slow Republicans down would be far more damaging to their bills.
No, that just draws more attention to the speech. Orange Man craves attention, both positive and negative. He also craves ratings, and theatricality by the Dems encourages more people to watch. Refusing to engage is better. It’s just going to be an avalanche of lies and empty promises anyway.
Yes come and decide to leave after few minutes of the speech starts and lies start flowing. And most important have USA flags and UA flags and make signs.
I was thinking they could hold up auction bidding paddles that say “lie” on them every time he says a lie. And dress in yellow and blue in solidarity with Ukraine.
Walking out would steal the narrative. Walking out then doing what AOC is planning would be even better. Take control of the narrative and then run with it.
Walk out...get the press attention on you doing so. Then walk over to another location where you have a giant town hall planned. Cover it online and have people chime in online also. Make a concentrated effort in unison.
It might be effective,just keep in mind the stupid old loser is a bloody psycho bob and he really doesn't care much but it could hurt his pride as a new kingpin.
In any case, Resist in all your personal and work environments, in all the official and military institutions in your city,everywhere.
I believe #Democrats should show up in #Ukrainian 🇺🇦colors & the minute #Trump steps up to the podium & begins his pathological lying they should disrupt him and, each one throughout his🤪LIE-FEST, should effect a LOUD process of leaving it!
It will totally throw him off!
I get your spirit here. But the Moron will likely talk for over an hour as he gaslights the shit out of the country. Better they critique his lies in real time and relentlessly. Make the gaslighting speech an opportunity to appeal to folks out of the Cult of Stupidity.
I really like that idea. It will be a wake-up call for all the weak republicans who suck up to him and will probably be watching on bended knee drooling at his every lie.
What the hell good is it to participate in the freak show? No matter what they do, it’ll just give the republicans shit they can spin. Not deigning to attend or watch in the first place is the only thing that makes any actual sense.
👍I & another 10 million of U.S. would love💙 to see each& every Democratic Congressperson & Senator slowly rise to
their feet,TURN their backs from that mendacious🍊 demagogue,& slowly, & with great dignity WALK OUT-all at different times,when each member has heard ENOUGH, which shouldn’t take long!
How about we get behind what she's doing in a unified voice? That way other Dems will follow. This is a form of protest so let's not squabble over the details?? Please?
The details are key. Not attending isn't going to get people to notice, members of Congress proposing this are just going to be speaking to their supporters. We need them to make a stink and disruption and non-compliance are key tools to combat facism and authoritarianism.
It's what she's doing. We can, again, fight about the details but how about for ONCE we just support the fucking protest even if you're SURE it's the wrong way? Jfc I'm sick of the infighting over stupid shit. An empty room speaks volumes-and he HATES being ignored.
Right, and a walkout makes that ignoring clear rather than preaching to half a room that's already succumbed to his tyranny. I appreciate your anger, but disruption is significantly more impactful than a boycott. Always has been. I'm not fighting, I'm offering a legitimate, powerful alternative.
I just think there's too many ways for a walk-out to screw up. Remember when they locked the doors of the Department of Education and the Dems just stood outside looking like fools? They're perfectly capable of blocking the exits-then what?
Each should take turns calling out a lie and walking out, or continuing to call it out until they were ejected. Make the whole speech a parade of lies being called out followed by walkouts.
A young man in our tribal community disparaged our native code-talker veterans calling them traitors on a national platform. His clan required that he apologize to them at a huge celebration and the veterans all stood and turned their backs to him.
This is one of those moments where history will be watching who attended at all. Going and performing theatrics is acting like business is as usual. It isn't.
I suggest bringing a guest, and instead of yelling LIAR, have the guest hold a sign that says LIE, and the Congressperson points to the sign, the guest lifts it up then puts it down. Pattern that is not loud disruptive, but the cameras cant stay off of it. Moskowitz could pull it off.
Trump threatens the representatives in the senators with primaries against them. What if we decided to primary against them if they don’t get a backbone and stand up for us?
The Right would ridicule them for this. It would be mocked and laughed at endlessly on FOX news and on right wing podcasts. That’s how they operate and AOC knows this .
Ahh, my personal choice for my own protests. At my college graduation, the manager of the admin who harassed me for 4 years, who defended that admin and vilified me for 4 years, received an award. I stood up and turned my back for the presentation and speech, giving thumbs down and other gestures.
We dropped a large banner behind the college president during a speech, from behind the projection screen way up in the rafters. It was a whole coordinated operation. Democrats need to go full on Animal House with this.
