Has anyone talked to those fucking self-righteous upper Midwest voters that did a protest vote for Trump because of Kamala‘s stance on Gaza. Fuck them.
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Has anyone talked to Kamala and the democrats and the liberals that are currently shitting on a minority of voters about how their lack of ability to move even a fraction of a milimeter to left and how literally catering to the far right lost them the election and told them to fuck off?
will we re-litigate the reasons why
10,000,000 formerly-jbiden voters
decided to just stay Home, will we
relitigate this till our little experiment
in Democracy is a long-forgotten memory?
and will feckless Dems
keep tacking rightwards
appeasing fascists hoping
they'll (eventually!) just be Nice?
Interesting that it's immediately the first thought you have. Really tells how don't give a shit about Gaza and are just astroturfing here, just confirmed by your post history. I'm gonna say your account is in fact a fake account, designed to divide leftists.
The irony is it was Biden’s stance on Gaza they were voting against. They really don’t know what Kamala would have done after the election. But they knew what Trump would do and so…here it is.
I said this so many times to those who voted for Stein or not at all. We have no idea what she would've done once in office. She made several comments alluding to get not agreeing with what was happening there, but i think her advisors steered her wrong in making her maintain the Biden narrative.
She was put in untenable position. As VP she cannot go against Biden. As a candidate? She had 3 months...good luck making a controversial policy shift in 3 mos. The opposition would have ripped her apart. In office, she would have been freed up and had four years to mitigate the consequences.
Believe it or not, here in Michigan. On the local news, they did an interview and the Arab leaders still stand behind Trump. Because he brought peace, there's no more killing, so they say. They don't believe that hes going to take the land away from them.
We’ve known for a long time that Trump (and Kushner) want to develop Gaza’s Mediterranean coast into a play land for the rich. I’m nobody and I knew it.
I’m furious at the elected officials and so called protesters who voted Trump believing he’d do better there.
I had a few convos with ones in MI. Their take is “see what Biden and Harris made us do!” I told them THEY made the choice and they own what is happening.
I have had the same conversation with one of them.
It seems only Democrats have any agency. Republicans have no control over what they do so they can't be blamed for anything.
If people who believe that insanity aren't Russian trolls then they have been brainwashed by Russian trolls.
Please stop blaming victims for them they both are the same, because they didn't say it doesn't mean the goal was different. Biden/ Harris paved the way for him. Thousands of children was bombed to pisces by the bombs they provided.
Cool, fuck you too buddy. It's called having a spine and a line you won't cross. I guess your opinions on someone's morals and ethics can be swayed by party affiliation.
Dont say shit unless you're ready to mask up and hit the streets.
I've hit the streets, and took thr fucking action! You think I was happy voting for Kamal's trash neolib policies on Gaza?? Fuck no.
But I know for a fact that protesting in Kamala's America is exponentially less likely to end in actual death b/c she actually gives a shit about the rule of law
Cool, better than a vote for Trump. Now stop shitting on people for having a conscience and voting accordingly. I'm happy I voted third party and you just said you weren't. Maybe YOU were the one who made the wrong choice.
It's kind of insane to me that people just accept that Trump won legitimately when he did everything in his power to cheat only 4 yrs earlier. He just decided to roll the dice & play it straight this time with his freedom on the line?
Yeah majority of American Muslims and American Arabs voted for Trump because they were fed up with Genocide Joe. Leopard ate my face moment for all of them.
If only Kamala would have won! The destruction would still be happening but she would be hiding it better and we could be at brunch telling ourselves everything is okay 😭
And he for sure expected it to stand while at the same time sending billions in weapons and letting it happen for a year. Our duty is to stop the gears of murderous imperialism no matter who is handling it. You’re just arguing about choosing between the good or the bad cop. Fuck the police.
I didn’t say anything about accomplishments. You’re the one that would have seen a Kamala win as an accomplishment. We are definitely losing the class war. You’re not seeing me celebrating.
You blabbered about some supposed job that all of you FAILED AT MORE FUCKING MISERABLY than had she been elected. You're more concerned with your virtue signaling than reality, kiddo.
