If it weren’t for voting MAGATS, Marge and Bobo’s “career” would be working the parking lots of truck stops along the interstate highway system. Amirite? 🤔
Until yesterday, when she complained about an international reporter's foreign accent, and called for the White House briefing room to follow "America first" ideals and give preference to American media. The ignorance is astounding. BTW, the reporter is German.
I think if more people forgot she existed, she would cease to exist in public life. Her whole power is saying stupid crap to get people to rage share it.
I honestly think she would be doing a better job 🤣🤣🤣. I’m like honestly flabbergasted by this shit. I knew it was gonna happen but something wouldn’t let me believe it
When I was a kid I got a TAIGA and I thought it was the coolest shit ever. And I'm just now as we speak seeing that it's worth a lot of money. But if I sold it, then I wouldn't have a Taiga.
The corporate media don’t need her anymore. She’s small potatoes, always has been. They just inflated her words to normalize fascism. Job done. Watch her get minimized to nothing.
Never forget.
I've had this gif kicking around for years, and finally get to use it. 😆
But alas, it's about an idiot with the same initials as the game i spend way too much time thinking about.
Thanks for the 😂
also I have no fucking idea where it is