54% of American adults read below a 6th grade level. You have to find other ways to deliver your message. Use the K.I.S.S. method to tailor your message to reach a broader audience.
I swear I have ideas but you guys are too busy being stuck up each other’s asses to actually listen.
He 'strongly opposes'.
Tommy Fucking Tuberville, the consensus dumbest man in politics(and that's saying something), blocked military appointments for a long time when the repulikkans were not in power.
But our leadership writes letters. WTF!
Oppose all you want, your actions show your true colors. The Republicans control all branches, shut down the government and make them own it. You have fault in this too but at least own up to your own cowardice. There wasn’t this much whining by Democrats when I didn’t get paid while deployed.
Mr Jeffries, if you don't get Schumer on board, you won't have a country anymore. A few democrats understand the problem, but some still don't. Trump and Musk have to be stopped before it's too late. Shutting the govt down is a bad thing during any other presidency. This time, it's necessary.
I've been calling since 9am. He's not listening and doesn't care about what the voters who put him in office think.
I didn't vote for him the last time. I threw a vote to a candidate I didn't even know in principle. I literally hate his guts now. He's a sap who should not hold political office.
Surprised Dem votes are bought? Well we’ll have to buy Repub votes for the impeachment of Dictator Trump. The democracy is already lost and impeachment by Mat 1st is the only nonviolent solution. Hope some billionaires are willing to pay for it.
Your party is finished. You need to submit your resignation along with your colleague Schumer. Plus, the Democrats who voted against Al Green. The Progressive Party will be rising and forming. We are done with all of the cowards.
Thanks a lot!
Voters are all around.
Your donors would have forced you into the same position had House Republicans required your vote. Save me the press release, daddy Wall St calls your votes.
It's not too late
Contact @chuckschumer
I hear all the pros & cons but unless you can guarantee there will be NO CUTS to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid?
YOU MUST VOTE NO! https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact/message-chuck
Schumer decision to vote with the GOP concerning the shutdown instead of letting them take full responsibility for the emotional and financial damage this causes the American people makes no sense bc as the majority they're going to "cherry pick" which depts to reopen anyway.
Oh wow... another strongly worded letter from Democrat leadership.... Go knock on @schumer.senate.gov office door and go remove his geriatric head from his dumb ass.
Jeffries and Schumer need to step down ASAP. Get some younger, stronger dems in there that actually have the balls to go up again trump, musk and the rest of maga.
Thank you Speaker Jefries for standing hard for us. I knew you would come around, but I was getting a bit nervous. I keep telling people not to take your interviews and comments at face value, because your main job is to strategize our next moves.
I am highly educated. My point was that the entire Democratic party doesn’t have a unified front. And let’s be honest, Hakeem has been feckless overall.
Not necessarily. Democrats should be a united front and even Fetterman has gone rogue. While not entirely on Hakeem the entire Democratic Party is in disarray.
I may have not agreed with you @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social on how you’ve handled some things.. but with this response you’re 💯 right. Please help unify the dems and use whatever influence you have to get the senate to vote NO!
#ShumerIsATraitor lied to us about fighting, something that D's will not do. He has cemented his brand and that of the party as WEAK, INEFFECTIVE, IMPOTENT WUSSIES.
This needs to be his last term and all of you need to grow a pair.
Chuck is the weakest weakling to ever head the Dem Senate. Worse, he thinks he knows better than the vast majority of Dem voters who want No on cloture. He despises his own base.
@hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social , Well done! you got your side in line and voted NO. You're off the hook today. Now, please ask @schumer.senate.gov to get his act together and VOTE NO to CR and NO to cloture! NY deserves better than his constant capitulation.
Explain what you are going to say to Schumer. Is there any merit to any of the arguments that the GOP wants a shutdown so Trump can use that as a springboard for more executive skullduggery?
We know how bad it is. We'd feel a lot better with some reasurances the DNC isn't useless.
Y'all need to do a lot more than a stern letter if you ever want to see another dime from me. Schumer is the Chamberlain of our time. You say Trump is an existential threat to democracy. Start acting like it.