Or, now hear me out… democrats should have held an actual primary. Have an actual leftist be the nominee. Do anything except leave Kamala out for the wolves. The way trump doesn’t become president is by having an actual populist leftist be the nominee.
I keep asking about those cowards. #Trumplard made it clear he was all in with Palestinian genocide but they chose #Kamala's rallies to protest because she wasn't pro-Palestinian-enough for them.
I'm all for voting, and I think the idea that someone's hands are clean if they don't vote is absolutely absurd, but I'm not going to blame Palestinian- and other Arab-Americans for this. Disingenuous "allies" who didn't, sure, I'm pissed, bc they're just shitty allies to everyone else.
It's incredibly funny that you people will spend all day everyday crying about and scolding 3rd party and non voters (people who didn't vote for Trump) but then when a proud red hat wearing Trump voter shows up, you guys drop what you're doing to go jerk them off. Blue maga is wild
I tried that here a few weeks ago and was shouted into oblivion for it. People are right to be mad and frustrated, yet still haven't hit the introspection point that allows them to see what they did. They picked a hill, and we all get to die on it.
Yep, and I remember this.Trump is now on full break the law mode and his arrogance is deplorable. Even inviting two Russian oligarchs to live in the USA.
Did she? How do you get to that conclusion?
Because that's pretty serious.
Is it because she didn't single handedly stop all aid to Israel and get a peace treaty, regardless of congress and the republicans doing all they could to sabotage her?
You're right. I agree. Although for a government official (which she was at the time) publicly accusing Israel of genocide may have been complicated (geneva convention definition, UN instant custom on genocide, the ICJ, etc...)
But... She could have talked about ethnic cleansing at least.
She never called it a genocide. Never called for a ceasefire. Never stated that her policy would be to stop arming Israel. She never even said she was opposed to what was happening.
These videos don’t show anything substantive whatsoever. The notion that she was “working round the clock” with Biden on a ceasefire is a joke. Biden had the power to end the genocide at any time. She could have said she would end it, but instead we got more Biden-style hand-wringing.
You honestly don't think that Trump was in backroom talks with that other Fascist Netanyahu holding off on a ceasefire until he wins. Just like the Iran Hostage deal that Reagan was involved in running against Carter.
I live in the northeast and I didn't vote for Harris because of her refusal to call a genocide a genocide. Don't pretend the genocide is something you care about or ever did. You just hoped your vote would get you a nicer TV show and the same-old cover up of the realities of US policy.
So b/c someone didn't call something Genocide but Temu Putin who will be causing genocide at home and throughout the world b/c of his policies is okay?? That seems short-sighted.
It's short-sighted concerning what we have now and you felt Trump was a better option for the world and the health of the US citizens. When Temu Putin gets us into WWIII then let's talk about all the needless deaths.
I don't think living with lies and endorsing them is better for the world. Your priority was not stopping that. What was your priority? Why did it never occur to you Harris would lose and you'd end up with Trump if she did not break with Biden's genocidal policy openly? You have yourself to blame.
You prioritized your fears over the actual deaths and suffering of Palestinian children dying under Democratic Party bombs every single day. You said let them die instead of me. Why are you now bringing up their deaths to score points?
Damn. Imagine wanting a perfect candidate so bad that you'd withold your vote in protest of us funding a genocide by proxy, only to have a guy come in that's hell bent on having us actively participate in the genocide via our military troops
Best of luck protesting the tyrant that thinks he's king
You don't have to be a"perfect candidate" to stand up against a genocide. You don't care about stopping a genocide using US weapons. Just admit. It wasn't your priority. Your priority is your comfort.
And when neither candidate stood up against genocide, you threw a tantrum & left the top of the ticket blank
Go virtue signal somewhere else while you battle the forever guilty that your lil protest vote guarenteed that a resort will be built by US tax dollars on the mass graves of Gazans
It should be in prison for many things, but he has bought so many political or government leaders, just like the recent Mayor of New York and even the mayor was threatened on TV that if he did not do what Trump wanted, he would go back to jail
I talked to them before the election while knocking doors and phone banking for the Dems. They wouldn’t listen to anything I had to say. They are now giving local interviews expressing their outrage.
