I am not disposed to the argument that Brexit is excusable because people were lied to, fundamentally because:
- it played to horrible prejudices
- the electorate had multiple chances to correct this but failed.
- it played to horrible prejudices
- the electorate had multiple chances to correct this but failed.
It's done. Despite the lies.
The clock won't be turned back, nor should it be.
Perhaps joining, perhaps SM, but respecting Europe's rights and sovereignty. No more #hackingEurope, no more #ExtrawurstGroßbritannien
Bon app.
People who wanted to believe it, of course.
Then, just to put the frighteners on people, send them targeted Facebook ads to tip them over the edge.
Sadly we can’t fix stupid & stubborn.
“The EU wants to kill our cuppa” anyone? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-44966969
As it was, they were beaten in seven national votes consecutively, under three systems.
The rest of Europe needs to realize that.
Thing is that I see most of the rest of Europe being very much aware. We've had Farage-like figures in Austria since the 1990s, we've seen Berlusconi in Italy, LePen in France, Glistrup in Denmark and Orbán in Hungary.
Just the British didn't.
There was a lot of misinformation around and people voted to leave for a whole lot of different stupid reasons. Some as a protest against the government. Some didn't pay any attention to the real arguments and had no idea what the EU was until afterwards.
After something like this you mentally divide the country into the smart ones and the dumb ones.
That is because NL is a democracy.
Also as far as I know, Wilders doesn’t even want to leave the EU.
So no Brexit moment, not even close.
And because we were repeatedly told that Remain would win, many people didn’t take the referendum seriously or get involved in the campaign - I include myself in that group
Even the worst Leave voters had a right to expect they had some sort of a plan.
Yet, they were 100% correct - Cameron quit pretty much the second that the result dropped, didn't he?
Still cutting your nose off to spite your face, but they did achieve their stated goal.
Unless they blame Someone Else. Like me, for instance!
It is time to envision a better path that can lead you towards a remarkable future. Enjoy:
I am sorry about this outcome, but change has to come from the UK. (and it will)
They are not a part of the solution but a part of the problem.
There is no punishment.
Brexit was and still is a 100% UK problem. The solution starts in the UK although the EU and its MSs will of course be the final arbiter.
Arguing with the rules will always be counter-productive. Especially when the country is shrinking economically.
But, no doubt, many will.
[Sighs heavily]
But yeah, the failing of the Lib Dems to make ground has to be telling
Look, it's something that the UK had to go through. It's done.
Let's get the UK back on the road to Europe. But by the straight roads.
2010 23.0% 57
2015 7.9% 8
2017 7.4% 12
2019 11.6% 11
2024 12.2% 72
Europe was a big deal 2015-2019, and that's when they did terribly
But it was very unfairly treated following Indy1
The Scottish Government has done much to try and support EU nationals in very trying times.
Of course, we have a journey ahead of us, but we are working on it.
Better to look forward to the future, which still can be changed.
Or, in the case of indyref2, at least should be possibilities. I'm not a fan of WM denying Scotland the right to secede, if that's what the Scottish public want.
As long as Scotland remains part of the union, it's part of the union, and will be treated, by the rest of the world, little different from a region or province of a nation.
No grounds for Scotland treated differently, unlike w/ NI.
The way the union is handled in law is a disgrace, more generally. It makes it rather clear that it's actually "England and her closest colonies", lightly papered over.
In what world did they think everything would change for foreigners, and nothing would change for them?
And the voters voted for them.
Dissonant MPs were rarely re-elected.
Oh, do you not? Okay then. Guess you got nothing to complain about now.