I am really tired of your memos. Talk is cheap. What are you doing? It's time to throw the rule book out of the windows and fight down and dirty. I'm a Baby Boomer and saw Black leaders fight for what was needed and created a path for you. It's your turn to do something for the country.
WE THE PEOPLE are waiting. Does anyone have a back bone. Schumer must go. And. The others must be voted out of office. Schumer must be dealt with. If he remains in power then all
Confidence is lost in the. Party. Fetterman is a fraud.
All House Dems should march into the gallery of the Senate chamber. When Senate tries to come to order, they should all stand and chant, “Shame! Shame!” so Senate cannot proceed. With so many, security will not be able to pull them out.
Surprised Dem votes are bought? Well we’ll have to buy Repub votes for the impeachment of Dictator Trump. The democracy is already lost and impeachment by Mat 1st is the only nonviolent solution. Hope some billionaires are willing to pay for it.
A chainsaw that also serves to oppress the common people so we are weak as possible. All representatives, need to vote no. Democrats who vote yes are complicit.
Please tell me you are in Schumer’s office right now…telling him to vote NO. If he votes yes on cloture, he’s selling out every single person in America. The GOP are in charge & they either have the GOP votes to pass or not. Dems can’t give them their votes, it’s all they have left.
If u strongly oppose, then filibuster! One month for? Repubs will do what they want when you give them the chance to vote!!!! They do not negotiate with Dems!!! You want the illusion of doing something for us but in reality, we're being thrown to the dogs. Who's in you pockets?
But voting no forces the bill back to Congress & gives Dems the only leverage we have left (gov shut down but it's already happening anyway) & maybe we'll be brought to the negotiating table.
Congressman Jeffries, at long last you’ve found your spine. Are you and your Democratic colleagues in the House going to take further action—like marching en masse into the Senate to protest? We’re so far past collegial niceties at this point. #TeamFight #SenatorAOC
Surprised Dem votes are bought? Well we’ll have to buy Repub votes for the impeachment of Dictator Trump. The democracy is already lost and impeachment by Mat 1st is the only nonviolent solution. Hope some billionaires are willing to pay for it.
.... and yet Rep Jeffries, your Senate leader proposes to vote for it and allow it to the Senate floor for a simple majority vote! Maybe you guys should have a come to Jesus meeting?
Let them!!!!!
Let them!!!!!
Let them!!!!!
Let them reap the rewards of their actions!!!!
If you bail them out now you are complicit in destroying the Democratic Party.
Hakeem I hope your plan works to get the republicans back to the table.. we will see a lot of negative response from the republicans to do that due to trumps and Elons input!
I don’t want to hear the words “strongly opposed”!!! I want to hear NO. I want to hear NO so loud that it echos through all of Washington, DC to the steps of the White House. NO ABSOLUTELY NO!
If you really opposed it, you would have reined in the Schumer Ten and made it clear a yes vote today would mean the end of their careers in the Democratic party. You didn't, but I'm sure you'll come up with some feckless, childish rhyming speech that will sway nobody.
Jeffries held the House Dems together to vote against the CR budget bill.
It's Senators and their constituents that have influence over the Schumer 10. Please, your feelings are valid, and I'm sure the Dem House leadership holds some sway, but the pressure really needs to be applied in the Senate.
Jeffries, as House minority leader, is the most powerful Democrat in Congress. It's up to him to get other Democrats, in the House or Senate, to fall in line with what's best for this country.
His holding House Dems together was a symbolic move. They had no chance to win the House vote. Senate Dems, however, could have stopped the entire CR, and Jeffries should have been vocal, publicly and privately, on their duty to vote no.
Please keep opposing. Someone help us! Republicans are betraying us. Dems are all we have left to depend on to stand for America. Please stand for us. Please!
Hakeem Jeffries is a sellout to the Zionist regime, his words hold no value. AIPAC tells him when and what to say. Another spineless democrat. Need to rid these sellouts from the Democrat Party.
Please tell Schumer to vote no to this funding plan that cuts Medicaid, Social Security and Medicare. A four week funding to give time for a plan that doesn’t cut any of Medicaid, Social security and Medicare is a much better solution like you said
Can you explain for me why Schumer voted yes on the GOP funding bill? Why can your party not work as a unified team with one voice? Your strategy is not working. People are angry. They’re fighting back. They don’t want lengthy explanations and promises. They want rough and tough action. NOW
Come out on your social media @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social and talk to people. No one reads.
