"One of the great tragedies of mankind is that morality has been hijacked by religion. So now people assume that religion and morality have a necessary connection. But the basis of morality is really very simple and doesn't require religion at all."
Arthur C. Clarke
Arthur C. Clarke
People become brainwashed to a point where they believe they must kill for their religious beliefs or God.
Americans should understand this by now seeing religious wars being fought. Unfortunately, many people just don’t get it.
All you are is obedient.
I imagine #universal #ethics
🎆 Unity in diversity🌺🌺
I’ve heard a former friend say he can’t be racist because he’s Christian. This coming after they said some extreme racist stuff
Some of the worst people I’ve ever been around claim to be Christians! One actually had two masters in divinity! The worst passive aggressive I’ve ever seen!
I think they treat religion as like an ATM!
Evangelicals are the ones who believe the only way to heaven is believing Jesus is your savior. So the Dali Lama = Hell. Christian murderer = heav
Venial sin are forgiven. Mortal sins lead to damnation
At least this was what was taught during my CCD classes. But I also learned there’s always a loophole
Religion has nothing to do with it.
Pay homage (give your worldly goods) to your 'spiritual' leaders; live by their baseless teachings, and believe in the empty promise that you will go to 'heaven'.
Against that background, why is anyone surprised at what the leaders do?
Why did God cast out Lilith?
You may list a series of principles but what makes them good? Can you justify them in a non-circular way?
Relativism doesn't work BTW. You need an objective framework.
G. K. Chesterton
Only atheists truly believe that you can be moral without recourse to theist convictions.
In the last hundred years, what were the third most brutal regimes if we just count corpses? Nazi Germany. The Soviet Union. Mao’s China. All proclaimed their atheist philosophies. What was the 4th worst? Imperial Japan. Why blame the Bible or Christianity?
He regularly made speeches about how much the Nazis were Christians.
"Love thy neighbor as thyself" was not really part of the historical Inquisitions or Christopher Columbus' enslavement of Native Americans either, yet
Incorporation of religion into his regime was a core part of Nazi philosophy.
"And land is inherited like language"
~ Mahmoud Darwish
The doctrine of might makes right has appeared and disappeared again and again in every human culture. Conservative Christianity is responsible for its current form, Trumpism.
Philosophers & ethicists through the ages have untied those supposed knots well.
I always remember that, when I was eight, or so, the rabbi claimed that gawd was so powerful, it could take away his right arm… and put it back again.
I looked. Nothing happened. I thought the rabbi was full of shit.