The thing is, I think that Gazans stay in Gaza so we're talking about people who are either influenced by b.s. or people of Arab extraction who SOMEHOW thought trmp would be different? (that's gotta be some kind of machismo-identifcation, not logic... trmp barred them coming into the country).
What the hell are you talking about? There’s no analogy here. I stood for everything Colin was protesting and still do. Was there a political election going on that could change the structure of a country or the world at that time? Those that threw their vote away in protest are short sighted.
We now risk the chance of millions of people dying worldwide because of Trump‘s policies. Hundreds of thousands in the United States if another pandemic comes through, not to mention the dismantling of our government all for the grift.
Flashes in the pan don’t exist. Things don’t spontaneously gain momentum, they can’t. It’s physics. You are seeing the culmination of five decades of fascist activism. To lay it at the feet of “protest voters” is more than disingenuous, it is a failure to assess the situation, and that’s dangerous.
The point being, protests aren’t precedents, they’re antecedents. They exist in the wake of phenomena, only. A protest about nothing is not a protest, it’s a parade. The downstream effects of a protest are “The protest’s fault” in the way the downstream effects of sunscreen are skin cancer.
Most thing perhaps but the long term is happening now. Children are starving due to the USAID funds being cut off, US citizens are dying due to Medicaid being cut back. People can afford their meds due to Trump getting rid of RX subsidies and it’s only been a month
I’d implore you to look at the past several decades of austerity and tell me that this wasn’t the natural conclusion of all that shit. Of COURSE all of this is happening, you mistake in the assumption that this is some unique, blip in the radar, and not a continuation of the status quo.
Ya, of course, it has been coming and I don't believe it was inevitable. If we could have won this last election, perhaps Agent Orange would have died in prison the rest of them. The dismantling of our institution will be almost impossible to put back together.
Since Nixon this has been the playbook, every republican has run it, and even some democrats too. This was coming one way or the other, because Reagan already cut the bits that were “overzealous,” all that’s left is the barebones “Break this and everything dies” funds.
Not literally, no. But if you want an analogy more apt than “This thing that happened less than a decade ago for the same base reason in the same nationstate with the same response,” I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Faye Nemer, CEO & Founder, MENA American Chamber of Commerce in Dearborn, MI, called the video "offensive & counterproductive to peace talks" Nemer, who says she voted for Trump in November, is calling on him to remove the video & issue a "reconciliatory statement." 🙄 https://www.npr.org/2025/02/26/nx-s1-5309695/trump-gaza-video
The fact that people blamed Kamala for Biden's actions and at the same time rewarded Netanyahu by letting Trump get back into office is mind-boggling smh
After their closed door meeting, Netanyahu was not happy with Harris. A much different vibe from his interactions with Biden. I think Netanyahu knew there would be some changes once Harris got in so that's why he stretched the cease fire talks out as long as he did...
Oh I definitely wish she would've shifted(openly) her policies on Gaza more leading up to the election. The thing is, I also heard Trump say some utterly horrifying things about his future plans regarding Gaza and I knew I had to do everything in my power not to allow that...
The people in Israel were putting immense pressure on Netanyahu to agree to a ceasefire and let their family members return home. He stretched it out as long as he could hoping he would get his desired US President. He would’ve had to agree to that ceasefire after the election regardless...
and lots of other people saw Dems bombing children and said "fuck that". at a certain point, "the other guy is worse" doesnt fly and Dems have lost 2 elections to Trump running that play
It's been on the books for years to do a big resort there (I heard about it in the 80s!) but, of course, trmp is actually going to help make it happen. Ironically Israel will benefit from Saudi $!!!
We really don't know what Kamala would have done we did not know what she was really thinking and did not give her a chance. How different today would be if she had just won.