And no one reads political speech.
Talk like a real person to us like we are 10 year olds so we understand. FFS. Get your act together. This is not the same as last time 45/47 was in power Wake the F up!
Politicians like Chuck Schumer and Hakeem Jeffries only understand resistance when it hurts their Wall St donor's wallets. It's exactly the way to go if the party is to ever improve.
The way is tearing this system to shreds while we build it's alternative. If the Dems cannot hold the line then they are nothing more than Nazi sympathizers.
For years we’ve been relying on the media, the courts and the government institutions to hold things together. The media failed, the courts failed, the institutions have failed. If the Dems can’t hold the line, we need something else.
Great. Now tell us what you are doing about it! Are you telling Schumer and any other YES votes that the voters are pissed and ready to leave the party? Are you aware petitions to boycott democrat donations are circulating if we lose this fight? I'd rather burn it down than die a coward!
Schumer is failing the country. Schumer is failing the party. Schumer is failing the moment. Democratic Senators need to replace him as minority leader.
Thank you @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social, @reppeteaguilar.bsky.social, and @whipkclark.bsky.social for leading House Democrats to defend our communities, environment, and critical programs and stand firm against this harmful Republican CR. 👏
Instead of posting stupid memos, get off your ass and fucking do something. If you’re not on the phone yelling at Chuck Schumer right now, you’re doing it wrong
Please call out Schumer!
If the reporter asks if he has capitulated, the answer is Yes. If he stops capitulating, then the answer then becomes No.
Will you please lead with more strength? Imagine if you were on the other side reading what you wrote. Does it sound strong to you?
Why didn't you have a plan? We expected Democratic leadership to have tactics and a strategy to address Project 2025 but there is none. You are not worthy of leadership.
Then go on very news channel & podcasts & scream this out! Enough of letters! Stand up & start leading or get out of the way bc at this rate there won’t be a party to lead
So, with a full admission in this video of Trump, admitting that the election was rigged, and that's why he's our president. This was the day of the world cup
Now, isn't this a blatant crime that he should not be in office?. and you guys are doing nothing about it!!
But now since Schumer is voting with them they can do whatever they want!!! And the Republicans in Congress are all in Trump’s pocket so it seems like we Americans are in deep trouble whether Democrat or Republican!
Unfortunately, it looks like some of your democratic colleagues in the senate would rather cover their own ass than protect the people they represent. When their constituents lose their Medicaid and Social security, they might as well resign
If a shutdown were advantageous for Republicans, they would have orchestrated one. This is easy. It is a no-brainer. Shut the whole dam thing down, burn it to the ground. Every single citizen in America will know it's the fault of one person, Trump. Save democracy, get on with it. Shut it down
Except. In this thread alone i've seen nothing but america blaming democrats for any and everything. Meaning. Especially with a shut down they will still blame democrats. And in doing so? Let republicans get away with their actions.
I appreciate your stance, but how can there be any progress towards a cr if Chuck Schumer is willing to vote with the republicans on the spending bill? What in the hell is the matter with him? How can we avoid the continued destruction of our government, with his capitation to republican demands?
Thank you for leading the "no" vote against the cr through the House.
I urge you to release a statement calling for Senator Schumer’s immediate resignation as Senate Minority Leader. His support for the cr in the Senate has broken trust. We need new leadership who will fight for the People.
Please have a talk with Chuck Schumer. He is crapping on all of us. We don’t deserve this. We have been terrorized by Musk and Trump . It will continue to get worse if this bill passes.
I’m hearing that Chuck Schumer is now threatening Dems to vote yes. PLEASE stand up to him. Tell him NO. Tell him to listen to the American people. Tell him to fight for us!
The word “strongly” is getting a bad name in Jeffries mouth. He is the epitome of weakness and lack of touch. Hakeem : you are not a fighter you are a cosplaying bozo with dysfunctional hands.
Really? All of you? If you all can’t deliver- and you are showing you can’t -you need to get out of the way. Get rid of any Dem supporting this nonsense.
