YOU ARE NOT THE REPUBLICAN PARTY! Your voters are so tired of you and the dems constantly going against them. Stop proposing bullshit arguments and make some fucking change. If not, then you need to step aside and let a younger, more competent politician take the lead.
Honestly, you are scum. The people will squash you and scrap you off their boot. You and all your colleagues who now benefit off of the suffering of your base should be purged and replaced with a new leader who will ACT for the people!
Clearly you're not seeing any of the replies to your posts because you likely have someone running your socials. So, to the social team– you're not doing the Senator any favors with your one-way rants and complaints in his voice. We need our leaders to take action. Complaining is our job. Got it?
Stop voting for his nominees. They are all mindless and there only to do his bidding. In doing so, you are complicit and telling the world you support what he is doing. I knew you were weak but JFC…
Because if they actually stood up and fought the fascist it would end their centrist conservatives cosplaying as liberals power and influence too and they can’t let that happen. So they cosplay as liberal to throw us off from the fact they are just fascist sympathizers too. Vote them out!
They’re—HE is— defunding everything! Thank you for speaking out. But Americans need MORE ACTION & COMMS ABOUT WHAT IS BEING DONE TO COMBAT F47! All democrats need to band together as one unit & speak w/ a unified voice against his nominees & his outrageous EOs! It’s another coup in plain sight!
I’m going to repeat this every time you post Senator. Bring articles of impeachment now. Stop all Dems from supporting a single one of his nominees. Resist. Send a message Dems aren’t going to cooperate with #trumptreason. Otherwise we’ll consider you complicit. The world is watching.
Don't you get it? MAGA is not interested in working with Dems. It's 2025 Chuck...there is no bi-partisan anything! SPEAK UP...YELL! MAKE A SCENE THAT GOES VIRAL. That's how they get their message out. WE NEED A HERO to lead and FIGHT...FIGHT...FIGHT for Democracy!
Glad you're shit-posting- you've got a flair for it & I'm definitely a fan of the nascent art form myself & we are indeed traipsing through a golden Age- but if shit-posting is all you can do, that means that you're no more powerful than me &- not for nothing- no one's paying me to represent them.
What voters are you even courting? The republicans are pro cop, it’s a failed message. Try offering your base something. Better yet, just resign and turn yourself into The Hague. Free Palestine
So, what are you and the rest of the Democratic Party doing to stop any of this, because we the people aren’t seeing any action other than Dems bitchin and rolling over to Trump and Co.
Two sides-same coin. We’re over it. Ya’ll are there to serve us-not the elite $$$$
And you centrist conservatives cosplaying as liberals are aiding and abetting all while you do more social media posting than fighting actual fascism. Maybe yall are fascist too?
While our elected officials DO NOTHING!!! STOP telling us what he's doing.....WE KNOW. If the Dems can't come together with a solid plan to stop this lawlessness, we're done. My god, man, DO SOMETHING and STOP voting to confirm his degenerate cabinet picks. #ComplicitDems
This post (and all your others) are definitely going to stop that from happening. Have you considered resigning so you can go and do something you're actually good at? No idea what that could be, but it sure as shit ain't leading the Dem party to doing anything meaningful.
Well do something about it. That's your job. Stand up to him. There should be no votes from any Democratic senator for any Trump nominee while his administration persists in unconstitutional and illegal activity.
Chuck - step down. Nothing about you makes anyone feel confident that you have what it takes to take on trump. Retire, step down, quit, get the hell out of the way!
Do something! Rebellion! Just like repugs; they use the system against people, cheat the Constitution.
NO MORE, DEMS NEED TO GROW AS SPINE AND NOT BE COMPLICIT. they don't work for us why are YOU voting for their appointees??
Don't cooperate with their madness
-oppose all Trump nominees until this EO is withdrawn
-deny unanimous consent to slow senate proceedings
-vote no on all cloture
-force quorum calls at every chance
It’s a constitutional crisis. There is absolutely no reason the Senate should be connecting business as usual.
What is being done about it? Confirming more of his dreadfully sadistic and incompetent nominees is only going to worsen the situation. Please take action.
And you have no power to change it? Get young voices to rise up and demonstrate their persuasional skills to Trump young voter base. Get them back to the side of truth and hope. Generational trouble ahead, if you don’t. Us oldens need to stand aside for powerful voices and charismatic leaders.
This is the most tone deaf shit you could say right now. People are losing access to federal funds that help them survive and you’re concerned about pointing out self-owns???
They can show up and create a strong response to the bulldozing of our democracy. These vapid social media responses are pathetic and uninspired. They're not organized, they have no message, and they're acting as if nothing has changed. We are in a constitutional crisis. They're not leading.
TAKE ACTION!!! Do everything possible to oppose him. Grind the Senate to a crawl, use whatever power you have.
