It's a similar argument to like plastic straws. People are indoctrinated into believing they're the problem and don't blame the systems that are causing the inequity and suffering. We could have tons of people on Earth, easily, but not with capitalism.
a social stigma (not laws) against the trad "I want a large family" sentiment you still hear from many Americans can go a long way in reducing carbon emissions, which means each individual can live a richer life and possibly even eat beef sometimes. fewer people = higher per-capita carbon budget
gradual worldwide population reduction by people having fewer kids (again, without gov enforcement) is not some tragedy, and it would lead to a lot fewer climate refugees (which includes Americans having to relocate as their cities become uninhabitable). this doesn't have to be racist.
yes but we don't have to act like it isn't a good thing for the climate, or something that shouldn't be further encouraged as a climate mitigation measure right alongside industrial and lifestyle/diet changes. there is no serious effort to promote it in the same breath as cutting meat, etc.
if someone is going to have 10 kids, they're responsible for 10 concurrent lifetimes worth of carbon emissions. maybe they should be socially ostracized for that selfish decision! but none of that is currently happening. and any suggestion gets automatically dismissed as racist/eugenicist/ecofascist
people do not simply consume, they also produce value to society, in many ways. anti-natalist arguments often have a lot to say about the virtues of the reduced consumption from fewer people but not enough about how we account for that lost production
this is a common sentiment among sheltered people who still don't quite grasp exactly _how_ much human infrastructure goes into their Amazon delivers, grocery orders, public safety regulation, housing and transit infrastructure, and future elder care
I have no idea where these assumptions are from, but I'm sincerely sorry if it sounded like I was proposing a policy or addressing a specific problem (other than my problem, of not wanting to see, talk, or be around more than like, three people a day)
That’s already happening tho, turns out when you dont need 14 kids to win the survive infant mortality lottery and work to death on the farm you’re having fewer kids, but ie chinas one child policy was a distater thats going to cause massive problems in tthe future (beyond what it already has)
Oh you meant in the future of 2014. Don't fret though because chauvinism is to the rescue. A Chinese woman beyond 27 is a cake woman if not married. Chinese incels are married off to single women who dared having a career.
Oh yeah, creating actual mandates is bad. There's really no way to do it that can't get weaponized.
I just think that treating an ongoing trend that naturally exists as a massive crisis with no benefits at all is not the best framing. There are going to be a LOT of climate refugees soon.
Yeah which is why its so important to start building massive amounts of housing yesterday. The racist backlash to massive immigration without housing is going to lead to a very dark place politically, especially when you consinder the areas most likely to be drastically affected by rising sea levels
Plus rising temps & CO2 are affecting crop survival, & reducing the nutrient content of those that o survive, & aquifers are emptying at a terrifying rate. GMOs & more sustainable practices can solve some of that.
I also think treating it as a CRISIS just helps fuel the racist eugenicist assholes.
population growth is slowing down all on its own; the entire planet is on track to reach replacement level fertility rate by the end of the decade. the problems population growth produces are being solved quite naturally. it is time to consider the problems that _stagnation_ creates
the planet is burning up but degrowth is a political deadend n will lead to many getting excluded from modern amenities and many left to die. Climate change is addressable thru green tech n carbon taxing to incentivize its adoption we’re already back to 1990s levels of co2 per year n falling rapidly
I don't think I'm either of those (I said I'm fine with immigration)
I am simply unpleasant, and long for a sparse, empty world
One billion Americans, please. For a start.
Kunming in Yunnan I think has the same population as NYC
I just think that treating an ongoing trend that naturally exists as a massive crisis with no benefits at all is not the best framing. There are going to be a LOT of climate refugees soon.
I also think treating it as a CRISIS just helps fuel the racist eugenicist assholes.
But I find the tweet sus
The planet is burning up & infinite growth is not sustainable.