If it passes the senate, I want to see videos of you and the other house Dems confronting each traitor in the halls, in the offices, and on the floor. I want you to get in their faces and tell them flat out that they have betrayed the American people. Show your anger for all to see.
I swear I have ideas but you guys are too busy being stuck up each other’s asses to actually listen.
He wants to fund Musk
and help Trump.
Nancy would have called Chuck 🤫
He's traumatized by a death threat.
Well, they're all being threatened, but they have a job to do.
A leader must face fear.
If he had any integrity he would step down for the country. AND for his family who live in it.
Jeffries, Hochul, Schumer always project weakness.
It's either whining about how unfair things are or performative toughness (as a facade to weakness).
Fight like there is no tomorrow.
Saying 'strongly' does not project strength.
Is this about partisan politics or the harm being done to Americans, our system of government, and rule of law?
Weak, weak, weak.
I strenuously object your honor!
Tommy Fucking Tuberville, the consensus dumbest man in politics(and that's saying something), blocked military appointments for a long time when the repulikkans were not in power.
But our leadership writes letters. WTF!
I didn't vote for him the last time. I threw a vote to a candidate I didn't even know in principle. I literally hate his guts now. He's a sap who should not hold political office.
1 (202) 224-6542
Thanks a lot!
Voters are all around.
Contact @chuckschumer
I hear all the pros & cons but unless you can guarantee there will be NO CUTS to Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid?
"Keep playing that chess game you love to play"
NO on CR and NO on Cloture!
This is getting boring.
There's no such thing as a Participation Award in this existential battle. You don't get kudos for mealy mouthed talking.
Get TF out there and do something! Or step aside and let the Real Leaders do what needs to be done.
Jeffries: Next question.
Dude - you just answered the fucking question.
So did @chuckschumer.com
This needs to be his last term and all of you need to grow a pair.
(I know I'm mixing mafia media)
Explain what you are going to say to Schumer. Is there any merit to any of the arguments that the GOP wants a shutdown so Trump can use that as a springboard for more executive skullduggery?
We know how bad it is. We'd feel a lot better with some reasurances the DNC isn't useless.
Confidence is lost in the. Party. Fetterman is a fraud.
They don’t do filibuster in the house. It is winner take all. Even if golden also voted no, the continuing resolution would’ve still passed.
Keep fighting
Let them!!!!!
Let them!!!!!
Let them reap the rewards of their actions!!!!
If you bail them out now you are complicit in destroying the Democratic Party.
Since you won't: resign.
Please tell Chuck he is betraying his constituents and the American people
Reminder you posted,
“An unelected shadow government is conducting a hostile takeover of the federal government.”
Stop Complying with Terrorists
It's Senators and their constituents that have influence over the Schumer 10. Please, your feelings are valid, and I'm sure the Dem House leadership holds some sway, but the pressure really needs to be applied in the Senate.
“We’re already getting screwed. I’m voting to use a little Vaseline…”
And no one reads political speech.
Talk like a real person to us like we are 10 year olds so we understand. FFS. Get your act together. This is not the same as last time 45/47 was in power Wake the F up!
Please talk to @schumer.senate.gov before it's too late.
What do you think that means?
If the reporter asks if he has capitulated, the answer is Yes. If he stops capitulating, then the answer then becomes No.
Will you please lead with more strength? Imagine if you were on the other side reading what you wrote. Does it sound strong to you?
Now, isn't this a blatant crime that he should not be in office?. and you guys are doing nothing about it!!
now take Chuck to the Vet, he's running a fever
Dingus river Blindness
Reporter: Is it time for new leadership in the Senate?
Jeffries: Next question.
I urge you to release a statement calling for Senator Schumer’s immediate resignation as Senate Minority Leader. His support for the cr in the Senate has broken trust. We need new leadership who will fight for the People.
📣 Jeffries, I think some of your colleagues didn’t get this memo!
Well, Wouldn’t you know it?
It took Hitler 53 days to dismantle Democracy!
On the 53rd day of Trump 2.0 the Democrats just handed him the key to take away our Democracy!
I had a bad feeling about today!