NYT fronts potential cuts to #Medicaid — and the areas of the US with “the most to lose.”
...and HEAVILY Red Hat wearers.
Will turn these areas into a 2nd world country, approaching 3rd world. Crime is gonna skyrocket.
I worked 12 years a large healthcare foundation in San Antonio. Most funding went to filling the gap.
https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/01/donald-trump-2016-authoritarian-213533 https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/finding-a-new-home/202407/what-donald-trumps-most-loyal-followers-may-have-in-common?amp
Trump musk gop
Traitor level 2
Maga + 10 Dems
Enablers level 1
Non voters
Enablers level 2
Wilful ignorant
Resistance level 1
Dem voters
Resistance level 2
The rest of the universe
And then, their education process begins...
They have nothing to lose because they have nothing.
#elbowsup 🇨🇦
For America's Sake!
#Grocery Prices RISING, and YOUR #Pensions FALLING!
#SocialSecurity and #Medicaid CUTS!
You KNOW Your Lives WERE Better Before!
#Democrats NEVER Treated You This Badly-And You Know It!
Let's stop this transactional politics bs. Their oath of office isn't contigent upon public support.
Dems do the right thing and still don’t get the votes.
Thats my point.
#elbowsup 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Less bitterness: how tragic the US is going through this domestic crap show.
Ditto hospitals in rural counties.
They keep saying its to improve the economy but how? Unemployment rates skyrocketing, medical debt increasing, and keeping people sick won't do it.
Because they want to start World War III. What do you mean, Bob?
SEAL up these words until it's time. Time times and a half time. Love, Danny.
Looking at you, eastern Oregon.
Given what he’s doing to automakers, when will he start to extort medical dev and pharmacy companies with his targeted tariffs, and risk American’s safety, slow critical innovations and supply chains, as he grifts to line his pockets.
Am I missing something.
Just the map.
Just trying to understand.
Why are the 10 states you mention not opting in?
It’s a great distraction from the heritage foundations plans unfolding.
am i asking the question in the right way
But man. I feel those numbers are low for the deep south like Mississippi? I've been to Mississippi and... it's rough.
I see is that the Republican states who have resisted broadening Medicaid have the least to lose. Which probably reaffirms their decisions not to broaden Medicaid.
Because it's the fucking reddest states that need it the most
Fuck this administration.
No more Blue state handouts. No more free stuff. No more charity and Red state welfare.
Blue state generosity, one, and, more so, Blue state acceptance of responsibility for themselves, can stop at state lines.
No more bailouts
Fuck the Red states. You can't have fiscal 'Reconstruction' and tax theft without the social completion of Reconstruction. No both ways, ya bunch of free loaders!
They do show up for the photo ops & taking credit for the funding they voted against. Hypocrites!!
They really do show a pattern:
Speaking of maps, RFK Jr really needs to look at these two maps:
When is the god damned revolution?
Healthcare should be priority to America! Americans work and keep the wheels of our country turning they need to be healthy to perform a good job! This is "Common sense"!
I may have missed it, but did anyone ask him about his proposal to remove military spending from GDP calculations to pump the Trump numbers artificially?
Thanks for at least asking tough questions unlike one of your competitors.
No Republican listens to the People any longer.
Their heads are so far up Trumps as*, they cannot hear anything else.
To be more accurate, what is percentage of eligible ppl on Medicaid and poverty numbers for each state.
I can't imagine how crappy it is for states who can't even get it up for a vote. Republicans do not care at all, about anyone.
A lot of people will never connect loss of federal funding with loss of coverage.
In my state, at-risk areas are the maga/secessionist counties that already think the state’s out to get them.
YO can you spare a few minutes to do your job? @schumer.senate.gov
Conservatives 100% vote their interests with almost 100% consistency.
Their interest is their Bigotry not economics
Blitz GOP districts with *Medicaid* facts!
Big difference!
My idiot MAGA uncle moved to AZ and is now constantly bitching about Californians moving to AZ.
What's even funnier is despite how much he hates CA he takes frequent road trips back there to eat because the food in Utah is flavorless trash.
Diabetes, heart disease, cancer…✔️✔️✔️ not covered.
Many one who worked for him has blood on their hands because they enabled all of it that got us here.