One massive advantage the Right has: Republicans don't do "popularism." They certainly don't look at polling and decide all they can do is follow "public opinion." Instead, they actively shape opinion among their supporters to get in line with what they want to do. That's what Trump and Vance did.
Reposted from
ghosts of nomads past
wow. they're like actually braindead
Would love to see you and a cult expert in conversation about the current political climate.
The people do not get the truth.
No-one sits and helps them understand how they have been lied to.
It's unfixable without fixing this.
—George Orwell
They see the poll then they say let me see that by party affiliation. Then they call the dem voters retards and do whatever the republican voters want while simultaneously
scaring the shit out of them.
Dictatorial governments can be more decisive and they frequently decisively decide to drive off a cliff
Dems HATE to do that. They hate it because they feel it makes them sound dumb. So they ignore the fundamental law of marketing and let Rs set the agenda whenever they want with whatever they want.
Would be nice to see Dems stand on the courage of their convictions instead of listening to the perpetually wrong advice of dinosaurs like Rahm Emanuel and James Carville.
To many liberals are fair weather supports. No loyalty...!
They are very satisfied to withhold their votes at the drop of a hat.