BREAKING: Unbelievable gaslighting, Alina Habba says that Trump "knows how to run businesses" and wants to help Americans save money, despite his 6 bankruptcies and racking up $8 trillion in US debt.
They think we've forgotten. We haven't.
They think we've forgotten. We haven't.
"Trump knows how to run a business into the ground and into Bankruptcy court."
How about that golden shower you took in the 90's in Russia? ALL LIES.
The President and the Attorney General (subject to the President’s supervision and control) will interpret the law for the executive branch, instead of having separate agencies adopt conflicting interpretations.
They were all part of the plan. He skimmed off all the profits for himself, and used bankruptcy to stiff all the little guys working for him.
Just like he's doing to the country.
These fascists need to see and hear that we're not putting up with all their corrupt bullshit.
into the ground
The guy can't be trusted with a lemonade stand!
He creates nothing unique.
Damn, the people who watch right-wing media are dumb as a box of rocks.
🍊🤡’s case?
he literally does nothing but post for his cultists to buy the over-priced garbage (or completely imaginary items like 'his' NFTs & meme coin)