The right devotes massive resources to controlling language.
These strategies are brewed up in foundations funded by billionaires.
Then they're fed into the rightwing echo chamber.
People need to wake up. If a talking head is pitting you against a group.
They are trying to control you.
Taking care of the less fortunate, providing healthcare, a living wage. Ensuring the safety and well being even of those you disagree with, now that’s some radical stuff right there. Who among us benefits from not doing those things? Why would you choose such a path? Who doesn’t deserve dignity?
Considering the times we live in, it's unfortunately prudent for us on the left to rethink our traditional stance on military-style guns and prepare ourselves for the worst. This situation is precisely what the Second Amendment was created for.
Indeed I have been attempting to tell my family that a simply security and dog will not protect them from lunatics with guns. But my mother especially thinks a dog will scare them all off and the cops will help. We live in a red area and the excuse for not getting a gun “research says this -“
No offense but she sounds set in her ways and is not comfortable around firearms. If she got one it seems unlikely she train become proficient. That increases her chances of being the statistic she fears. A powerful light & bear spray may be better/safer to buy her time for the cops to arrive
The time to do that was years ago. Fortunately, there are lots of us on the left that do have firearms. The big difference is that we don't feel the need to advertise that we have them every day like those on the radical right.
unneeded info abt my life out of left field: hired some dudes to paint my house last summer. One of the guys had a handgun holstered to his hip the entire time. I kept thinking, that’s gonna piss him off when he’s got paint dust all over that pretty black handle.😜🤓
I've only open carried in places where I wasn't allowed to conseal but still felt the need to carry. I really don't like it. I personally don't mind when the magas do it because it let's me know who to keep an eye on. It's quite possibly the least manly thing someone could do.
I think fElon has aspirations to do more than run doge for tRump. fElon takes more power to himself every day. fElon and Putin also have phone calls. I wonder if they are plotting to replace tRump once he has totally destroyed the U.S. Putin would love to see a foreigner running the U.S.
Literally this, when my mom said, "there are extremists on both sides" the best example she could give me of leftist extremism was commercials during the pandemic asking people to get vaccinated and explaining how herd immunity works
Right? Here we are, asking acceptance for marginalized people, fair treatment of immigrants, a living wage for the working class, universal healthcare for all citizens, quality education for our children, affordable housing, fair banking standards, Support for the scientific community.
there are also liberals who say things like "defund the police" and "no human is illegal" (eliminate the border?), or call everything racist or an evil white colonial construct, or viciously attack people who are confused/skeptical of transgenderism, rather than engage in rational discussion.
This is a very useful tactic employed by the right. They label thing and endlessly repeat it.
Radical Left
Left-wing media
Democrat party
Biden's terrible economy
And many more. The democrats need to learn to use more standard derogatory terms.
That's Amerikan demagoguery. You twits have labelled anything and everything you disagree with as "communist!" Just like christians, Republicans and so-called conservatives have managed to create a false narrative - a lie - about themselves. Most Amerikans are too stupid to see past it.
that's mainstream media my local station always accepts the far rights notion of the left they never mention any of the racist comments and the abuser of power
That is a good point, the radical left or the extreme left as they are called, is about building green energy, it’s about including all so that everyone has opportunities.
However, what is normal in the mega base, is hate cruelty, racism, destroying democracy, voting for a felon.
I like to think that we're surfer radical. Like we're so radical & those dudes wearing red hats are so lame with their guns they don't even use anyways.
I also like how we are pretend woke and the pretend tolerant left.
We are against facism but we should tolerate their bigot views and facistic takeover.
Psychological projection — is a defense mechanism that involves unconsciously attributing one's own thoughts, feelings, or behaviors onto another person or group. It's a way to protect the ego from anxiety or discomfort by externalizing challenging emotions and shifting the burden to someone else.
Americans lack of knowledge of policy and politics outside the US really alters the scale of left to right. Poor education hurts the US in so many ways
Radical left woulda stopped election when the 62 bomb threats were called in.Radical left would of caught vote tabulation manipulation and stopped election drug all responsible into the streets,corrupt justices too,n used it to draw crazies out n ended this live on tv so the world sees.
She went to Washington in1984.i graduated in1984.framed 1386new custom homes over 28.5 years.married.had 4daughter 9gkids.i am 58 now.she is still there n worth$345mil.
She is the reason 70 million people hate Democrats.You want 57%return on investments,mimick her trades.inside trader QUEEN
Think of the great transformational persons whom we so admire: Martin Luther King, Ghandi, Mother Teresa, the Founding Fathers, Buddha, Jesus...All peaceful, persistent and charismatic. Trump, Hitler, DOGE, Putin are radical in a negative sense. Monuments are not built to commemorate such as these
And it's always troubled me that the "Right", is called the "Right" !
