Friday tradition: ending the week with some shared joy.
Tell me something good.
What good thing happened in your life this week?
Reached new heights or just made it to through a hard week, both work. Just something good.
Tell me something good.
What good thing happened in your life this week?
Reached new heights or just made it to through a hard week, both work. Just something good.
I also have the appointment for the behind-the-wheel January but, what the hell...2/3 done!
Ah, dopamine.
It’s small, but if you have impossible-task anxiety, you get it.
My mailman delivered them to door.
Such a lovely gesture particularly since I am feeling unwell.
I've been begging him to come to Canada (on IG) and just about fell out of my chair when it was announced he was appearing one block from my place and I got second row *happy dances*
Today she brought me a purple shopping bag, homemade cookies and warm socks!
I gave her a heavy duty baking pan and a muffin tin.
I wore a mask and we hugged. 🥰
It was a wonderful day!
Tomorrow has hope
I took a risk, my spouse listened and apologized, and our counselor validated both of us.
Congratulations! 🎉
I am pretty proud of us for keeping at this, even when it’s hard. I feel lucky that my spouse steps up and opens up, and that we have a skilled and compassionate therapist. And I’m grateful to have insurance that mostly covers our sessions.
room with a space heater. DAMN but central heating is a modern marvel! Temps dropped the next day and a snow storm. A blessing overall!
I talked to my former work partner today, he is going to become the tech lead with the new prime, and he’s going to ask to bring me back on in January!
My first time unemployed, 1/10 would not recommend
All items donated by parents. It was hard work, but so worth it to see the reactions from school staff.
Their dedication to all students is appreciated every day.
Happy Holidays🎄
Today I had more than enough so I could give the larger families a little bit extra.
We had 109 families today in 3 hrs 😶
Plus my kids & 1 G-kid are all HEALTHY 💕
I still think about that lovely gesture of honesty and it happened years ago.
And I'm not feeling so guilty about it.