This statement is exactly why we have these kinds of problems. It’s a major conflict, and a lot of people were 1 issue voters. The fact that she didn’t give a clear indication of whether or not she would continue what Biden was doing is actually ridiculous. Voters shouldn’t be expected to vote in a
…and while we’re at it, let’s give a huge round of applause to all those keyboard activists who shamed the Biden/Harris supporters and called them ‘genocide enablers” for having the gall to vote against the worst possible person to manage the situation in Gaza. Brilliant work, y’all.
They sent 20 billion in money and more in weapons and vetoed the ceasefire 4 times. You wouldn't be so blithely supporting them if you were watching the videos of children being sniped every day. Biden and Harris are the reason they killed over 17k children last year.
Bibi actively tried to undermine ceasefire deals in order to hurt Biden politically, but I had no idea that Israel had absolutely no agency and it was Biden/Harris who personally dropped bombs on those children.
I supported them because it can always ALWAYS be worse, as we’re seeing now.
Without those bombs what would they have dropped on those children? I can't imagine anything that would make me defend the actions of the United States government over the last 15 months. You might want to take a good look at yourself in the mirror.
Oh i have, champ. I did everything I could to try and stop the worst case scenario from happening. I voted AGAINST this shitshow that’s unfolding now (which has objectively already led to more death & suffering). What did you do exactly, besides going online and shaming people who understood this?
You can't tell me you wanted Biden over Bernie, it was the democratic party who broke the law and snubbed him at the primaries. Look at the people you defend, please please please.
They went straight for the Republican vote, with shining support from none other than another butcher of the Middle East, Dick Cheney. Look at who you are defending and ask yourself, is that who I want representing us in four years?
It has not objectively led to more death and suffering they signed a ceasefire as soon as he was elected. I watched them snipe children on my phone. I'm not a Trump fan by any stretch, but you're really out here defending genocide.
How do you expect to beat trump if you don't criticize your people?
You're not being shamed for voting for Kamala, you're being shamed for refusing to blame the Democrats for sacrificing the election to keep funding a genocide, because they KNEW what would happen, and they decided the IDF was more important than democracy.
Also, I love it when people who don't live in America chastise Americans for choosing to vote against the worst possible human being that has ever held office, as if they have the same stakes in the matter.
I'm casting judgement on smug arseholes sharing the same social medium as me, because I keep seeing them blame voters for their favourite politician losing in an extremely avoidable way.
Thanks for clarifying! I'm sure shaming strangers on the internet will definitely ease the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza now and stop Donald Trump from removing survivors from what's left of their homeland so that he can build a shitty resort. Y'all are truly doing the Lord's work.
It’s so rich that a white woman living in Sweden sitting in her ivory tower blaming us for the Genocide happening in Gaza when we were concerned about Twitler getting in, killing 100’s of thousands again and become a worldwide threat to humanity.
Wrong, this thread started with this responding to reporting on Trump: https://bsky.app/profile/hewey66.bsky.social/post/3lj3o3zorl22x
Everyone else is sick of this self-righteousness in defence of politically conservative politicians who funded a genocide, hence the blocklists.
Not sure where you got the 52% number Kalkail…. Not even close. And thanks Peter for pointing out that it wasn’t just Palestinian Americans who didn’t vote for Harris because of this issue, it was much more influential than just that demographic!!
oh, to this day, they are still making excuses for not voting and taking zero accountability for Trump being an office and what is now going to happen to Gaza. not to mention what they condemned Americans to over disagreeing with foreign policy.
"We" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. Granted her stance changed throughout the campaign and shifted from Isreal having a right to defend themself to being more supportive of the Palestinians, but throwing your vote away for a pathological liar and leading to him possibly winning is sad.
I don't think the poster gives a shit about Gaza. Looking at his post history, it's the least of his worries. I in fact suspect it's a bot account, perhaps even setup by foreign actors.
Oh was Kamala going to enthusiastically support ethnic cleansing by forcing all Palestinians out of Gaza and then float the idea of turning the place into a ‘majestic’ gold-encrusted resort/golf course with her name plastered all over it? Huge, if true.
Your high horse is so fucking high the lack of oxygen has fucked with your brain. Did you vote for Harris? No? Then all of what happens now is your fucking fault.
