gonna be honest my social media experience probably peaked with this off-hand comment but you can still follow me for the remote odds i say something this quality again but also for guaranteed aaa-rated cat picture content
More like "oh no, if it isn't the consequences of my actions." It's not Rowling's fault you're watching a movie while you should be paying attention to the road, nor technically Elon's fault that you're not paying attention, even if the Self Drive AI is inaccurate. That's why you pay attention. 🙄
All spells in harry potter are Latin.
autocinetorum means car crash
ieiunium fragore means crash fast, and
ruinare adossum accelerate means to crash accelerate
citation? bc wing is English, and there's no latin word gardium or ardium afaict. The only garden I know is hortus and I don't see what gardens have to do with floating anyway
Um pedantry but JKR isn’t a billionaire. She’s given away so much of her money to charities (orphans, rspe crisis centre, etc) that she can only be classed as a millionaire.
Ah. There. Struggle over.
Don't feel bad at all.
Huh I wonder if a radar would have helped here.
autocinetorum means car crash
ieiunium fragore means crash fast, and
ruinare adossum accelerate means to crash accelerate