Can’t disagree on that statement either… not that I live in a fantasy world, but I do feel like we have been failed by our elected representatives. Mainly because they are unable to act as a unified force in stopping this massacre on Democracy.
Absence is not the way to go. You're playing their game. Bring those who have lost their jobs because of this traitor. Listen to his traitorous rants and PROTEST LOUD AND CLEAR Then turn your backs.
I wish the dems would just stand up and have their backs turned towards Trump during his entire speech. Have Ukrainian flags pinned on the backs of their shirts. Hope they have the guts to do what is needed to be done. If they go quietly tonight we need their names and we need to replace them.
The Republicans are cowards. They wouldn’t take the flags. They are afraid to be seen as the traitors they are. Better to throw the Russian flags on the ground, stomp on them then walk out.
Comments wrote yesterday a must read for everyone,although no surprise for some.
All hell's going to break loose.
When these officers were invited to speak about what transpired, the GOP chose to boo and jeer and turn their backs on them.
Give the Russian GOP a little taste of their own medicine for a change.
They think silent sitting is an effective protest. They won't even make a line in paragraph 8 in the coverage
I’d love to watch Trump’s face turn red and his head explode 😂
Don’t know how true it is.
Seems people are looking for some movie fantasy social event.
This is reality. Lots of Americans voted for foolish causes.
How Dems handle Trump's speech won't change that.
However, I do not recommend this tactic to AOC, (unless she decides to get rid of a pair of her oldest & gnarliest.)
What is going to happen will be haphazard and disorganized and that is what this administration wants.
“See, the Dems have no power, they can’t organize.”
Drown Trump Out 🌊 🌊🌊
9pm Eastern at the start of Trump’s National speech
To Support
their feet,TURN their backs from that mendacious🍊 demagogue,& slowly, & with great dignity WALK OUT-all at different times,when each member has heard ENOUGH, which shouldn’t take long!
This isn't right, it's not. I really admire AOC- but they need to stand up for the world &THE CULT to witness.
Bring the receipts & a voice.
They go loud- get F LOUDER.
I get she's probably worn out, but that's their game plan.
We need people in the trenches where we are.
I know there's a double standard because the GOP can act like absolute clowns with no repercussions and Dems always have to be the adults in the room.
Boots on streets. Holler on every corner. Time to wake up and let these oligarchies know they cannot control us.
We are not here to serve them. Our lives are our own.
demanding real action is not being a hater. grow up.
Other's in the crowd have options.
Stand up back turned, censoring their face with props, making the circus a true circus. Get creative.
Performative as a pejorative is a great way to stop democrats from doing ANYTHING AT ALL!
Not being in the room is performative.
The Conservatives are all performative right now.
Sitting, doing nothing, zero results. Do something. Anything.
The speech is a WORLD stage.
To let Trump just have it is wrong.
A walk out. A back turn.
Heckle. Boo.
Everyone wear Zelensky shirts.
Whatever but to just...not be there? We cede to them the entire moment.
Then, when he is convicted, every representative to ever cozy up to big donors should be immediately stranded in the arctic tundra.
Then maybe a nap?
AOC was ignored.
Fiction imitates reality.
So please do it.
Standing up and turning around is a ruined wide shot for the entire speech.
In any case, Resist in all your personal and work environments, in all the official and military institutions in your city,everywhere.
I believe #Democrats should show up in #Ukrainian 🇺🇦colors & the minute #Trump steps up to the podium & begins his pathological lying they should disrupt him and, each one throughout his🤪LIE-FEST, should effect a LOUD process of leaving it!
It will totally throw him off!
their feet,TURN their backs from that mendacious🍊 demagogue,& slowly, & with great dignity WALK OUT-all at different times,when each member has heard ENOUGH, which shouldn’t take long!
Stand firm, refuse to move, say nothing. Lock arms if necessary.
A young man in our tribal community disparaged our native code-talker veterans calling them traitors on a national platform. His clan required that he apologize to them at a huge celebration and the veterans all stood and turned their backs to him.
They aren't going to do that shit, stop acting like they give a fuck.
Narcissists demand attention. Not showing up is less attention he'll receive.
I would like to see them wearing US flags on their lapels with a Ukrainian flag next to it and a Russian flag with “not” sign (I.e. 🚭) under them.
Quiet protest also works.
Ignoring these Nazis is best. #republicanpartyisnaziparty #fucktrump
In stead of empty seats, it would be people standing up with their back turned.
It's a powerful image.
He snorts and irks at every slight to his ego.
Powerful images is part of it.
It's not a counting pennies game.
Sum total.
You're putting the wrong thing in front of the other thing.
Make sure A.P. is outside to cover it all