I admit I gave it five minutes. It was a hastily thrown together mess anchored by Michael Steele. I like him but he is best as a contributor. Stumbles a lot as an anchor. It really made me appreciate how seamlessly Joy could open a show while being energetic and concise.
I’d rather see MSNBC shrivel up and die. Would love to see Rachel, Lawrence, Nicole and a couple others go somewhere new. Where’s that George Soros money when we need it?
No. No more “good voices” on corporate media platforms. They did not do us any good. They need to become independent and be able to speak the truth fully. Let corporate media burn by losing all the talent.
Seriously. But if they came
To her on their knees at this point, she’d have to demand so much more money and a public apology for sacking her the way they did. I don’t think they’ll invite her back at this point, but I would like to know why they really did let her go.
I miss her too! @maddow.msnbc.com talking about how she feels Joy’s “leaving” is a mistake (note to Maddow: Joy was FIRED), made me wonder about Maddow’s mantra when covering politicians: don’t listen to what they say, watch what they do?
It begs the question to Maddow, what did YOU do?
I love Alex but she’s reportedly still at the network. I may even have preferred her to Rachel. Alex goes head on with humor and snark and Rachel comes at you worrying.
Still there but demoted to reporter? She’s great behind a desk. Criminal she’s not still there. No clue what’s going on at MSNBC but maybe it’s time to part ways.
Joy Reid can replace Morning Joe.
Legacy media is dead from self inflicted wounds.
The better journalists will turn up and we will find them again. Loyalty though only goes so far.
To her on their knees at this point, she’d have to demand so much more money and a public apology for sacking her the way they did. I don’t think they’ll invite her back at this point, but I would like to know why they really did let her go.
It begs the question to Maddow, what did YOU do?
*not really it’s Trumps~