I mean face it, if this was a western, they'd all be wearing black hats !
Since I was old enough to vote, it's always been the Dems trying to do good things for us, while the Pub have always tried to prevent or strip them away !
I feel as if we are 3 months overdue on discussing the results of the election. We had evidence of corruption twice in the previous elections, but no stated proof of issues this time to even investigate? A Nazi that bought Trump just so happened to be involved in vote tallying?
I've never been a gun person, but am agreeing with this more and more. I'm even freaking myself out lately. If they wanted us angrier than hell, they won.
It’s this odd political strategy of branding your opposition what you actually fact are. And repeating it over and over until our monkey brains start to believe it. Language and names are more powerful than we think.
*Sighs in history teacher* I would also add, “radical” isn’t the dirty word it is often treated as by uninformed peoples and Republicans.
Continuing to reassess what works and what needs to be changed in a body of government, and taking action to agitate for these interests, is patriotic. (1/2)
The media calls AOC a “radical leftist” but Marjorie Taylor Green who has called for the execution of democrats on Xitter, has participated in an insurrection, and has called for a civil war they call a “conservative firebrand.
The left is anything BUT radical.
If they were, they would have acted on the felon-in-Chief that caused the insurrection and coup attemp and all the fuckers who supported him. We wouldn't be in this situation if they were.
The real radical "activist judges" are right-wingers rolling back rights & precedent, but one George W. Bush District judge elevated by Obama to DC Circuit AppealsCourt; confirmed 96-0 merely asks to pause an action to review DueProcess & the 78 yr old toddler in the WH hurls name-calling/manic fits
Historically it makes sense when you are describing the actual left that used to exist that opposed capitalism, which is rarer and rarer it seems. Radical doesn't mean violent or extreme, it means you are addressing the problem at the *root*.
To be fair I AM discussing the fact that the election results should be investigated given evidence and the words out of both Elon and Trump’s own mouths
Well said 👏 the world watches on in disbelief & horror. The seismic shift in America will be hard to change in 4 years. I hope a strong genuine leader emerges for the opposition.
Get tuit Dems.. 🫵
My theory is that they’re using 80’s slang when they call us radical. They think we’re cool as hell, but since they’re assholes, everyone just assumes they’re using the other definition.
There are extremists on the left and right, I'm not saying they are equal. I do think the dems lost in 2024 because their border policy was very unpopular as well as other far left policies. Now we have a nightmare upon us because fools underestimated Trump's psychopathology.
It's all projection for the people saying those things since they're the ones who are guilty of some form of extremism. And when you call them out on it, they either shut down or try to deflect from it.
That's because, as they consistently do, and I mean consistently to the point of being extremely annoying and boring, the far right, who gaslit itself enough to think they're simply "conservatives", is projecting.
Lazy, stupid, manipulative branding. The Trump Playbook 101. Repeat it ad nauseum until it becomes normalized. "Sleepy Joe"... "Crooked Hilary"... we live in a time of destroyed attention spans. You see notices for news articles that tell you how many minutes of your life it will take to read ------
Remember how the Republicans and the centrists called Tim Walz radical because he wanted Guaranteed lunches for school children? The entire world laughed at America.
MAGA: we demand evidence! Now! We saw a suitcase!
States: we looked into it & no
MAGA: we riot & kill cops!
Us: Okay, guess he won somehow
Data scientists, professors, staticians, pollsters: results statistically impossible based on available data we went out of our way to review
It’s just frustrating to be compared to those who stormed the Capitol based on no data, just hate. We don’t have enough data and no one is calling for riots, just more data and analysis. That isn’t “radical” it is called the f’ing scientific method.
Radical is the correct sociological/academic term, though, just as “reactionary” belongs wholly to the rightwing. This has been the case since Napoleonic times.
It's a marketing term and the more it's said, the more people believe it. One thing Trump and Republicans know how to do is market. Dems totally suck at it.
For a long time Maga has been taking words that have been accurately applied to themselves and simply using them inaccurately to describe the Left. Bizarrely they don't seem to know what many of these words actually mean, creating weird constructions like "the fascist left".
Yeah.. that which disagrees with capitalism, white supremacy, and the status quo is crazy and stupid. That which does so, and is practical and doable, is radical.
It is a convenient moniker tho.
When someone uses it, you immediately know they CANNOT be reasoned with.
