Another reminder:
Respiratory infections spread mainly through the air. That’s why they affect the lungs.
Masks, worn correctly and consistently, reduce the spread of respiratory infections.
Respirators work better than masks.
Washing hands isn’t wrong, but it won’t stop airborne transmission.
Respiratory infections spread mainly through the air. That’s why they affect the lungs.
Masks, worn correctly and consistently, reduce the spread of respiratory infections.
Respirators work better than masks.
Washing hands isn’t wrong, but it won’t stop airborne transmission.
That is one superstition that needs to disappear.
COVID Inquiry was told UK advice hasn't change to respirator masks and other airborne mitigations because our Government doesn't want admit their belief in droplet spread was always wrong. 😟
But washing hands makes no more difference to risk from airborne pathogens than washing your hair does.
For that - FFP3/N99 masks, ventilation and air cleaning.🙂
I mean it’s good to do it (and clearly there are a lot of people who will have better hygiene as a result), but…
As an aside it always amazes me that the ratio of urinals to sinks to hand dryers is so terrible…
„Not sure I believe that coronavirus droplets fall to the ground within a few feet, while measles, chickenpox, and tuberculosis can travel ~100 feet, but why do people think this?“
Frankly, ridiculous.
Still the same investigation year after year until he died.
Malhotra HAS lowered people's willingness to be vaccinated against anything.
Hospitals are full of vulnerable, poorly people who would rather be at home and staff who can’t work if they are ill.
Wearing masks helps reduce transmission of respiratory infection between patients and staff.
This is what we need in a TV advert
No matter how hard people want me to
Not trying to be critical, would really like to know. Is it an anxiety issue?
I cant deal with breath coming back onto my mouth from where the rapist put his hand over my mouth tight
I'd wear one if I could but trauma is trauma
The abuse I received on Xitter because of this was unreal
Even the thought makes me anxious
Mental scars never lwave you
Yes, it's why others who can should wear them.
'Especially' HCWs. None of us should be put at higher risk because we need to access health care.
I cant deal with breath coming back onto my mouth from where the rapist put his hand over my mouth tight
I'd wear one if I could but trauma is trauma
The abuse I received on Xitter because of this was unreal
Some people behaved very badly during the pandemic.
I understand your anxiety. I’m claustrophobic and my mask can feel confining when I’m feel tired, stress or facial pain. Stay strong!
If you’re clinically vulnerable be prepared to pick up a virus from other poorly patients or in my case the staff 😡
I prefer triangular prisms so they’re easier to move around the house and take up less floor space.
Cleaning the air means reducing the chance that everyone in the house passes around that respiratory bug—it’s about adding layers of protection.