On the contrary what happens now is the fault of the feckless, shit eating democrats is who enabled a genocide for over a year and offered nothing meaningful to voters while propping up their senile candidate until the 11th hour
That's just fucking idiotic. "We can't have the perfect thing, so let's go with the worst fucking thing ever." Fuck your high horse sanctimony, you fucking fascist-enabling twat. You had a choice between flawed but reasonable and batshit crazy, and you chose the crazy. East shit.
Embarrassing for a country that couldn't see a monster for who he was, or didn't fucking care. Don't blame the DEMs for you choosing a day old sandwich over the pile of dog shit you are now forced to eat. THE WHOLE WORLD is force to fucking eat. Fucking idiot.
Ahh, yes, shifting goalposts because your argument is weak af. And which candidate exactly, who had any actual possibility of winning, would've ended that again? Your projection is laughable, with your virtue signaling and all.
That's, btw, just the kind of Russian shenanigans used in Europe when trying sway various domestic politics. Pick a subject that stirs emotion and use it to affect things into a direction that benefits them.
You only need Xitter and few trolls to start it.
I'm fully aware, but Trump was never going to end it, unless you count forcefully displacing the residents and giving the land to Isreal ending it...which doesn't exactly seem better.
The definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face was voting Trump because you didn't like Harris' stance.
Democrats gave them no reason to vote for them. Joe Biden let Israel do whatever they wanted with no zero pushback. I don't blame them for not voting for the people who allowed Israel to begin the genocide. The total annihilation of Gaza was inevitable either way. trump will just do it faster.
I shared your sentiment at first, but I have to say that I have been rethinking this a lot. The Dems need to stop expecting folks to vote *against* people and give them a real reason to vote *for* them. They have been getting worse and worse as time passes, and I think it’s time to start holding…
I understand everything you have stated in the posts here, but I was concerned about the potential damage that has come with Twitler beginning in office. It's projected that MILLION of people, mostly children will die of starvation due to shutting down USAID. If the Bird Flu becomes a pandemic.....
I definitely understand how you feel because I feel it too. I been thinking a lot about the HIV meds that USAID supplied alone, and it feels too big to even begin to truly fathom. I cannot overstate how much this has upped my MH problems because I literally watch the news almost all day every day.
Which btw isn’t meant as like a “poor me what about my feelings” kind of statement but rather that the amount of tragedy our country is currently inflicting on the world isn’t lost to me.
I am older, and though I expect a level of cynicism from folks my age, I don’t think even they conceived of
How potentially bad it could be. And even I with all my negative thinking didn’t think we’d be here either.
Don’t get me wrong, I knew that the stuff proposed in Project 2025 was nightmarishly horrific, but given what we saw from his first term I didn’t expect much if anything of the policy to get
Done. He was a lazy dude who played golf constantly and spent the majority of his Presidency glued to his phone having meltdowns on Twitter over perceived (or actual) slights against him. And he needed credit always.
Whatever happened to organize and mellow his behavior idk, but I have never seen
Them accountable. I can’t imagine how I would have felt if I had family over in Gaza. Kamala didn’t give any reason to think she would be different than Biden was with regards to I/P. In that case they’d still be voting for someone who was sending weapons over to Israel. That’s not something we…
I get why you can't read between the lines. Most of us should be able to. It was there. You just had to look. And if this was your ONLY issue during the elections that you should not have voted.
Well damn. First of all, it’s a war. Why on earth should anyone be expected to “reas between the lines” for the potential presisent’s position? You sound absolutely ridiculous saying that folks should have to do this for such an important topic.
Second of all, you’d be amazed at how many folks are single issue voters, and that’s totally OKAY. Why do you think that should exclude them from voting? And some folks have more than one issue, but they have lines that can’t be crossed for each one. As an example I had an abortion when I was…
Younger, so that topic is an extremely important one. If told that the nom for the Dems had all the right positions except for being anti-abortion, that would be a line I couldn’t cross. And knowing more about P/I now I actually wouldn’t be able to vote for someone who would continue arming…
Push the Dems to be actively *better* than the Republicans instead of maybe just being *less* bad. And they could probably easily win every single free and fair election in the future just by actually offering things to the working class as well.
