you're listening to me, Big Dick Slingus, you're in the Boneyard on Tulsa's home for heavy rock, 103.4 The Edge, and I'm givin' away tickets to the 9th caller who can tell me Stifler's first name in American Pie. and kicking off this Saturday evening block: the Goo Goo Dolls with Iris
Growing up, it was played on my local rock radio station enough to piss off a local DJ to call that they called that song "as rock as Hall and Oates" and that they only played it to "fill their Can-Con requirements" and then proceeded to apologize for playing it.
So nice well play it twice!
All positioning statements all the time!
do not ask me to explain why
It was the best of times. And I remember taking over one of the men’s restrooms in PDX. 🥰
30 percent MAPL (at least 2)
but 10 percent in Windsor
that entire album slaps