there are a few people on here that are deeply afraid of the possibility that their HRT regimens might rewire their bodies to be straight and they cannot express it in any other way besides lashing out because they identify with their desire instead of having it just be a facet of their life
I think it's also because transition has coincided with me starting to process my sex/intimacy-related trauma (it's also made that trauma easier to approach)
it's weird as hell, imo
Wired: "must stay this way forever"
Post modernist.
mild offense
The answer is resoundingly no, I'm just into people who aren't men, I'm lesbian as hell and hrt cleared that up for me
All it's gonna do is help you honestly perceive yourself, I get the fear
For me, i didn't "become straight", those feelings were always there.
Moralizing sexuality is gross especially towards trans ppl. All of us are queer
my love of woman and all things feminine
Also has brought out & amplified my distain of cisgendered men
I sometimes think how a TERF would think I'm still bi but it's so obviously different to me and that's Funny
Desire is intrinsically linked to indentity in current times, perhaps that's bad but its true, and people are proud of their identity. Its called Pride for a reason. It makes sense to fear losing that
as a man, the idea of having sex with a man did not appeal to me, because i am not a man
having cis gay male sex made me feel uncomfortable because i am not a man
so when i finally was living as a woman, sex with men made sense and felt right
that whole world of my sexuality was closed off before HRT.