I used to ask them to explain, but either they can't or shit gets really weird. AKA cousins.
Bad argument on your last point, and it plays right into their hands... you've let them gaslight you.
I just want healthcare for everyone, pathological liars targeting Americans to be actually held accountable, & less Americans being brutally & senselessly murdered by guns.
Yes. Along the same lines, far too many suppose a radical conservative or right winger an oxymoron. It isn’t. In the context of the USA, anti-democracy, anti-US Constitution, anti-rule of law conservatives are truly radicals.
Truthfully, we should NOT have accepted the results of the last election within hours of polls closing, and the GOP candidates bragging beforehand they "had this".
Also a proven history of GOP cheating during two previous elections.
Then there's the unaccounted for mail-ins, the bomb threats at polling places, and the fact that he CONFESSED, TWICE now, that they rigged the results. All the swing states went to the same candidate, by the same margin? Absolutely not. The difference between now and 20 is that we HAVE the evidence.
Oklahoma school board repugnants are trying to change the state school curriculum to say the 2020 election was stolen. But that's not radical at all. 🙄🤦🏻♀️
I mean yeah but I totally think Trump cheated in all three elections and lost his mind in 2020 because he cheated and still lost. I guess I'm a radical.
These strategies are brewed up in foundations funded by billionaires.
Then they're fed into the rightwing echo chamber.
People need to wake up. If a talking head is pitting you against a group.
They are trying to control you.
It also stops the police from brutalizing the protesters: they’re cowards/bullies that don’t fuck with people who can fire back
I mean I would never do it, but it will make it easier to find the fash's in a target rich environment.
I just refuse to give up a tactical advantage.
As a 3 or 4 squares away from bottom left leftist, I wanted people to mask up and wash their hands and not use horse dewormer.
I didn't think that was extreme I thought it was looking out for my fellow people.
Radical Left
Left-wing media
Democrat party
Biden's terrible economy
And many more. The democrats need to learn to use more standard derogatory terms.
The list goes on.
Participating in a Coup.
Supporting a FELON.
However, what is normal in the mega base, is hate cruelty, racism, destroying democracy, voting for a felon.
We are against facism but we should tolerate their bigot views and facistic takeover.
We need the military on the side of democracy
I mean they call pelosi far left when in reality she's a center right neoliberal.
There is a huge divide between those two things.
She is the reason 70 million people hate Democrats.You want 57%return on investments,mimick her trades.inside trader QUEEN
I guess when you write the law you can make it say whatever you want.
I mean face it, if this was a western, they'd all be wearing black hats !
Since I was old enough to vote, it's always been the Dems trying to do good things for us, while the Pub have always tried to prevent or strip them away !
MAGA doesn’t read, own books or dictionaries so brainwashing is all they understand.
They love criminals, but weaponize words.
Continuing to reassess what works and what needs to be changed in a body of government, and taking action to agitate for these interests, is patriotic. (1/2)
This is exactly why the right to peaceably assemble is stitched into the fabric of the Constitution and American culture.
Dangerous radicalism is the result of oppression and censorship - when you leave the people no other option.
If they were, they would have acted on the felon-in-Chief that caused the insurrection and coup attemp and all the fuckers who supported him. We wouldn't be in this situation if they were.
Get tuit Dems.. 🫵
💙 Show up!
💙 Make signs!
💙 Bring friends!
💙 Alert local media!
💙 And keep up the boycotts!
Putin own’s them!
(Kinda 50s-ish.)
Thank you for sharing this meme,
States: we looked into it & no
MAGA: we riot & kill cops!
Us: Okay, guess he won somehow
Data scientists, professors, staticians, pollsters: results statistically impossible based on available data we went out of our way to review
It's actually the Radical Right.
When someone uses it, you immediately know they CANNOT be reasoned with.
I used to ask them to explain, but either they can't or shit gets really weird. AKA cousins.
And end legal corruption.
It’s crazy that we don’t.
Am not left, never have been. Half the time I don’t know what I am but wld say prob centre
I don’t dislike capitalism nor billionaires if they r decent
But I detest guns, violence, lies, corruption, abuse of any kind
That doesn’t make me a ‘leftie’ / it makes me normal
Also a proven history of GOP cheating during two previous elections.
The "science" during Covid HAS BEEN debunked.
And it is not Republicans who are blowing up car dealerships.
Oh, and Biden DID LOSE in 2020. Millions of votes for Joe--more than Obama got--(yeah right) in 2020, but not for Harris in 2024? 🤔
This is what frightens me!
They love their label maker..
No truth to it ever.