10,000,000 formerly-jbiden voters
decided to just stay Home, will we
relitigate this till our little experiment
in Democracy is a long-forgotten memory?
and will feckless Dems
keep tacking rightwards
appeasing fascists hoping
they'll (eventually!) just be Nice?
Kamala Harris lost because she doesn't even have the "courage" to even say "I'll stop Israel bombings".
Our last election was 6 weeks
They're insistent they're still on the correct side of history, because Kamala would've been just as bad as Trump.
They're stupid people, they're not catching on.
I’m furious at the elected officials and so called protesters who voted Trump believing he’d do better there.
It seems only Democrats have any agency. Republicans have no control over what they do so they can't be blamed for anything.
If people who believe that insanity aren't Russian trolls then they have been brainwashed by Russian trolls.
Dont say shit unless you're ready to mask up and hit the streets.
But I know for a fact that protesting in Kamala's America is exponentially less likely to end in actual death b/c she actually gives a shit about the rule of law
It’s GOP controlled RW media that won the game.
They aren’t self righteous.
They’re wantonly ignorant and clueless AND self righteous.
Where are they?
That will go over as well as a fart in church!
Oklahoma is a cesspool and these ignorant fucks are too stupid to know he doesn’t care about them.
They are praising Elon as a hero. And of course they love the Papaya Messiah
Also, can someone ask Rashida Tlaib how she feels after refusing to endorse Kamala and promoting the "genocide joe" bullshit?
Because that's pretty serious.
Is it because she didn't single handedly stop all aid to Israel and get a peace treaty, regardless of congress and the republicans doing all they could to sabotage her?
But... She could have talked about ethnic cleansing at least.
So: Be accused of loving terrorists? Or of ignoring Palestine?
She didn't do either. Maybe it was a bad move.
Ceasefire not true
Arms, agree
Not opposed to what was hapoening, not true.
But remember, if she wanted to do anything she had to get elected. And there was no simple political/electoral answer to that question.
Two videos:
She won.
She used her voice to boost Trump's chances but she doesn't care as SHE got re-elected.
Fuck everybody else, Gazans or Americans, it
doesn't matter, she kept her seat.
Unless she really thought Trump would be better for Palestine? I which case she's an absolute idiot.
Kamala Harris lost because she doesn't even have the "courage" to even say "I'll stop Israel bombings".
Best of luck protesting the tyrant that thinks he's king
Go virtue signal somewhere else while you battle the forever guilty that your lil protest vote guarenteed that a resort will be built by US tax dollars on the mass graves of Gazans
The issue if they can exist completely separately and just run to their ignorance.
(total sarcasm)
Oh, I missed that.
do you think Trump's resort plan would have been remotely possible if Biden hadnt already destroyed most of the buildings?
If you didn't vote for VP Harris you helped them. Congrats on your moral purity.
I supported them because it can always ALWAYS be worse, as we’re seeing now.
How do you expect to beat trump if you don't criticize your people?
Everyone else is sick of this self-righteousness in defence of politically conservative politicians who funded a genocide, hence the blocklists.
Not all of us can sleep so easy knowing our tax payer dollars are being sent overseas to blow innocent children smithereens
And America under Biden had no influence over the total destruction of Gaza whatsoever. It just exploded, who knows who did it!
I didn't realize you were the Israeli government.
You only need Xitter and few trolls to start it.
Biden could have ended the genocide at any time with an executive order to stop funding it.
In fact he even threatened to do just that with his '30 day deadline' which of course ended up being an empty threat
The definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face was voting Trump because you didn't like Harris' stance.
I am older, and though I expect a level of cynicism from folks my age, I don’t think even they conceived of
Don’t get me wrong, I knew that the stuff proposed in Project 2025 was nightmarishly horrific, but given what we saw from his first term I didn’t expect much if anything of the policy to get
Whatever happened to organize and mellow his behavior idk, but I have never seen
Push the Dems to be actively *better* than the Republicans instead of maybe just being *less* bad. And they could probably easily win every single free and fair election in the future just by actually offering things to the working class as well.