And FFS act like you're leading an opposition party! Or better yet, step aside and place a younger senators with a backbone in charge
So the one time he does something good you oppose it? I thought you were all about bipartisan agreement or does that only apply when he's being a fascist monster?
Any Republicans willing to stand with Democrats? If the Republicans don’t stand up now then they never will. Even if Republicans submit bipartisan bills, Trump will veto them. Working with Republicans isn’t possible until they unite with Democrats to change the demolition by Trump. It’s pretty clear
These posts are futile without confirming as the DEM leader you have an action plan. This shouldn't be a shock unless you weren't paying attention. I'm very disappointed you don't seem to have a plan to counter this threat. Block his Noms. Obstructions-GOP did it well.
Tell me there was absolutely nothing in you or anyone’s power to do to prevent this federal freeze that will unhouse millions, freeze and starve us and prevent us from accessing healthcare you tell me there wasn’t anything you could’ve done for 100 million of us before you ask us to care about cops.
Because 100 million of us don’t care about “hey look gop are defunding cops” gotchas. Not in this moment. In this moment we are worried about our HUD, SNAP, Medicaid, LIHEAP and so on. We needed all of you on both sides to stop this not gloat about it.
Come on Chuck, y’all have to quit the fake neutrality. Stop giving in to the republican lies. You know how this works. Shut that tyrant down. Fear is not a winner’s tool. Remind the Dem Senators and House reps caving to Trump about this. They seem to have forgotten. Neville Chamberlain proved that appeasement is dumb as hell.
Thought they were for law and order and support for police throughout America. Maybe they only want to support their own, hand picked, faithful to 47 police. 😱
Man has been an elected politician since 1975, has served in the Senate since 1999, was chairman of the rules committee for 6 years, if he hasn't learned a few tricks by now on how to challenge an opposition majority, then he has not been paying attention. If he truly is out of idea, time to retire.
So what? It's not like you're going to do anything. Right? This weak posting is what we elected you for, not to actually do everything in your power to oppose this shit storm of an administration.
That's nice. Why did you vote to confirm a fascist? What are you waiting for..the camps will be set up before the Dems get their shit together. The time to fight is NOW.
And when you have time, there needs to be a collective within the party for messaging. It is a horrible idea to leave elected dems on an island for messaging. Hire staff or contractors that have expertise on gaslighting and getting messages to stick to the subconscious minds so folks remember
I admire you more than you know. Lord knows, I thank you for your service. But you and our party should have put this animal down long ago. Don't tell me you don't know how. You guys need to find the will to do it, and do it now.
I’m a lifelong Democratic voter and the utter worthlessness, fecklessness and idiocy of politicians like you have destroyed my faith in the party. F U
Retire, then you can follow your true passion of passively recording Trump's dismantling of the Constitution
Do more please.
Clarify how you will stop him.
Fuck them cops and fuck you too.
WE KNOW. Now what are you & your caucus doing about it!?! That’s what We The People need to hear/see.
Stop reminding us that the sky is falling.
Be the #OppositionParty - block, sue, put the spotlight directly on individual MAGA MOC’s. Pressure!
You need to step down.
Democrats are SO tired of you whiny Democrats doing NOTHING to quickly stop this man who is OBVIOUSLY on drugs and is crazy
"Stop The Nazi president" march on the Whitehouse.
We need 10 million plus sane Americans to march and protest against the Nazis residing at the Whitehouse.
Remember Trump's bullshit Stop the Steal rally
How about a Schumer "Stop The Nazi president" rally.
Do something, or retire and get out of the way.
Stand up to T rump
Two sides-same coin. We’re over it. Ya’ll are there to serve us-not the elite $$$$
Not just point out all he is doing.
Not wait for people to be outraged.
Just do something, God damn...
I've got to say, Chuck, it sure feels like you want Americans to be treated by the current regime like Bloodthirsty Bibi's Israeli treat Palestinians.
What the fuck, Chuck?!
NO MORE, DEMS NEED TO GROW AS SPINE AND NOT BE COMPLICIT. they don't work for us why are YOU voting for their appointees??
Don't cooperate with their madness
-oppose all Trump nominees until this EO is withdrawn
-deny unanimous consent to slow senate proceedings
-vote no on all cloture
-force quorum calls at every chance
It’s a constitutional crisis. There is absolutely no reason the Senate should be connecting business as usual.
i hope you get indigestion.
Do better my boy.
And FFS act like you're leading an opposition party! Or better yet, step aside and place a younger senators with a backbone in charge
grow a pair, chuck.
It’s simple, really. Grow a spine or resign!
Get after it or step aside, Senator.
Get yourselves together FFS and DO something about all this
Why didn’t any of you?
Tell us what you are going to do to reverse?!
What are you doing voting yes on any nominees at this point?
Catch up or step aside
They were never actually attacking Dems on police funding you rube it was all a racist dog whistle
Trump hates the police (pardons)
Trump loves criminals that attack the police (pardons)
The possibilities are endless here
And stop voting for his swamp.