Dangerous to me is insurance companies denying medications for people that need them and people choosing which meds to take based on if they can afford them or not!! People are gambling with their health every day based on the decisions of these CEO’s
Yeah, this will just inspire them to deny more medical care to pay for corporate security and kill more thousands of Americans.
Is that what you meant?
sounds like if you’re a ceo your best bet right now is to quit your parasitic lifestyle and get a real job, at least if you’re worried about someone force-quitting your whole existence
We ain’t even got to the dangerous part yet. Check back in a year.
Who should be stopped for the good of everyone who's not a corporate serial killer.
People ALREADY have a strong desire to see every healthcare CEO publicly executed, you're mistaking symptom for cause.
Unethical corporate entities draining the publics bank accounts and putting even more people into crushing debt.
Health insurers denying claims that they have no right to deny, leading to the needless suffering and death of hundreds of thousands.
Is that what you meant?